I got my car broken into last night. They took my blockbuster dvd's ... four of them in fact. and some other strange items I have in my car. Like my 16 inch dildo bat, which I swing at people when they piss me off. Do not worry it is only for defense.
Today, I feel like the curious young boy who went to a gay club for his first time. Strangely enough, woke up in the middle of street with cars honking at him, people telling him to get the fuck out of road, and to pull up his pants.
Moral. Just because you are a good person, and strive to make a difference. Shit will still exist around you. Perhaps rarely, but you will, step in some God awful dog shit, get in your car and blast the heaters down towards your shoes. To your surprise this will be your first sign that something has gone terribly bad. You chase your nose, and it searches for this horrific scent. A conclusion has arised ... "My God! I stepped in God awful dog shit"
Most people step in shit. Shit falls on me in dumps. Stay away from the ones the get dumped on. Their life will only follow that path.
Thank you. I will be here next week ... same place and same time.
Today, I feel like the curious young boy who went to a gay club for his first time. Strangely enough, woke up in the middle of street with cars honking at him, people telling him to get the fuck out of road, and to pull up his pants.
Moral. Just because you are a good person, and strive to make a difference. Shit will still exist around you. Perhaps rarely, but you will, step in some God awful dog shit, get in your car and blast the heaters down towards your shoes. To your surprise this will be your first sign that something has gone terribly bad. You chase your nose, and it searches for this horrific scent. A conclusion has arised ... "My God! I stepped in God awful dog shit"
Most people step in shit. Shit falls on me in dumps. Stay away from the ones the get dumped on. Their life will only follow that path.
Thank you. I will be here next week ... same place and same time.
