Sonic Teenager Deterrent

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  • threehills
    I heart Lollergirl
    • Jun 2005
    • 3641

    Sonic Teenager Deterrent

    For pete's sake, whats next?

    Britain has new weapon against loitering youths -- Sonic Teenager Deterrent
    Feb 15 8:38 AM US/Eastern

    Shopkeepers in central England have been trying out a new device that emits an uncomfortable high-pitched noise designed to disperse young loiterers outside their stores without bothering adults.
    Police carrying out the pilot project in Staffordshire say some of those who have tested the "Sonic Teenager Deterrent," nicknamed the mosquito, have talked of buying one of their own.

    The device which costs 622 pounds (908 euros, 1,081 dollars) "doesn't cause any pain to the hearer," according to Inspector Amanda Davies, quoted by Britain's domestic Press Association news agency.
    "The noise can normally only be heard by those between 12 and 22 and it makes the listener feel uncomfortable," she added.
    Once in their early 20s, people lose their capacity to hear sounds at such a high pitch.
    "It is controlled by the shopkeepers. If they can see through their window that there is a problem, they turn the device on for a few minutes until the group has dispersed," Davies said.
    "Shop owners have reported fabulous results and we've been approached by some who are considering buying their own equipment," she said.
    It's never too late to become the person you always thought you would be.
  • picklemonkey
    Double hoodie beer monster
    • Jun 2004
    • 15373

    Re: Sonic Teenager Deterrent


    i don't believe it.


      Platinum Poster
      • Nov 2005
      • 2110

      Re: Sonic Teenager Deterrent

      Well I was looking for a reason to celebrate my 30th birthday, looks like I have a free pass to loiter!! HELL YES!


      • geoffgulley
        Platinum Poster
        • Apr 2005
        • 2002

        Re: Sonic Teenager Deterrent

        Damn... Back when Spy Club was open i could've used that at the club to get all the drunken bastards out at the end of night rather than playing yoko ono....
        "only dead fish swim with the stream..." Malcolm Muggeridge


        • Balanc3
          Platinum Poster
          • Jun 2004
          • 1278

          Re: Sonic Teenager Deterrent

          I wonder if it makes them shit their pants.
          JourneyDeep .into the sound


          • rewing3
            I really don't care
            • Jun 2004
            • 5504

            Re: Sonic Teenager Deterrent

            What the hell. That is one of the dumbiest things I have ever heard.
            Common Sense is not Common at all.


            • picklemonkey
              Double hoodie beer monster
              • Jun 2004
              • 15373

              Re: Sonic Teenager Deterrent

              Originally posted by Balanc3
              I wonder if it makes them shit their pants.
              the brown noise?


              • thesightless
                Someone will marry me. Hell Yeah!
                • Jun 2004
                • 13567

                Re: Sonic Teenager Deterrent

                the brown note, get it right silly.
                your life is an occasion, rise to it.

                Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
                download that. deep shit listed there

                my dick is its own superhero.


                • DJJEFFJONES
                  Platinum Poster
                  • Nov 2005
                  • 2110

                  Re: Sonic Teenager Deterrent

                  Sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen IMO


                  • Lrn
                    Are you Kidding me??
                    • Jan 2005
                    • 3233

                    Re: Sonic Teenager Deterrent

                    hehe i jsut saw the brown note episode


                    • Balanc3
                      Platinum Poster
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 1278

                      Re: Sonic Teenager Deterrent

                      For Rewing...

                      Weapons of Mass Distraction

                      How the military uses music and sound.

                      By Rod Smith
                      A widely disseminated story by AP reporter Amy Teibel, dated Friday, June 10, revealed that Israeli soldiers tested a non-lethal acoustic weapon dubbed "the Scream" during a recent demonstration against the West Bank wall, after participants became increasingly violent. "Protesters covered their ears and grabbed their heads, overcome by dizziness and nausea, after the vehicle-mounted device began sending out bursts of audible, but not loud, sound at intervals of about 10 seconds," Teibel wrote. "An Associated Press photographer at the scene said that even after he covered his ears, he continued to hear the sound ringing in his head."
                      Online U.S. lefty conjecture suggests that Israel has latched onto American Technology Corporation's Long Range Acoustic Device, or LRAD. Goodness knows, the U.S. has. According to the company's brochure, "LRAD is known throughout the Department of Defense as 'The Sound of Force Protection.'" With a strong presence in the Department of Defense, the Department of Homeland Security, and numerous other government and law-enforcement entities, the 45-pound, disc-shaped combination bullhorn, sonic disrupter, and kinky playback module (MP3, CD, laptop, voice, and video inputs; 500-yard-plus range at 120 decibels) is easily the most popular sonic apparatus with weapon capabilities ever.
                      It's also the most thoroughly and reliably documented. Sure, digital folk histories of acoustic combat contraptions abound, and not all of what they offer is hooey. "Infrasound"—vibrations below the range of human hearing (between 20 hertz and 20,000 hertz)—has profound effects on living organism and inanimate object alike, potentially rattling the latter to flinders and generating the aforementioned symptoms, along with confusion, depression, and even death, for the former.
                      But apart from seemingly unanimous agreement that 7 hertz can potentially kill, the jury is out as to exactly what happens where in the spectrum. Certainly, no firsthand accounts support one site's assertion that 12 hertz is the irresistibly bowel-loosening "poop frequency" long pursued by mean-spirited electronic musicians.
                      Likewise, while Nikola Tesla probably did experiment with low-level infrasound as a potential therapeutic tool, evidence backing another site's contention that the dapper inventor and enduring fringe-science superstar "designed and tested infrasonic impulse weapons capable of wrecking buildings and whole cities on command" is nowhere to be found. Given the bigness of the silent bang's alleged results, wouldn't someone have noticed? Hard facts about rumored French and Nazi vibration-based war machine attempts remain equally G-string-scanty, although Jack Sergeant's excellent but dated "Sonic Doom" (Fortean Times, December 2001) offers a few chewy tidbits regarding the latter.
                      What we do know about subsonic weapons is that, traditionally, they've been cumbersome and very hard to manage; weapons-grade bass requires a lot of energy and a huge delivery system. Plus, low frequencies are omnidirectional, making them all but impossible to focus—until recently. It turns out that the Israeli weapon and LRAD are two very different critters. While both fall under the "nonlethal weapons" rubric, a media advisory from American Technology Corporation makes their differences painfully clear.
                      "Extremely amplified very low frequency sounds," the document states, "can set up a resonance within the inner ear and cause extreme discomfort for those subjected to these frequencies; very low frequencies (<20Hz) can cause internal organ damage. . . . LRAD does not produce harmful very low frequency (300–3000Hz) sounds. . . . Also, LRAD requires significantly less power to operate than is required by the SCREAM for the generation of its extremely amplified very low frequencies."
                      Even discounting the "Curdler," an oscillator-driven demoralizer allegedly deployed by the CIA during the Vietnam War, LRAD hardly represents the government's first foray into acoustic aggression. FBI agents blasted cult members with Tibetan Buddhist chants and rock and roll for days during the Branch Davidian siege of 1993, a slight programming departure from the military's 10-day, pre-deposition party for Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega in 1990, which included Martha and the Vandellas' "Nowhere to Run" and Linda Rondstadt's "You're No Good." Metallica—presumably, post–Black Album—reportedly serves similar duty in Afghanistan and Iraq.
                      The great advantage of the LRAD, one of ATC founder Elwood "Woody" Norris' many brainchildren, is that it can play your favorite psy-ops selections and simultaneously project verbal messages that remain impeccably intelligible for the entirety of its range. Plus, while the device's "warning tone" is no picnic for the ears, the sound is less likely to cause permanent hearing damage than Israel's gizmos. Granted, the reduced likelihood of tissue damage could make the device an extremely attractive implement of torture in the wrong hands—or an equally alluring engine of light terrorism in others. Imagine how easily a miscreant could trash any sort of outdoor gathering.
                      Still, for all their shortcomings, contemporary acoustic crowd-control units are a lot more humane than most ostensibly nonlethal weapons—particularly the rubber-coated steel bullets used by Israeli soldiers in past situations. The sole extant photo from the Scream's maiden voyage shows a young Palestinian boy making a "yucko" face, an index finger planted resolutely in each ear. While he's clearly not enjoying himself, the image is far more benign than those yielded by past confrontations, to the extent that Norman Rockwell could have painted it.
                      JourneyDeep .into the sound


                      • hulkhuss
                        Are you Kidding me??
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 3699

                        Re: Sonic Teenager Deterrent

                        i saw it on the news here!




                        • peloquin
                          Till I Come!
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 8643

                          Re: Sonic Teenager Deterrent

                          Originally posted by Lrn
                          hehe i jsut saw the brown note episode
                          of what? "the brown note" has been around for ages and ages


                          • anonin
                            Juvenile Delinquent
                            • Oct 2005
                            • 2347

                            Re: Sonic Teenager Deterrent

                            Originally posted by threehills
                            For pete's sake, whats next?

                            Britain has new weapon against loitering youths -- Sonic Teenager Deterrent
                            Feb 15 8:38 AM US/Eastern

                            Shopkeepers in central England have been trying out a new device that emits an uncomfortable high-pitched noise designed to disperse young loiterers outside their stores without bothering adults.
                            Police carrying out the pilot project in Staffordshire say some of those who have tested the "Sonic Teenager Deterrent," nicknamed the mosquito, have talked of buying one of their own.

                            The device which costs 622 pounds (908 euros, 1,081 dollars) "doesn't cause any pain to the hearer," according to Inspector Amanda Davies, quoted by Britain's domestic Press Association news agency.
                            "The noise can normally only be heard by those between 12 and 22 and it makes the listener feel uncomfortable," she added.
                            Once in their early 20s, people lose their capacity to hear sounds at such a high pitch.
                            "It is controlled by the shopkeepers. If they can see through their window that there is a problem, they turn the device on for a few minutes until the group has dispersed," Davies said.
                            "Shop owners have reported fabulous results and we've been approached by some who are considering buying their own equipment," she said.

                            whats your source for this?

                            I'm having a hard time beleiving any of that is true. A noise that can only be heard by people between the ages of 12 and 22, nigga please


                            • Morgan
                              Platinum Poster
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 2234

                              Re: Sonic Teenager Deterrent

                              Originally posted by anonin
                              whats your source for this?

                              I'm having a hard time beleiving any of that is true. A noise that can only be heard by people between the ages of 12 and 22, nigga please
                              It's common on estates in the UK, the shops play piped classical music outside to discourage the youths from hanging around.

                              Your hearing gets worse with age, like eyesight. If you compared a hearing test you did now with one from 10 years ago you'd be amazed.
                              "Pain is only weakness leaving the body."

