Johnny Boy does it again.....

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  • superdave
    Platinum Poster
    • Jun 2004
    • 1366

    Re:: Johnny Boy does it again.....

    What's hilarious to me is Kerry talking about being militarily tough. When have Democrats ever been tough militarily? Let's be honest here, the Democratic party is generally thought of in this country as a wimpy party. Plus, Democrats usually treat the military like shit. That's why most military personnel alway vote Republican.

    I guess the 50 references to his time in the boat in Vietnam every hour proves that he can be tough on terrorism. Nice of him to use those ex-Vietnam vets to further his political cause. Also, nice to put his daughters and wife up there to talk about how great he is.

    I can't wait to see what political crap the Republicans are going to come up with in September. Hope the twins and Laura are brushing up on their speech skills.
    Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake - Napoleon Bonaparte


    • toasty
      Sir Toastiness
      • Jun 2004
      • 6585

      Re:: Johnny Boy does it again.....

      Originally posted by _evangelion_
      This entire thread has been about Kerry's past (there's that word again) and track record.
      Actually, I think we've been talking about two different things -- you've been talking about Kerry v. Bush substantively, I've been talking about the inherent fallacy and danger in following blind ideology.

      For the record:

      Politicians flip flop. Kerry, Bush, all of them. I don't happen to think that what you pointed out really qualifies as such, but there are definitely legitimate instances of Kerry flip-flopping out there. There certainly aren't near as many legitimate flip-flops out there as the GOP suggests, but they are out there. Bush & Cheney do it, too, though -- Kerry does not have a monopoly on inconsistency in the political arena.

      My critique is directed to parroting sound bites. I don't care if you're democrat, republican, whatever...

      Originally posted by _evangelion_
      You got your views, I've got mine.
      Agreed. I just enjoy debate. I enjoy it more when the person I'm debating with is actually debating the same thing I am, but I enjoy it regardless.

      No hard feelings. Catch ya later, bro.


      • skahound
        Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
        • Jun 2004
        • 11411

        Here are a couple of flip-flops for you from the Bush side:

        Bush initially rejected the idea of a 9/11 Commission and now accepts their existence and the report the filed.

        Bush has always been very anti-embryonic stem-cell research and is now a supporter of it.
        A good shower head and my right hand - the two best lovers that I ever had.


        • delirious
          Addiction started
          • Jun 2004
          • 288

          Re: Johnny Boy does it again.....

          Originally posted by _evangelion_
          Originally posted by delirious
          Let me get this right... if the bill legalised gay marriage or something you're against, you'd vote for it regardless?
          I fail to see the correlation between gay marriage and trying to prevent a troop from getting a bullet through his heart. So your saying Kerry is against preventing that.
          You said "I don't give half a shit the reason that he voted against it."

          Maybe John Kerry voted against that version of the bill because it would further destabilise the ecomony. He cared what the bill said.

          Originally posted by _evangelion_
          Originally posted by delirious
          Originally posted by Jenks
          Originally posted by _evangelion_
          Fucktard cockmonkey???? Didn't know I was worth such praise.
          yeah, i honestly don't even know what it means.
          What it means is that the poster has run out of ideas and therefore has to call people names to avoid a meaningful, productive and intelligent debate.
          Ya know what...if you took the time to read the posts, instead of seeing who it is doing the talking and typing something that makes that person look bad just as fast as your little fingers can type, you would have noticed that we weren't debating anything. He was responding to a comment I made...that's it. You try to act so self-righteous and mature it ends up being comical.
          Sorry, I didn't read his post properly before replying. My mistake

          Originally posted by _evangelion_
          Originally posted by delirious
          Originally posted by _evangelion_
          By the you work????
          I've answered that before. Yes, I do.... from Monday to Friday in a hectic and very technically challenging industry.
          Damn...when are you gonna learn. I could ask you that question twice a month from now until the end of time and you would responded to it everytime.
          Why keep asking the same question over and over? LOL

