(For the illiterate, stuff I hate.)
Taxes * Big government * Bureaucracy * Minimum wage laws * The continual abrogation of the Bill of Rights * People who fail to take responsibility for their own actions * Racism * Affirmative action * The police state * People who advocate 'equal results' over 'equal rights' * The IRS, BATF, DEA, and 99% of all other government agencies * Welfare and other entitlement programs * The Davis-Bacon Act * Protectionism and tariffs * Farm subsidies * People who attempt to force others to accept their belief system about God, drugs, sex, multiculturalism, abortion, etc... with threats of eternal damnation, criminal prosecution, or further physical discomfort through exposure to emotionally charged rhetoric screamed directly into the ear * Stupid laws * Most politicians * Political correctness * Gun control freaks * People who pass the buck * The War on Drugs * People who like to blame television, video games, or the Internet rather than holding the kids or parents responsible * Censorship * A National ID * The lack of a truly free press * American imperialism * Parents who do not parent * The nanny state * Government surveillance * Spin, prevarication, equivocation, or any other form of manipulative deception * Communists, Socialists, Marxists, 95% of all democrats and at least 80% of republicans * People who prefer assumptions and wive's tales to facts * Those without any intellectual curiosity * People who don't read * People who have a victim mentality and ask for special treatment * Anyone who is either fiscally liberal or socially conservative * Those opposed to merit * Anyone afraid to think for themselves *
(For the illiterate, stuff I hate.)
Taxes * Big government * Bureaucracy * Minimum wage laws * The continual abrogation of the Bill of Rights * People who fail to take responsibility for their own actions * Racism * Affirmative action * The police state * People who advocate 'equal results' over 'equal rights' * The IRS, BATF, DEA, and 99% of all other government agencies * Welfare and other entitlement programs * The Davis-Bacon Act * Protectionism and tariffs * Farm subsidies * People who attempt to force others to accept their belief system about God, drugs, sex, multiculturalism, abortion, etc... with threats of eternal damnation, criminal prosecution, or further physical discomfort through exposure to emotionally charged rhetoric screamed directly into the ear * Stupid laws * Most politicians * Political correctness * Gun control freaks * People who pass the buck * The War on Drugs * People who like to blame television, video games, or the Internet rather than holding the kids or parents responsible * Censorship * A National ID * The lack of a truly free press * American imperialism * Parents who do not parent * The nanny state * Government surveillance * Spin, prevarication, equivocation, or any other form of manipulative deception * Communists, Socialists, Marxists, 95% of all democrats and at least 80% of republicans * People who prefer assumptions and wive's tales to facts * Those without any intellectual curiosity * People who don't read * People who have a victim mentality and ask for special treatment * Anyone who is either fiscally liberal or socially conservative * Those opposed to merit * Anyone afraid to think for themselves *