Waiting is a comedy about waiters. anyone who has ever worked in or known someone to have worked in a restaurant will agree. this is spot on. starring Ryan Reynolds (Van Wilder fame) and some other old school and new school actors. the fat kid andy milanokololopolis even has a part as a whigger gangsta bus boy. will def watch this again and again.
Re: Waiting
I just saw it and was extremely disappointed. Having worked in a restaurant I really wanted to like this movie. Turns out it is probably the worst movie they could have made given how much material there was here to work with.
They got the work related stuff right-- bitchy guests, asshole managers, disgruntled cooks, thuged out bus/dishwashers, sexy hostesses-- that was all true to life. It was everything else- the running jokes, the relationship/dramas btw the characters, the pathetic coming of age story were all just so lame.
My real life restaurant experience was 10x times funnier and more wild than what went on in this movie.
2/5Beats are my crack. -
Re: Waiting
I normally hate movies like this... i guess the weed was really good..
anyway, I liked the insult battles between Monty and his mom and Monty and one of the waitresses.
I rented the unrated version - no tits though - so, that right there was a big let down.
But I laughed.. which almost made up for no tittiesWe are the ones we've been waiting for.Comment
Re: Waiting
i thought this movie was great. i have worked in many restaurants and i can releate to just about every minute of that movie. plus the main character might as well have been based on my own life. and the running joke of the movie was my favorite part. i've watched this 3 times in the last 3 days and will continue to laugh every time.Fly? Yes. Land? No!Comment
Re: Waiting
Dude, I had to get my nuts sewn back on after watching this film! My wife said that if she had nuts that they would've fallen off from all of violent laughter as well. Two thumbs straight up on this one!^Existing Extraordinarily^
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