Send them back to Europe

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  • davetlv
    Platinum Poster
    • Jun 2004
    • 1205

    Send them back to Europe

    What is it about that imbicile masquareding as the President of Iran. Would any other country accept this type of behaviour and language.

    Iran's leader challenges Europe to take back Jews in Israel
    By The Associated Press

    DAMASCUS - In a new attack on the existence of Israel, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has challenged Europe to take back the Jews who emigrated to Israel, adding that no Jews would remain in Israel if Europe were to open its doors.

    Ahmadinejad delivered the challenge after arriving in Syria for a two-day visit on Thursday. Addressing Europe, he asked: "Would you open the doors of your own countries to these (Jewish) immigrants so that they could travel to any part of Europe they chose?"

    "Would you offer the necessary guarantees that you would provide for their security when they came to your countries and not allow another anti-Semitic wave in Europe?" he added in an apparent reference to recent attacks on Jewish cemeteries and properties in European states.

    Ahmadinejad provoked an international outcries last year when he said Israel should be "wiped out" and that the Nazi Holocaust against Jews in World War II was a "myth."

    In his comments in the Syrian capital, which Iran's official Islamic Republic News Agency reported Friday, Ahmadinejad forecast that the West would not answer the questions he had posed but would instead accuse him of "talking against global peace."

    He said Europe should welcome Jewish people to prove its sincerity in supporting people's freedoms.

    He added he was confident that no Jews would remain in Israel if European countries allowed them to immigrate.

    Ahmadinejad left Syria late Friday to return to Iran.

  • mixu
    Travel Guru Extraordinaire
    • Jun 2004
    • 1115

    Re: Send them back to Europe

    Do you think if everyone ignored him he'd shut up?
    Ask me a question...


    • BSully828
      Platinum Poster
      • Jun 2004
      • 1221

      Re: Send them back to Europe

      Originally posted by mixu
      Do you think if everyone ignored him he'd shut up?
      Sadly, the same was said about:

      Pol Pot

      just to name a few...
      Imagination was given to man to compensate him for what he is not;
      a sense of humor to console him for what he is.


      • mixu
        Travel Guru Extraordinaire
        • Jun 2004
        • 1115

        Re: Send them back to Europe

        Methinks he's a little bit more rhetoric than the above...
        Ask me a question...


        • davetlv
          Platinum Poster
          • Jun 2004
          • 1205

          Re: Send them back to Europe

          Originally posted by mixu
          Methinks he's a little bit more rhetoric than the above...
          The same could be said in 1925 when Mein Kampf was published. . . no?

          The bottom line is now you have a President of country in the UN who is publicly calling for the destruction of another UN member state.

          The same President who is hell bent of developing nuclear technology claiming its for civillian purposes, whilst their own oil wells will keep them going long after all of us have died.

          Sorry mixu, you might think its not a serious matter, but those of us who are being threatened by this man do.


          • Yao
            DUDERZ get a life!!!
            • Jun 2004
            • 8167

            Re: Send them back to Europe

            Hey, you can always come and stay with me David :d

            It seems to me that Ahmadinejad is playing a game here with the Western countries, trying to anger them and provoke a reaction. Maybe he's looking for a reason to strike back, or simply enjoying the agitation he's created with his remarks. There's only one thing for sure: he makes them with a reason, I just have no clue to what his agenda is.
            Blowkick visual & graphic design - No Civilization. Now With Broadband.

            There are but three true sports -- bullfighting, mountain climbing, and motor-racing. The rest are merely games. -Hemingway


            • davetlv
              Platinum Poster
              • Jun 2004
              • 1205

              Re: Send them back to Europe

              Originally posted by Yao
              Hey, you can always come and stay with me David :d
              Now where did I put my UK/EU passport. . . .

              Originally posted by Yao
              It seems to me that Ahmadinejad is playing a game here with the Western countries, trying to anger them and provoke a reaction. Maybe he's looking for a reason to strike back, or simply enjoying the agitation he's created with his remarks. There's only one thing for sure: he makes them with a reason, I just have no clue to what his agenda is.
              I think his agenda is clear. . . this piece from the Daily Times, Pakistan, 05.01.06

              Originally posted by Daily Times
              As the world prepares to confront an Iranian regime that continues to defy the International Atomic Energy Agency on its nuclear programmes, we must listen to what Iran?s leaders say as we watch what they do. A religious zealot with nuclear weapons is a dangerous combination the world cannot afford to tolerate

              With negotiations over Iran?s nuclear programme looming once again, understanding Iran?s new president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is critically important. Perhaps the best place to start is the moment the world first gained a glimpse of Ahmadinejad?s character and hard-line programme.

              When President Ahmadinejad addressed the United Nations in New York last September, he suddenly felt himself surrounded by light. It wasn?t the stage lighting, he said. It was light from heaven. Ahmadinejad related his otherworldly experience in a videotaped meeting with a prominent ayatollah in Tehran. A transcript of his comments and sections of the videotape wound up on a hard-line, pro-regime website,

              According to the transcript, Ahmadinejad said that a member of his entourage at the UN meeting first told him of the light. ?When you began with the words ?In the name of God?... I saw a light coming, surrounding you and protecting you to the end [of the speech].? Ahmadinejad confirmed sensing a similar presence. ?I felt it myself, too, that suddenly the atmosphere changed and for 27-28 minutes the leaders could not blink.... They had their eyes and ears open for the message from the Islamic Republic,? he told Ayatollah Javadi-Amoli.

              Ahmadinejad?s ?vision? at the UN could be dismissed as political posturing if it weren?t for a string of similar statements and actions that suggest he believes that he is destined to bring about the ?end times? ? the end of the world ? by paving the way for the return of the Shia Muslim messiah. Given that Iran continues to pursue suspect nuclear programmes, which could bring the Islamic Republic dangerously close to weapons capability, a leader with messianic visions is worrying. After all, this is the same man who recently pledged to use Iran?s newfound power to ?wipe Israel off the map? and to ?destroy America?.

              In a November 16 speech in Tehran to senior clerics who had come from all over Iran to hear him, the new president said that the main mission of his government was to ?pave the path for the glorious reappearance of Imam Mahdi (may God hasten his reappearance).? The mystical 12th Imam of Shia Islam disappeared as a child in 941 CE, and Shia Muslims have awaited his reappearance ever since, believing that when he returns, he will reign on earth for seven years, before bringing about the Last Judgment and the end of the world.

              In order to prepare for the Mahdi, Ahmadinejad said, ?Iran should turn into a mighty, advanced, and model Islamic society.? Iranians should ?refrain from leaning towards any Western school of thought? and abstain from ?luxurious lives? and other excesses.

              Three months into Ahmadinejad?s presidency, his views of the 12th Imam are being widely discussed in Tehran. According to one rumour, as mayor of Tehran, Ahmadinejad drew up a new city plan for the Imam?s return.

              In recent weeks, Ahmadinejad?s aides have denied another rumour that he ordered his cabinet to write a pact of loyalty to the 12th Imam and throw it down a well near the holy city of Qom, where some believe the Imam is hiding. Those who give credence to the rumour point to an early decision of his cabinet to allocate $17 million to renovate the Jamkaran mosque, where devotees of the 12th Imam have prayed for centuries.

              Similarly, reports in government media outlets in Tehran have quoted Ahmadinejad as having told regime officials that the Hidden Imam will reappear in two years. This proved too much for one Iranian legislator, Akbar Alami, who publicly questioned Ahmadinejad?s judgment, saying that even Islam?s holiest figures have never made such claims.

              While Shia Muslims are devoted to the 12th Imam, a previously secret society of powerful clerics, now openly advising the new president, is transforming these messianic beliefs into government policies. Led by Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi, who frequently appears with Ahmadinejad, the Hojatieh society is considered by many Shia as the lunatic fringe. During the early years of the Islamic Revolution, even Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini found their beliefs too extreme and sent them scurrying underground.

              As devotees of the 12th Imam, the Hojatieh believe that only great tribulation will warrant his coming. Akin in some ways to Lenin?s doctrine that worsening social conditions would hasten revolution, the Hojatieh believe that only increased violence, conflict, and oppression will bring the Mahdi?s return.

              Since taking office last August, Ahmadinejad has installed Hojatieh devotees in his cabinet and throughout the bureaucracy. The Ministry of Information and Security (MOIS), largely sidelined by former president, Mohammed Khatami, has re-emerged as a powerful repressive force, using plainclothes agents, allied with the paramilitary Bassij and non-government vigilantes, to crack down on potential opponents of the regime.

              As the world prepares to confront an Iranian regime that continues to defy the International Atomic Energy Agency on its nuclear programmes, we must listen to what Iran?s leaders say as we watch what they do. A religious zealot with nuclear weapons is a dangerous combination the world cannot afford to tolerate.


              • mixu
                Travel Guru Extraordinaire
                • Jun 2004
                • 1115

                Re: Send them back to Europe

                Don't get me wrong... it's definitely a serious matter. The world has its eyes on Iran and — unlike the aforementioned despots — action will be taken the second it goes too far. I just think he mouths off a lot. Apologies for sounding flippant.
                Ask me a question...


                • davetlv
                  Platinum Poster
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 1205

                  Re: Send them back to Europe

                  Originally posted by mixu
                  Don't get me wrong... it's definitely a serious matter. The world has its eyes on Iran and ? unlike the aforementioned despots ? action will be taken the second it goes too far. I just think he mouths off a lot. Apologies for sounding flippant.
                  Nothing to apologize for mixu. . . .after all its not your country he's hoping to destroy


                  • runningman
                    Playa I'm a Sooth Saya
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 5995

                    Re: Send them back to Europe

                    put a bullet in his head.


                    • Yao
                      DUDERZ get a life!!!
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 8167

                      Re: Send them back to Europe

                      Jeez...if this is true (and it doesn't sound all too illogical to me), we're in deep shit. I'm against Iran having nukes anyway, and have been shifting position based on the emerging evidence and right now do actually believe he is pursueing the posession of nukes.

                      A bullet in his head might not be such a bad idea in this case
                      Blowkick visual & graphic design - No Civilization. Now With Broadband.

                      There are but three true sports -- bullfighting, mountain climbing, and motor-racing. The rest are merely games. -Hemingway


                      • Scarface
                        Getting Somewhere
                        • Jan 2006
                        • 154

                        Re: Send them back to Europe

                        Ahmedinejad smokes opium all the time, you can´t take him for real! Really that´s true, a friend of mine knows him. The iranian regime is one of the ´sickest in the world, but not all the iranians are like their government. This is for davetlv: I don´t think that anybody will destroy your country, this is not so easy, so stop crying. Israels biggest fault is that it always sees itself as a victim. Ok, Hitler did the worst thing ever in history you can say, and Ahmedinejad and all the others who want to destroy israel or don´t accept it are assholes, but israel is not the only country which has to suffer. Iranian regime is wrong, that´s for sure, but do you really think that your regime ( and f.i. Bush ) don´t talk shit??? Stay cool and relax, and don´t take this junkie Ahmedinejad too serious.
                        P.S. I´m not iranian and not a moslem


                        • davetlv
                          Platinum Poster
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 1205

                          Re: Send them back to Europe

                          Originally posted by Scarface
                          This is for davetlv: I don?t think that anybody will destroy your country, this is not so easy, so stop crying. Israels biggest fault is that it always sees itself as a victim. Ok, Hitler did the worst thing ever in history you can say, and Ahmedinejad and all the others who want to destroy israel or don?t accept it are assholes, but israel is not the only country which has to suffer. Iranian regime is wrong, that?s for sure, but do you really think that your regime ( and f.i. Bush ) don?t talk shit??? Stay cool and relax, and don?t take this junkie Ahmedinejad too serious.
                          P.S. I?m not iranian and not a moslem
                          So when should we take him seriously? When they've already got nuclear weapons? When they fired the first one? When they continue to fund Islamic Jiahd and Hamas to carry out murderous attacks in my country (and i'm not even talking about attacks in the territories here, I mean attacks within the 67 borders).

                          Would any other country in the world sit back and allow a fellow member of the UN call for their destruction?

                          Whilst I agree with you that Ahmedinejad is a lunatic, and can not be seen as a fair representation of the majority of Iranians, his comments and actions should leave many on this planet with much cause for concern.


                          • Yao
                            DUDERZ get a life!!!
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 8167

                            Re: Send them back to Europe

                            I wouldn't relax if a madman was walking in the same street I'm walking in with a gun, waving it. I could say "relax, he's just a lunatic waving a gun,he won't use it"...but then again he just might snap and use it.

                            On a different note, Ahmadinejad may appear like a madman, but I don't really think he is one. All his provocative talking has a purpose, and heaving read what his faction is all about, I re-heally do not trust the guy one bit.
                            Blowkick visual & graphic design - No Civilization. Now With Broadband.

                            There are but three true sports -- bullfighting, mountain climbing, and motor-racing. The rest are merely games. -Hemingway


                            • Scarface
                              Getting Somewhere
                              • Jan 2006
                              • 154

                              Re: Send them back to Europe

                              Originally posted by davetlv
                              So when should we take him seriously? When they've already got nuclear weapons? When they fired the first one? When they continue to fund Islamic Jiahd and Hamas to carry out murderous attacks in my country (and i'm not even talking about attacks in the territories here, I mean attacks within the 67 borders).

                              Would any other country in the world sit back and allow a fellow member of the UN call for their destruction?

                              Whilst I agree with you that Ahmedinejad is a lunatic, and can not be seen as a fair representation of the majority of Iranians, his comments and actions should leave many on this planet with much cause for concern.
                              i wanted to say that any state which wants to use a nuclear bomb knows that this could mean their own wipeout. so even if iran gets the bomb they are not in the position to use it. attacking israel with the bomb would clearly mean that the world would strike back. that?s why i?m not concerned, cause even if ahmedinejad is a lunatic he can see the consequences of that action.

