new macs

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  • anonin
    Juvenile Delinquent
    • Oct 2005
    • 2347

    Re: new macs

    Originally posted by miketpoto

    A PC laptop with the equivalent components and capabiities costs just as much if not more than a Macbook or the current powerbook. I use the words "equivilent capability" very loosely in regards to reliability/dependability issues with OS stability and networking versatility.

    Additionally, powerbooks from over three years ago are still kickin and getting the job done as fast as they did day one (even faster than that actually with the latest version of OSX) and aside from being from the era of [USB 1.0 ] [30g HD] [pre-gigabit ethernet] (things that I dont miss) but are manageble with the firewire and PC/MIA ports and slots...

    They are built to last and $2,000 for a SOUPED, SLIM, & LIGHT LAPTOP that has perhaps a four year life if not more, while still being able to run new and updated software reliably and practically.... that is really fucking reasonable.... just ask someone who has one.

    I'd love a solid list of windows applications that are assumed to be unavailable or do not have an equivelant if not better counterpart on OSX... I am still surprised and impressed when discovering things I can do with my Mac that aren't even new, rather, new to me and that I never thought could be so simple or possible (mostly with batch workflows/organization/archiving/customization of workspace and layout/ease of navigation in and between applications as well as the OS/system preferences)...

    I know some places have custom software that is intregral to their operations and conversion wouldn't be at all practical on a company-wide level, and thats completely understandable... I just think that cross platform compatibility is a lot more versatile than a lot of people would like to think.
    thanks, thats a very good explanation, i actually sent that ^ to my mom (with a few edits of course ) to help persuade her to buy me a new macbook pro, i think shes gonna do it!!!


    • hypoluxxa
      Are you Kidding me??
      • Jun 2004
      • 3371

      Re: new macs


      Good Luck!


      • miketpoto
        Shabisquik The Ghetto Queen
        • Jan 2005
        • 4223

        Re: new macs

        I just had really amazing sushi


        • jeffrey collins
          Not cool enough
          • Jun 2004
          • 7427

          Re: new macs

          Mike likes to think he's a coy fish sometimes but we all know he's a huge mac fan.
          Jeffrey Collins: Painter
          My Painting Blog

          My Soundcloud page.


          • jesteraver
            Getting Somewhere
            • Mar 2006
            • 180

            Re: new macs

            i so want to get the new iMac... fed up of my iMac G5 lol


            • fixxer
              Getting warmed up
              • Mar 2006
              • 81

              Re: new macs

              I switched to Mac in november '05. I first got a Mac mini, just to check it out. Now i have a 20" imac G5 and a ibook 12" aswel. The mini is hooked up to my 50" HDTV in the livingroom with bluetooth muse and keyboard. Rocks!

              And i have connected a 19" LCD monitor to the iMac, dual display is crucial when using Aperture

              I simply love OSX. Only PC i have now is my newly buildt storage server wich sounds like a jet-turbine and stands in the addic.
              Get your partyhat on!



              • miketpoto
                Shabisquik The Ghetto Queen
                • Jan 2005
                • 4223

                Re: new macs

                Originally posted by fixxer
                I switched to Mac in november '05. I first got a Mac mini, just to check it out. Now i have a 20" imac G5 and a ibook 12" aswel. The mini is hooked up to my 50" HDTV in the livingroom with bluetooth muse and keyboard. Rocks!

                And i have connected a 19" LCD monitor to the iMac, dual display is crucial when using Aperture

                I simply love OSX. Only PC i have now is my newly buildt storage server wich sounds like a jet-turbine and stands in the addic.
                You are good people. Congratulations! Sounds like you've got a shweet setup, lemme know if you need any mac-help....

                Also, I am curious as to what about aperture you find to be the biggest benefits/tools.... I havent delved very deep into it yet, although I've had it installed for a while now, and I'd love some motivation...


                • fixxer
                  Getting warmed up
                  • Mar 2006
                  • 81

                  Re: new macs

                  Miketpoto: Yeah it's allright

                  What i like about Aperture is offcourse that yuu can make multiple versions of one image without messing with the original. The way you organize and stack images are cool aswell. Select multiple images for viewing and rating them makes creating an album easy.

                  if you check my website, below, i have some photos for your viewing pleasure
                  Get your partyhat on!



                  • miketpoto
                    Shabisquik The Ghetto Queen
                    • Jan 2005
                    • 4223

                    Re: new macs

                    Originally posted by fixxer
                    Miketpoto: Yeah it's allright

                    What i like about Aperture is offcourse that yuu can make multiple versions of one image without messing with the original. The way you organize and stack images are cool aswell. Select multiple images for viewing and rating them makes creating an album easy.

                    if you check my website, below, i have some photos for your viewing pleasure
                    will check @ work 2day


                    • feather
                      Shanghai ooompa loompa
                      • Jul 2004
                      • 20903

                      Re: new macs

                      I just started using an ibook at work. Coming from using a Wintel system all my life, the switch was surprisingly easy and intuitive. Took me an afternoon to work out most of the essential bits I need, customize the interface and install some cool freewares. I think what surprised me most was not how many mac freewares there are out there, but how innovative a lot of them are.

                      From my recent experience, I've decided Wintel is a more technical experience while the mac is more about usability--you don't have to/want to/need to fiddle under the hood.

                      Definitely keen to check out the new ibooks when they get released.


                      Originally posted by Hoff
                      a powerful and insane mothership that occasionally comes commanded by the real ones .. then suck us and makes us appear in the most magical of all lands
                      Originally posted by m1sT3rL
                      Oh. My. God. James absolutely obliterated the island tonight. The last time there was so much destruction, Obi Wan Kenobi had to take a seat on the Falcon after the Death Star said "hi and bye" to Leia's homeworld.

                      I got pics and video. But I will upload them in the morning. I need to smoke this nice phat joint and just close my eyes and replay the amazingness in my head.


                      • ZendoBro
                        Mr. Roboto
                        • Dec 2004
                        • 864

                        Re: new macs

                        I just got one of the new iMac Intels a couple days ago and I'm loving it. All the little things that Mac thought of make the Mac experience a better one in my opinion.
                        I am no cyberwhore...


                        • asdf_admin
                          i use to be important
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 12798

                          Re: new macs

                          I am waiting till late April or so. There is a word a new proc and setup will be aval. I am excited. The only bums news is that the intel chip mac runs right now is 32bit, which is kinda traveling behind in time for apple. I will wait till the new macs come out, and suck one up.

                          dead, yet alive.


                          • miketpoto
                            Shabisquik The Ghetto Queen
                            • Jan 2005
                            • 4223

                            Re: new macs

                            Originally posted by asdf_admin
                            I am waiting till late April or so. There is a word a new proc and setup will be aval. I am excited. The only bums news is that the intel chip mac runs right now is 32bit, which is kinda traveling behind in time for apple. I will wait till the new macs come out, and suck one up.

                            Yeah, the pro machines arent even announced yet, but even the new intel iMacs have the capability of performing in 64bit (it's on the DL cause it's not operable at all yet I guess) but as with all big new steps there will be some testing and rethinking I am sure...

                            As for pro machines, mac rumour sites and everyone in my department concurs that it will definitely be a 64bit without a doubt, so dont worry....

                            From my recent experience, I've decided Wintel is a more technical experience while the mac is more about usability--you don't have to/want to/need to fiddle under the hood.
                            But don't forget to mention that "a technical experience" means essentially you'll be debugging or troubleshooting things that are fluid, stable, and a non-issue on the mac... It's all fun and good to have a brain in your head, but to waste your time and productivity to figure out a solution on your own or a "fix" for no reason other than vanity or pride... thats retarded... (i know some of these people)

                            anyway, payday, woohoo


                            • asdf_admin
                              i use to be important
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 12798

                              Re: new macs

                              still waiting. It's like apples so many year ana. So they will release probably something cool. I really can not wait.
                              dead, yet alive.


                              • miketpoto
                                Shabisquik The Ghetto Queen
                                • Jan 2005
                                • 4223

                                Re: new macs

                                Originally posted by asdf_admin
                                still waiting. It's like apples so many year ana. So they will release probably something cool. I really can not wait.
                                I'm all for holding out till the new pro machines are released, that only makes sense when purchasing something as high end as they are... But don't hold off any longer than that, cause seriously, my dual G5 here at work leaves me wanting for nothing pretty much always... There's very little I can even imagine you wouldnt be able to do with the intel pro's, so the line stops there freaky-bitch, umkay?

