new macs

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  • Jenks
    I'm kind of a big deal.
    • Jun 2004
    • 10250

    Re: new macs

    Originally posted by jeffrey collins
    FL? You actually use that thing?
    you would be surprised how many producers use FL exclusively, and run successful labels.

    it's more powerful than you think. their biggest mistake was naming it "fruity loops"...which they realized, and changed it to FL Studio. A lot of the records i buy are made only with FL.


    • palmer
      Retired or Simply Important
      • Jun 2004
      • 5383

      Re: new macs

      Originally posted by asdf_admin
      i want the new imac. that thing looks smoking. for the price to cost ... it is worth to get an apple. the only thing is ... it is a very small apple world. i can not wait when apple ports it's OS to pc ... that is the future for apple. they have already took the first step.
      I'm told you can boot into xp on these bitches.

      When I get a laptop I'm getting one of these. Sexy and light. Uh huh.
      art direction | design | animation


      • Jenks
        I'm kind of a big deal.
        • Jun 2004
        • 10250

        Re: new macs


        osx on pc:


        • Lorn
          Looking for a title!
          • Sep 2004
          • 5826

          Re: new macs

          Originally posted by jeffrey collins
          FL? You actually use that thing?
          Yep...I use it as a VST plugin for a drum machine its killer.


          • jeffrey collins
            Not cool enough
            • Jun 2004
            • 7427

            Re: new macs

            Originally posted by Jenks
            you would be surprised how many producers use FL exclusively, and run successful labels.

            it's more powerful than you think. their biggest mistake was naming it "fruity loops"...which they realized, and changed it to FL Studio. A lot of the records i buy are made only with FL.
            I would really like to know who uses it. I understand the drum machine on it is really easy to use.

            I just really wanna know what producers might use it.
            Jeffrey Collins: Painter
            My Painting Blog

            My Soundcloud page.


            • Lorn
              Looking for a title!
              • Sep 2004
              • 5826

              Re: new macs

              Originally posted by jeffrey collins
              I would really like to know who uses it. I understand the drum machine on it is really easy to use.

              I just really wanna know what producers might use it.
              I'm pretty sure Ozgur Can uses it..


              • supaz
                Platinum Poster
                • Jun 2004
                • 1493

                Re: new macs

                The new macbooks look cool and all, but for 2 grand...come on...


                • DigitalReason
                  Addiction started
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 342

                  Re: new macs

                  that laptop looks neat...


                  • jeffrey collins
                    Not cool enough
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 7427

                    Re: new macs

                    Ozgur has some nice beats and sounds in his productions. Good for him.
                    Jeffrey Collins: Painter
                    My Painting Blog

                    My Soundcloud page.


                    • neoee
                      Platinum Poster
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 1266

                      Re: new macs

                      Originally posted by palmer
                      I'm told you can boot into xp on these bitches.
                      I might consider buying one next time I upgrade if thats the case. Though they still have to reduce the size and weight more.
                      "They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security." -Benjamin Franklin


                      • jeffrey collins
                        Not cool enough
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 7427

                        Re: new macs

                        weight of the macs. Are you speaking of the Imac, or the powermacs. The Imac doesn't weigh that much. But hell, it's got all you need contained in that one box.
                        Jeffrey Collins: Painter
                        My Painting Blog

                        My Soundcloud page.


                        • miketpoto
                          Shabisquik The Ghetto Queen
                          • Jan 2005
                          • 4223

                          Re: new macs

                          OK, i just happened upon this thread from a few months back and noticed a few things...

                          You all probably know much I hate to make a big fuss about anything, and am not the type to go on a rant or second guess anyone... but here goes...

                          ON PRICING

                          "The new macbooks look cool and all, but for 2 grand...come on..."

                          "They must be fucking takin a piss with that pricetag."

                          "Twice the price, half the applications, go apple!!"
                          A PC laptop with the equivalent components and capabiities costs just as much if not more than a Macbook or the current powerbook. I use the words "equivilent capability" very loosely in regards to reliability/dependability issues with OS stability and networking versatility.

                          Additionally, powerbooks from over three years ago are still kickin and getting the job done as fast as they did day one (even faster than that actually with the latest version of OSX) and aside from being from the era of [USB 1.0 ] [30g HD] [pre-gigabit ethernet] (things that I dont miss) but are manageble with the firewire and PC/MIA ports and slots...

                          They are built to last and $2,000 for a SOUPED, SLIM, & LIGHT LAPTOP that has perhaps a four year life if not more, while still being able to run new and updated software reliably and practically.... that is really fucking reasonable.... just ask someone who has one.

                          I'd love a solid list of windows applications that are assumed to be unavailable or do not have an equivelant if not better counterpart on OSX... I am still surprised and impressed when discovering things I can do with my Mac that aren't even new, rather, new to me and that I never thought could be so simple or possible (mostly with batch workflows/organization/archiving/customization of workspace and layout/ease of navigation in and between applications as well as the OS/system preferences)...

                          I know some places have custom software that is intregral to their operations and conversion wouldn't be at all practical on a company-wide level, and thats completely understandable... I just think that cross platform compatibility is a lot more versatile than a lot of people would like to think.

                          ON NAMES

                          the name "macbook" sounds fucking lame imo, i like "powerbook" better.
                          I feel you on that one brotha...

                          ON MEMORIES

                          "it's not my fault"
                          haha i remember those days...
                          Wow, now that u mention it, in middle school i used them and I hated that shit too... Part
                          of the reason I was a big time mac hater till OSX came out.

                          ON GETTING SOME

                          "I might consider buying one next time I upgrade if thats the case. Though they still have to reduce the size and weight more."

                          "i want the new imac. that thing looks smoking. for the price to cost ... it is worth to get an apple. the only thing is ... it is a very small apple world. i can not wait when apple ports it's OS to pc ..."
                          The size and wieght of an iMac or a Macbook? The iMac is a desktop and not a portable machine, it's just all built into the flat display and isn't much heavier than an just a display of the same size.... and the Macbook is Hella-thin and Supa-Light... ???

                          Think of the small apple world as the VIP section and don't worry about networking and finding likewise minded individuals that can help and spoil you with "stuff you might need for your mac" ok?

                          FUCK I need to go to bed NOW....


                          • neoee
                            Platinum Poster
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 1266

                            Re: new macs

                            Originally posted by miketpoto
                            The size and wieght of an iMac or a Macbook? The iMac is a desktop and not a portable machine, it's just all built into the flat display and isn't much heavier than an just a display of the same size.... and the Macbook is Hella-thin and Supa-Light... ???
                            I was talking about the powerbook (or Macbook, or whatever its called now). My current notebook is still smaller and lighter:

                            • Weight:
                            2.76 lbs. with standard battery (weight is approximate and may vary)

                            • Size (W x H x D):
                            10.7” x 0.83” - 1.12” x 7.7”
                            "They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security." -Benjamin Franklin


                            • djprieto
                              Getting Somewhere
                              • Aug 2004
                              • 222

                              Re: new macs

                              One thing is for sure, Mac is only going to get more popular going Bill you better watch out...
                              Infinity is just a state of mind..


                              • fumanchu182
                                Angantyr The Ruthless
                                • Jun 2004
                                • 962

                                Re: new macs

                                If anyone cares to know, M$ OWNS STOCK IN APPLE... so M$ doesn't have to worry about shite djprieto...

                                Anywho I just made nachos...

                                (Also new renditions of the OSX system have a unix/linux core, eat shit and die Mac nerds.)
                                The sailors of the United States Navy are among the most disciplined, devoted, and well-trained fighting men the world has ever known. They drink gasoline and piss fire, The spit bullets and shit bombs, and will swim across the ocean with a knife in their teeth just for the chance to carve up those that threaten their homeland.

