Re: (i'm going to continue) millions in Africa on 'brink of starvation
Perfect answer! Thank you for that response, thought I was gonna gat trampled on there! Yes I agree with 99.9% of what you have mentioned - admittedly there is an enormous amount of work to be done in Africa and to mend and rebuild the relationship between the US/EU and Africa.
I firmly believe that Africa will, in the not too distant furture, be a profitable, stable and awesome continent.
With regards to Mbeki. I hold him in high regard. He has pioneered reform and racial intergration in South Africa, he has led by example and has proven over and over again that transformation requires a "willing buyer willing seller" strategy - and although reform is slow, imho, it is happening and we in this country can see that. With regards to NEPAD breaking it down - out of the say (not sure of the exact figures) 30 African countries, only about 8 - 9 actually paid what they agreed to, this level of unwillingness is just another mountain to climb in Mbeki's tireless efforts to bring stability, good governance and productivity back to the continent. Our efforts in Mozambique, Angola, Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda didn't happen overnight, it took ages for us to even get warring factions to meet and to keep them on very shaky peace treaties - but its working and we don't stop there, we go and invest in these countries. Yes, I agree South Africa will profit from these investments, but at least it remains in Africa!
Have a blast in Ghana, it's a beautiful country with a fantastic culture, eyebrow raising but fascinating at the same time!!
Perfect answer! Thank you for that response, thought I was gonna gat trampled on there! Yes I agree with 99.9% of what you have mentioned - admittedly there is an enormous amount of work to be done in Africa and to mend and rebuild the relationship between the US/EU and Africa.
I firmly believe that Africa will, in the not too distant furture, be a profitable, stable and awesome continent.
With regards to Mbeki. I hold him in high regard. He has pioneered reform and racial intergration in South Africa, he has led by example and has proven over and over again that transformation requires a "willing buyer willing seller" strategy - and although reform is slow, imho, it is happening and we in this country can see that. With regards to NEPAD breaking it down - out of the say (not sure of the exact figures) 30 African countries, only about 8 - 9 actually paid what they agreed to, this level of unwillingness is just another mountain to climb in Mbeki's tireless efforts to bring stability, good governance and productivity back to the continent. Our efforts in Mozambique, Angola, Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda didn't happen overnight, it took ages for us to even get warring factions to meet and to keep them on very shaky peace treaties - but its working and we don't stop there, we go and invest in these countries. Yes, I agree South Africa will profit from these investments, but at least it remains in Africa!

Have a blast in Ghana, it's a beautiful country with a fantastic culture, eyebrow raising but fascinating at the same time!!
