Datum: 14.04.2006 od 22:00 hodin
M?sto kon?n?: Průmyslov? pal?c, V?stavi?tě, Praha 7
DJ Sasha je podle n?s to nejzaj?mavěj?? a nejprogresivněj??, co současn? elektronika nab?z?. Pozvali jsme Dje Sashu, aby předvedl, co znamen? progressive trance roku 2006.
V roce 1997, kdy se navr?tila presti?n? anketa DJ magu Top 100 DJs skončil na třet?m m?stě, v roce 2000 dokonce na prvn?m a stabilně se dr?? v prvn? pětce. Letos obsadil čtvrt? m?sto za Armin Van Buurenem před Ferry Corstenem. Nejde tedy o ??dnou rychlokva?ku, ale ji? dlouhou dobu stabilně nejvy??? kvalitu si udr?uj?c?ho Dje. V Česk? republice vystoupil dvakr?t, poprv? 14.07.2001 na druh?ch narozenin?ch ZENu v Roxy a podruh? 04.07.2002 na festivalu Open Air Field před koncertem Chemical Brothers. Pamětn?ci si jistě vzpomenou, ?e Sasha ji? tehdy hypnotizoval sv?m specificky klidn?m a z?roveň tanečn?m pojet?m elektroniky.
Sasha byl v?dy o krok napřed a sp??e určoval trendy ne? ?e by se jimi ř?dil. V současnosti s sebou na vystoupen? nevoz? tě?kou bra?nu s vinyly, ale stejně jako např?klad dal?? vizion?ř Richie Hawtin pou??v? Apple laptop a program Ableton Live. Posledn? regul?rn? album Involver vy?lo v ř?jnu minul? rok na značce Global Underground a aktu?lně tamt?? mixovan? kompilace Fundacion NYC.
Chceme z?bavu pro dospěl? clubbery, chceme, aby kvalita zv?tězila nad kvantitou a chceme n?v?těvn?ky, kteř? dočetli a? sem, proto?e znaj? tvorbu Dje Sashy a respektuj? ji.
Předprodej vstupenek v s?ti Ticketpro:
Cena předprodej do 31.12.2005: 290,- Kč plus poplatek
Cena předprodej do 28.02.2006: 390,- Kč plus poplatek
Cena předprodej do 14.04.2005: 490,- Kč plus poplatek
Cena na m?stě: 550,- Kč plus poplatek
There are DJs who turn up, play records and make people dance. And there are producers who make the dancefloor-igniting records those DJs will kill for. There are very few people in dance music who can do both and Sasha is the leader of the pack. Ever since he rode in on a tidal wave of adoration from the North of England's explosive early 90s club scene, that magic touch has made Alexander Coe one of the most famous, most revered DJ on the planet.
It's because of what he can do with music - the way he can make good records sound better, great records sound awesome, and everything he plays into his own. The way his mixes take elements from across the spectrum of electronic dance, from trance, breaks, progressive and deep house, and create a languidly hypnotic liquid groove. The way his understanding of both melody and momentum can tease, taunt, and en-trance a dancefloor before unleashing a record that will have people not just leaping up and down but bursting with emotion. The best DJs know that Djing is first about being able to read people and then about being able to tap into that human experience and take it on a journey. Sasha has always been noted for being a master at this and it is this universal appeal that he has tapped into that has established his strong fanbase around the globe.
Price till 31.12.2005: 290,- CZK + Duty
Price till 28.02.2006: 390,- CZK + Duty
Price till 14.04.2005: 490,- CZK + Duty
Price on the spot 550,- CZK + Duty