yo yao you
yo yao you
your life is an occasion, rise to it.
Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
download that. deep shit listed there
my dick is its own superhero.Tags: None -
Re: yo yao you
lemme check that...been busy this week, hence my absenceBlowkick visual & graphic design - No Civilization. Now With Broadband.
There are but three true sports -- bullfighting, mountain climbing, and motor-racing. The rest are merely games. -HemingwayComment
Re: yo yao you
Nice story i have to say...
Originally posted by msnbcWelcome to the end of tolerance, or at least to the nonnegotiable limits to what Europeans will tolerate. Whether it's the Netherlands' rediscovery of Dutch communal values, or the universal affirmations of free speech (to mock religion, or anything else), Europe is everywhere on the defensive. After decades of relatively unfettered immigration and cultural laissez faire when it came to accepting people of differing values and social mores, there are signs that a potentially ugly backlash is setting in. Even before Jyllands Posten published the cartoons last fall, Denmark's Minister of Cultural Affairs Brian Mikkelsen said, "We have gone to war against the multicultural ideology that says that everything is equally valid." These days, he speaks for most Europeans. Danes, and Dutch, and a few other countries might be well on their way to creating multiethnic societies. But make no mistake: they're no longer willing to tolerate a European melting pot?a broadly multicultural society?where different cultures live by widely different norms.
I've been a member of a Dutch/Moroccan forum for a bit now since those cartoon riots broke out, and have had some serious discussions on this topic. Most of them are willing to adapt, some of them aren't. But even those that are pretty open-minded sometimes don't seem to realise that they are still not abiding by our social contract at all, which is not really surprising since the Quran is not at all compatible with Western secular society, hell, even the Bible upon which our society once was built isn't anymore!
Originally posted by msnbcIn particular, Europeans are concerned about Islamists hostile to Western values and the very idea of integration itself. Often, these elements drown out the voices of the moderate majority of Muslims. Dutch Integration Minister Rita Verdonk, one of several top politicians under death threats from Islamists, plans courses for imams to train in citizenship and Western values. She demonstrated what that might mean in front of press cameras in January, telling an imam who refused to shake her hand because of "religious rules" that he had better learn Western customs. "Next year I expect to speak to you in Dutch," she said through an interpreter.
Will such measures advance the ultimate goal of building a "Euro Islam" more compatible with Europe's values? Unlikely, perhaps, as long as only 5 percent of the imams in Europe's 6,000 mosques are educated in Europe. After decades of neglect, Germany and France have finally set up a small number of Islamic departments at public universities to turn out locally acculturated preachers. In Britain, the Home Office's brand-new Advisory Council on Mosques and Imams plans an accreditation program for Muslim clerics, similar to the systems in place at Christian churches. When Angela Merkel becomes the first German chancellor to hold a summit with Muslim leaders in April, setting up a Germany-wide council of Muslims to partner with the government on integration and religious issues will be high on the agenda.
This has been described though as a protective reaction, a way for people to hold on to their traditional values while in their home country things are actually progressing already. Sad IMO, but that is the way people think, and always have thought. When away from home, you cling to your old values like a sucling to it's mother's nipple.
An Euro Islam? I have no idea...not while Islam itself is unwilling to reform. And even if it were, it would be a long process: something like that just doesn't happen within a few years, maybe not even within a generation's time. It will be necessary though if Islam is determined to find itself a place within our society.
Right now we have hardline Muslims calling moderate Muslims 'no real Muslims' or 'Bad Muslims'. Fucking hypocrites think they can do the judging before Allah...
Originally posted by msnbcUntil such double standards can be abolished and a new equality established, Europe's new toughness will feel like forced integration. "It's a form of creating a second-class citizenship," says Tariq Modood, director of the Center for the Study of Ethnicity and Citizenship in Bristol. "All the burden of change is placed on the immigrant." And if that's not to be the case, then Europeans will almost certainly have to accord Muslim faiths the same status accorded Christianity?including, perhaps, a media that voluntarily refrains from publishing needlessly offensive images of the Prophet, not under duress from abroad but out of greater respect for local religious sensibilities.
It's also clear that if Europeans want their immigrants to behave like Europeans, then they must be willing to accept them as Europeans, too. That's where many societies that long thought of themselves as culturally homogenous have problems. "Being German can no longer be defined on ethnic lines," says Bernd Knopf at the Integration Commissioner's office. It's an open question whether Germans, Dutch, or Danes will ever truly accept a multiethnic, multireligious "Germanness," "Dutchness" or "Danishness." But given the immigrant and demographic trajectories of Europe's future, there is little choice but to try.
Treat them all equal, make them all abide by the secular rule of law too.
The last part is still an issue...it's not even us not seeing them as Europeans: they don't see themselves as Europeans, or Dutch. So IMO this is a two-way problem, not the onedimensional one described here...Blowkick visual & graphic design - No Civilization. Now With Broadband.
There are but three true sports -- bullfighting, mountain climbing, and motor-racing. The rest are merely games. -HemingwayComment