Dear Sasha, (review 2/4/06 DC)

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  • devon
    Addiction started
    • Jun 2004
    • 362

    Dear Sasha, (review 2/4/06 DC)

    Dear Sasha,

    I'm leaving you! This may come as a bit of a shock but I can't take this anymore. You're not listening to me, you're not doing the things that make me feel special anymore. What happen to the old Alex that I grew to love? All those special nights we spent together at Twilo, or how about that time you burnt yourself with your cigarette at 1015 in San Fransico right before you took the decks, we both giggled. How about Miami? Man we have had some fun every year at the conference haven't we? Remember a little tour called Delta Heavy? That's the Sasha that I want to be with. My old girlfriend thought I might be gay because I would rather spend time with you then her. You've met all my friends and I felt we were almost ready to take our relationship to the next level, but...
    you've changed. You are so cold to me now, you sound like a broken record (no pun intended) You use to be creative, innovative, shocking, amazing, I could go on but I don't want to waste anymore of you time. Now it just seems all you want to do is play on that fucking computer of yours and not notice what's going on. Don't be upset I'm sure I will give you another chance because you still mean a lot to me., but for now this is good bye.


    P.S. Thanks for introducing me to John, I hope you don't mind but we have a date planned in Miami. Don't be jealous!
    i really wish the floor would stop moving!
  • skahound
    Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
    • Jun 2004
    • 11411

    Re: Dear Sasha, (review 2/4/06 DC)

    A good shower head and my right hand - the two best lovers that I ever had.


    • miketpoto
      Shabisquik The Ghetto Queen
      • Jan 2005
      • 4223

      Re: Dear Sasha, (review 2/4/06 DC)

      Pride, a deeper love!


      • ZendoBro
        Mr. Roboto
        • Dec 2004
        • 864

        Re: Dear Sasha, (review 2/4/06 DC)

        Dear devon,


        I am no cyberwhore...


        • chemicalbeavis
          Are you Kidding me??
          • Jun 2004
          • 3607

          Re: Dear Sasha, (review 2/4/06 DC)


          • sakio pod
            SALAD TOSSER
            • Jun 2004
            • 6034

            Re: Dear Sasha, (review 2/4/06 DC)

            sounds like someones crying out


            • ubiqe
              Platinum Poster
              • Jun 2004
              • 1731

              Re: Dear Sasha, (review 2/4/06 DC)

              was it that bad?


              • devon
                Addiction started
                • Jun 2004
                • 362

                Re: Dear Sasha, (review 2/4/06 DC)

                Originally posted by ubiqe
                was it that bad?
                i really wish the floor would stop moving!


                • chemicalbeavis
                  Are you Kidding me??
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 3607

                  Re: Dear Sasha, (review 2/4/06 DC)

                  Originally posted by devon
                  Dear Sasha,

                  I'm leaving you! This may come as a bit of a shock but I can't take this anymore. You're not listening to me, you're not doing the things that make me feel special anymore. What happen to the old Alex that I grew to love? All those special nights we spent together at Twilo, or how about that time you burnt yourself with your cigarette at 1015 in San Fransico right before you took the decks, we both giggled. How about Miami? Man we have had some fun every year at the conference haven't we? Remember a little tour called Delta Heavy? That's the Sasha that I want to be with. My old girlfriend thought I might be gay because I would rather spend time with you then her. You've met all my friends and I felt we were almost ready to take our relationship to the next level, but...
                  you've changed. You are so cold to me now, you sound like a broken record (no pun intended) You use to be creative, innovative, shocking, amazing, I could go on but I don't want to waste anymore of you time. Now it just seems all you want to do is play on that fucking computer of yours and not notice what's going on. Don't be upset I'm sure I will give you another chance because you still mean a lot to me., but for now this is good bye.


                  P.S. Thanks for introducing me to John, I hope you don't mind but we have a date planned in Miami. Don't be jealous!

                  i'm sure he won't miss you


                  • djstevendellis
                    Fresh Peossy
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 44

                    Re: Dear Sasha, (review 2/4/06 DC)

                    I think what devon is trying to say is that last night was the worst we have ever heard sasha. dj three had a great opening set, leaving sasha with a good vibe to work with. Sasha instead chose to fuck things up and play shity, cheesy, boring records all night long. We must all now decide to stop chasing the high of the sasha of yesteryears and deal with the fact that he wants to be a 2nd rate DJ setting up residensies at bullshit 2nd rate clubs like glow/fur. clubs that are designed for douchebags instead of people that want to hear good music. Sasha should cancel all dates and re evaluate things before playing again. I should have stayed home and watched the fights last night.


                    • GregWhelan
                      Are you Kidding me??
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 2994

                      Re: Dear Sasha, (review 2/4/06 DC)

                      ^ jesus get a life guys, so he isn't playing the exact tunes you wanna hear, go and listen to someone else then.

                      Sasha isn't the be all and end all of dance music FFS


                      • superdave
                        Platinum Poster
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 1366

                        Re: Dear Sasha, (review 2/4/06 DC)

                        Sasha isn't the be all and end all of dance music FFS[/quote]

                        I disagree with that. Sasha and Digweed are the guys we look up to in the dance community and we have a big problem if people aren't happy with their performances. If they aren't playing or making quality music then the scene will decline. Has the music gotten worse or is it Sasha that has declined as a DJ? Possibly the clubbers themselves may be progressing away from dance music. I'm not sure, but maybe it's many factors. Personally, I still enjoy his sets, but I've seen more people recently criticizing him and Digweed.
                        Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake - Napoleon Bonaparte


                        • chemicalbeavis
                          Are you Kidding me??
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 3607

                          Re: Dear Sasha, (review 2/4/06 DC)

                          Originally posted by djstevendellis
                          I think what devon is trying to say is that last night was the worst we have ever heard sasha. dj three had a great opening set, leaving sasha with a good vibe to work with. Sasha instead chose to fuck things up and play shity, cheesy, boring records all night long. We must all now decide to stop chasing the high of the sasha of yesteryears and deal with the fact that he wants to be a 2nd rate DJ setting up residensies at bullshit 2nd rate clubs like glow/fur. clubs that are designed for douchebags instead of people that want to hear good music. Sasha should cancel all dates and re evaluate things before playing again. I should have stayed home and watched the fights last night.

                          you miserable git!


                          • devon
                            Addiction started
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 362

                            Re: Dear Sasha, (review 2/4/06 DC)

                            Originally posted by djstevendellis
                            I think what devon is trying to say is that last night was the worst we have ever heard sasha. dj three had a great opening set, leaving sasha with a good vibe to work with. Sasha instead chose to fuck things up and play shity, cheesy, boring records all night long. We must all now decide to stop chasing the high of the sasha of yesteryears and deal with the fact that he wants to be a 2nd rate DJ setting up residensies at bullshit 2nd rate clubs like glow/fur. clubs that are designed for douchebags instead of people that want to hear good music. Sasha should cancel all dates and re evaluate things before playing again. I should have stayed home and watched the fights last night.
                            guess your girlfriend didn't give you any pussy when i dropped you off last night huh?
                            i really wish the floor would stop moving!


                            • Kobe
                              I wish I had an interesting User title
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 2589

                              Re: Dear Sasha, (review 2/4/06 DC)

                              My tea's gone cold, I'm wondering why I got out of bed at all
                              the morning rain clouds up my window and I can't see at all
                              And even if I could it'd all be grey, but your picture on my wall
                              it reminds me that it's not so bad, it's not so bad
                              Beats are my crack.

