Re: MySpace Fraud
Do you honestly think there is some secret plot by someone you don't know to foil your chances with e-whores? Its one of your buddies fucking with you. I've done it a million times with my friends. We all know each others light passwords. I've signed on as them / they've signed on as me on instant messengers, myspace accounts, facebook, messageboards.... you name it. Haven't done it so much lately but we used to fuck with each other all the time. Just be lucky your friends didn't put your email address, im, msn on a fake gay profile somewhere using some models pictures.
Relax. It's just the internet.
Do you honestly think there is some secret plot by someone you don't know to foil your chances with e-whores? Its one of your buddies fucking with you. I've done it a million times with my friends. We all know each others light passwords. I've signed on as them / they've signed on as me on instant messengers, myspace accounts, facebook, messageboards.... you name it. Haven't done it so much lately but we used to fuck with each other all the time. Just be lucky your friends didn't put your email address, im, msn on a fake gay profile somewhere using some models pictures.
Relax. It's just the internet.
