A little perspective on Iran

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  • thesightless
    Someone will marry me. Hell Yeah!
    • Jun 2004
    • 13567

    Re: A little perspective on Iran

    just level the whole region. mass genocide, make it epic. carpet bomb and bunker buster every square inch from the meditteranean ((sp)) to india. use nukes if ya have to. just kill em all and end the problems between societies. do it for the history books. we could have rape squads going around and molesting people in the streets. after letting all the american criminals loose in the country with blades and hooks and a free pass we could hang the dead off bridges by thier feet and put cruxifixes on thier bodies to dishonor them. then we could hire some rednecks to write mohammed sucks the dick in crop circles throughout the region. then we could use subliminal messaging on the youth and turn them all into buddist monks and have them fight in martial arts tourneys. the young females would provide maids to most of the world.

    just an idea.
    your life is an occasion, rise to it.

    Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
    download that. deep shit listed there

    my dick is its own superhero.


    • Leha
      Addiction started
      • Jun 2004
      • 483

      Re: A little perspective on Iran

      Originally posted by Jenks
      That's a pretty cool picture! It's also a very bad idea regarding Iran. I hear this alot, "Military strikes on Iran!!!" Come on people, bombing is not a serious option. At best a strike would set Iran back a bit, but it would also inflame public opinion there and unify the nation against the west and only add to their determination to go nuclear. Iran has 3 times the population of Iraq, and they're much more a proud country than Iraq. Iran could retaliate easily, especially with all those troops right next door sitting in Iraq. And then where are we? in a lot worse situation than we've got now.
      At least some objects have to be destroyed. But it could be a problem the next day, half of Iran will be in Iraq for sure


      • evangelion
        Platinum Poster
        • Jun 2004
        • 1999

        Re: A little perspective on Iran

        Originally posted by thesightless
        Originally posted by dig72
        Pretty big statements to make don't you think?

        Former hostage taker? Has this been proven?

        Silently making nukes? Has this also been proven?
        well with your thinking, we wont know until he uses the nukes, and regarding the hostage taking, there are pics that damn well show its him, he denies it, every hostage says its him. he was one of the embassy attackers.

        so until something blows up, we just have to wait to see what they were doing>? why isnt he allowing the IAEA to inspect and monitor?

        Exactly!!! I get so sick of this "Where's your proof??" or "Has that ever been proven??" So unwilling to call a spade a spade, it is ridiculous.


        • dig72
          Gold Gabber
          • Nov 2004
          • 882

          Re: A little perspective on Iran

          Originally posted by evangelion
          Exactly!!! I get so sick of this "Where's your proof??" or "Has that ever been proven??" So unwilling to call a spade a spade, it is ridiculous.

          So asking for proof/evidence is a bad thing these days, is it?

          (sorry for late response)
          “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”
          Marcus Tullius Cicero


          • Commissar
            Fresh Peossy
            • Jan 2006
            • 13

            Re: A little perspective on Iran

            I totally agree that US != Bush .. I know that most of american people are against his policy and it's not their guilt except for they were responsible to bring him to the whitehouse for 8 years ... but for Iran I agree that Iran=Ahmednejad .. and that's because he was facing Rafsengany in the election and the last was supposed to me more popular but Nejad is really surrounded by most of Irani people specially the poor people, also he is against US and Israel, all people there are like him and that's why they all support him ... more to say that Iran is not Iraq, meaning it's not that easy for US to strike Iran because :

            1) Iran is a very strong country and has powerful army, so the US can't enter a direct war in the Irani lands

            2) US can't even do any air or missle strikes cause the Irani nucleur places are all very heavy guarded besides they are located deep in the underground

            3) Even if they did any air strike, Iran has a very strong and powerful weapons and missles and most important they have all the american troops and bases in Iraq and arabian gulf just some miles away so these locations will be a very seductive targets

            4) Iran also has plenty of different missles with different ranges, most of them can easily reach Tel Aviv


            • davetlv
              Platinum Poster
              • Jun 2004
              • 1205

              Re: A little perspective on Iran

              Originally posted by Commissar
              4) Iran also has plenty of different missles with different ranges, most of them can easily reach Tel Aviv
              And Israel has a FAR superior armed forces and FAR superior weapons, and I'm sure the Iranians know that.

              The fanatic posing as President realises only too well what Israel is capable of, this is why the lunatic is just postering to the masses, he's unable to actually deliver any of his veiled threats.

              But I say to him, and all other fanatics who think they can threaten my country, BRING IT ON SUCKERS.


              • Commissar
                Fresh Peossy
                • Jan 2006
                • 13

                Re: A little perspective on Iran

                Israel is the storngest country in the world not only the middle east! .. only to mention Israel have more than 200 nucleur bomb .. but if Israel do any air strike against Iran, Iran will respond with balestic missles then Israel will respond and so on .. destruction all over !!


                • davetlv
                  Platinum Poster
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 1205

                  Re: A little perspective on Iran

                  Originally posted by Commissar
                  Israel is the storngest country in the world not only the middle east! .. only to mention Israel have more than 200 nucleur bomb .. but if Israel do any air strike against Iran, Iran will respond with balestic missles then Israel will respond and so on .. destruction all over !!
                  Whilst neither denying nor confirming the extent of my countrys nuclear arsnel, i say this:

                  If Israel was going to use nuclear weapons, then we would have used them in 73 when see was attacked from all sides on the holiest day of our year. Since then our army has modernised and become one of the most well equipped armies on this planet. The technology open to us today is far superior to nuclear weapons and we have ways of neutralising threats without resorting to weapons that will kill our own citizens.

                  The difference between Israel having nuclear weapons and Iran is that Israel is not stupid enough to use them - she cares more about her citizens then the current fanatic in Tehran.


                  • PROG
                    Gold Gabber
                    • Aug 2005
                    • 624

                    Re: A little perspective on Iran

                    well since you guys both believe that Iran and Isreal have nuclear weapons. i say you guys both go at it..i dont see why we Americans have to do that dirty job. i call both of the nations bluffs. neither of you guys have nukes. and if Isreal needs back up then we'll be there.


                    • KinKyJ
                      Platinum Poser
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 13438

                      Re: A little perspective on Iran

                      Originally posted by PROG
                      well since you guys both believe that Iran and Isreal have nuclear weapons. i say you guys both go at it..i dont see why we Americans have to do that dirty job. i call both of the nations bluffs. neither of you guys have nukes. and if Isreal needs back up then we'll be there.
                      Got anything to back that statement up or are you just confusing opinions with slogans again? Since you seem to get all your knowledge from Fox News or whatever ur watching on the telly, I suggest you rent The Sum of All Fears. That should be enlightning cuz I guess this article from the FAS on the subject contains too many long words for you: http://www.fas.org/nuke/guide/israel/nuke/index.html


                      • evangelion
                        Platinum Poster
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 1999

                        Re: A little perspective on Iran

                        Good god, how weak.

                        If I had 1 cent for everytime I have seen someone who thinks they know politics rip out the "Fox News" card...I would be a millionaire twice over.


                        • KinKyJ
                          Platinum Poser
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 13438

                          Re: A little perspective on Iran

                          Originally posted by evangelion
                          Good god, how weak.

                          If I had 1 cent for everytime I have seen someone who thinks they know politics rip out the "Fox News" card...I would be a millionaire twice over.
                          And if my cat was a cow, I could milk her under the stove


                          • Xessex
                            Getting warmed up
                            • Apr 2006
                            • 92

                            Re: A little perspective on Iran

                            Originally posted by davetlv
                            Whilst neither denying nor confirming the extent of my countrys nuclear arsnel, i say this:

                            If Israel was going to use nuclear weapons, then we would have used them in 73 when see was attacked from all sides on the holiest day of our year. Since then our army has modernised and become one of the most well equipped armies on this planet. The technology open to us today is far superior to nuclear weapons and we have ways of neutralising threats without resorting to weapons that will kill our own citizens.

                            The difference between Israel having nuclear weapons and Iran is that Israel is not stupid enough to use them - she cares more about her citizens then the current fanatic in Tehran.
                            Like Teheran would use them. If they use it possibly to lets say nuke Israel well first of all what would they gain by it. Israel is just a tiny spot on the map, especially compared to Iran. But lets say they might do it...well i think there wouldnt be left a single bit of Iran within no-time. Both the EU as the US would bomb the shit out of Iran.

                            So trust me Iran would not bomb any country so quickly. The only real chance they would ever do that is when they get full support by the Russians. Than they might possibly consider attacking a country. On their own they are just too volnurable.
                            Be as intelligent as you are not!


                            • KinKyJ
                              Platinum Poser
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 13438

                              Re: A little perspective on Iran

                              Originally posted by Xessex
                              Like Teheran would use them. If they use it possibly to lets say nuke Israel well first of all what would they gain by it. Israel is just a tiny spot on the map, especially compared to Iran. But lets say they might do it...well i think there wouldnt be left a single bit of Iran within no-time. Both the EU as the US would bomb the shit out of Iran.

                              So trust me Iran would not bomb any country so quickly. The only real chance they would ever do that is when they get full support by the Russians. Than they might possibly consider attacking a country. On their own they are just too volnurable.
                              Well, you never know how far religious frenzy might push the Iranians... Allah Attackbar 'n' all


                              • Xessex
                                Getting warmed up
                                • Apr 2006
                                • 92

                                Re: A little perspective on Iran

                                Originally posted by KinKyJ
                                Well, you never know how far religious frenzy might push the Iranians... Allah Attackbar 'n' all
                                I wonder if all their rockets are pointed towards Mekka really
                                Be as intelligent as you are not!

