Re: Toonophobia
seriously, once the american and euro publinc in general gets sick of the news and protests, you can count on things like this every day from the normal everyday citizen.
its not that we dont respect thier views and religion, but dont even try to temper our freedoms or you will become the target of satirical jokes for a long time.
what i find the funniest and most ironic, is that this has nothing to do with the governments, we are all going against our governments by publishing and poking fun. every gov't in the world wants us to stop but cant, because they cannot take away our freedoms without going to a shiaric state of affairs.your life is an occasion, rise to it.
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Re: Toonophobia
your life is an occasion, rise to it.
Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
download that. deep shit listed there
my dick is its own superhero.Comment
Re: Toonophobia
your life is an occasion, rise to it.
Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
download that. deep shit listed there
my dick is its own superhero.Comment
Re: Toonophobia
nothing like saying ""we are about peace"" with 3 sticks of explosives strapped to your 9 year old daughters stomach.your life is an occasion, rise to it.
Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
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my dick is its own superhero.Comment
Re: Toonophobia
Originally posted by thesightless
nothing like saying ""we are about peace"" with 3 sticks of explosives strapped to your 9 year old daughters stomach.Comment
Re: Toonophobia
then get more muslims against these people instead of standing parade side. NO ONE HAS STOOD UP AGAINST THEM.
seriously, someone that knows this guy call up CNN or AJ, give us his name, or something so we can interview him. because as of now,. the muslim reaction to this is DEAFENING. the only reason the UAC has asked people to stop is because it is having an effect on trade and relations when a countried embassy is attacked.your life is an occasion, rise to it.
Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
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my dick is its own superhero.Comment
Re: Toonophobia
Originally posted by neotronYeah good job at generalising 1.3 billion people from a few examples..good job... honest....Comment
Re: Toonophobia
Originally posted by malaydaywell said dood...well said...but i guess that whole generalisation issue you cant really escape from..its when people with nothing better to do but belittle because of whatever insecurities of thier own seek out as many glitchy pictures as they can find on the internet and use them to convey the message they so desperatley want to make legitimate...i guess it also depends on how you interpret it...that uneducated probabely illiterate man might be saying ..peace please can we have peace and if nobody listnes look im willing to sacrifice my own child (who looks pretty willing) in the name of this peace that i never do such a thing but who am i to judge what has pushed him so far that he straps his own daughter up with symbolic dynamite to prove a point...i dunno man it seems like people just need to think a bit more....including all of us before jumping to sweeping is not a reliable source of truth i mean thats the least i expect from people from this community....way to try to make the other people on the board seem juvenile and bigoted. i'm sure people make fun of the situation because they are insecure...that's it
"use them to convey the message they so desperatley want to make legitimate"
trust me...people don't want it to be legitimate. that's why they draw cartoons to mock the absurdity of the situation.
i think that people generalize because there is not enough backlash against the protests from the muslim community, which people take as silent consent. if the peaceful muslim community is going to win over the hearts of non-muslims and change the perception of muslims abroad, they are going to have to take action against those who would tarnish their peaceful religion. either the media does not show this side of the issue enough or it just doesn't happen. you'd think there would be scads of muslims decrying the protests because what they do is fuel anti-muslim sentiment. I read the news and I don't see that much muslim again, either it's not being covered or it's not happening. since many think that the news can be impartial and they see that there is no resistance by the peaceful muslims to the knee-jerk violent protest mindset of the fanatical ones, they believe that the peaceful muslims are not speaking out because they agree with the protests. if they agree with the protests, then they are only one step away from terrorism, etc. etc. so i can't fault people too much for generalizing, even if it's wrong.Comment
Re: Toonophobia
true that mr kinky j...this is starting to drag....but regardless..i do agree with you sammwalk in that there isnt really any protests against the protests...but why does that have to mean that they are being relished or accepted by the muslim have to understand firstly the place at which this (anti)protest will happen...and that its virtually impossible to protest against the riots simply because you cant seperate the moderates form the extremists..if you want support you cant be slective...i dunno if you know about the cronulla riots here near sydney..but there was some racist boshit going down here for a know how it was a protest against violence and what happened...some white extremist racist fuks came down and started instigating...chanting shouting spurring on the rest...then mass paranoia diffusion of responsibilty, before you know it its an anti lebanese riot which then somehow becomes an anti muslim riot...the players in this...the extremist white boys and the just giving this as an example cuz it just happened recently here and maybe youll pay more attention or maybe itll make more sense ir be more acceptable if its out of the whole middle easternn context....but this is just to highlight the fact that riots and anti riots or whatever really have a fat chance of staying peacefull right now so why...if you wanna hear muslims leaders and clerics and scholars condemn the violence and chaos caused by the cartoons(which in no way were making light of the situation or trying to add humor..they were simple and straghtforward..not mocking the absurdity of the situation they were conveying a clear message..iv seen really funny stuff about muslims and that but this just wasnt) youll find it hard to because hwatever air time they get or coverage they get is very little and far between...whats gonna sell?...look you live in the states prejudice i lived there once to..but watch manufacturing consent or read the book..its by chompsky you migght like it...ok back to the topic..dont take muslim 'silence' (which doesnt exist)..its just not as covered or reinforced rather, as consent..and peacefull muslim community trying to win over you heart...what the hell does that mean..i dont undertstand..your saying that the muslim has to take initiative to prove to you something which is relative to you?...what?...take the skyrocketing number of muslim converts..note not immigrants but converts in the u.s.,...its the fasting growing religion there which seems to speak for it self....pick up the koran in english its a book not that long and wont become a muslim (dont worry) and niether will it be blasphemous if you are of any other wanna change you perception you take the initiative...thats doesnt seem fair..i agree with the fact that they will have to take initiative to do something about the people who tarnish thier religion but how far will you each thier own man..a fundamental belief that you must have to me a muslim is the conviction of life will ultimately be judged by he who knows all...he who created you...this life is seen as temporary...the day of judgment will see all christian muslim jew morman buddhist athiest zionist cuntloverist who ever everyone is equal...the true muslims have faith in the fact that thier lack of power and cotrol is temporary ultimately this life will end and so will this world and all the wories and injustices and stupid shit which seems to be a big deal will no longer be...something to consider when talking about religion and people from it are thier beliefs...because that plays a mojor role...Comment
Re: Toonophobia
Palestinians complain that children can be hurt when Israel targets terrorists.
The rest of us would tell our kids not to stand so close.your life is an occasion, rise to it.
Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
download that. deep shit listed there
my dick is its own superhero.Comment
Re: Toonophobia
damn...that is spot on!Blowkick visual & graphic design - No Civilization. Now With Broadband.
There are but three true sports -- bullfighting, mountain climbing, and motor-racing. The rest are merely games. -HemingwayComment
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