Woman shows up at police station with $3 to buy pot

(2/12/06 - KTRK/FARGO, ND) - Here's another case going into the dumb criminal file. A North Dakota woman went to a police station for marijuana.
West Fargo police say Grace Sium, 20, called them Saturday morning and asked where she could buy marijuana. The dispatcher told her the drug is illegal, but she persisted. The dispatcher told her they had some in a locker.
Needless to say, she was arrested after showing up at the police station with $3 for drugs.
(2/12/06 - KTRK/FARGO, ND) - Here's another case going into the dumb criminal file. A North Dakota woman went to a police station for marijuana.
West Fargo police say Grace Sium, 20, called them Saturday morning and asked where she could buy marijuana. The dispatcher told her the drug is illegal, but she persisted. The dispatcher told her they had some in a locker.
Needless to say, she was arrested after showing up at the police station with $3 for drugs.