crystal meth...

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  • JoeY2k
    Addiction started
    • Aug 2005
    • 342

    Re: crystal meth...


    imo doing drugs on party (where they belong) is one thing, but taking them in the free time (in ur common environment) or at work/school, supossedly due to "boredom", is truely fucked up.


    • KinKyJ
      Platinum Poser
      • Jun 2004
      • 13438

      Re: crystal meth...

      Originally posted by JoeY2k

      imo doing drugs on party (where they belong) is one thing, but taking them in the free time (in ur common environment) or at work/school, supossedly due to "boredom", is truely fucked up.
      Yep, that's when shit starts running downhill. The former owner of the gym I train at started dealing on the side 1,5yr ago. At that time he was still focussed on his sport (bodybuilding), but it didn't take long before he was high as a kite even when he was behind the counter. Coke during the day, XTC at night and a daily gulp of GHB ("liquid x") before bedtime in order to be able to sleep...

      Now that's fucked up, but it gets worse. One day he was boasting at the club that he had slipped GHB into his girlfriends drink. When she went to the toilet 5 mins later, she passed out on the shit and fell off the toilet, hitting her head on the sink. Result: two broken teeth and some stitches. He actually thought that was funny. Anyway, they're both chemically happy 24/7 now. One way ticket to the gutter imo...


      • speciale
        Are you Kidding me??
        • Dec 2005
        • 3728

        Re: crystal meth...

        stick to weed and alcohol \o/
        Originally posted by Miroslav
        It's not like he grabbed his balls and sucked his dick. It's not like he gave the Saudis the original copy of the Constitution to use as toilet paper. It's not like he gave away the secret recipe to the Colonel's chicken. .
        No Soup for You


        • Lrn
          Are you Kidding me??
          • Jan 2005
          • 3233

          Re: crystal meth...

          smoke major weed, BRO


          • KinKyJ
            Platinum Poser
            • Jun 2004
            • 13438

            Re: crystal meth...

            Originally posted by Lrn
            smoke major weed, BRO
            Say Lrn, what's so cool about smoking "major weed"? I'm not jumping to conclusionsso don't take it personally (yet), but an attitude like that deserves only one adjective: pathetic

            Acting all tough 'n' shit because you get high on whatever drug it is you're using only proves that you're completely clueless or, if you're lucky, stuck somewhere in your puberty.

            Defining yourself/your image through drug and alcohol use. Way to go BRO

            (to set the record straight: if I didn't think that shit was cool when I was 15, I'd probably never started smoking cigarettes in the first place. Dumbest thing I ever did)


            • Lrn
              Are you Kidding me??
              • Jan 2005
              • 3233

              Re: crystal meth...

              ^^^ obviously you missed my joke buddy

              ..obviously your not a golfer


              • 3d_1200
                Platinum Poster
                • Jun 2004
                • 1127

                Re: crystal meth...

                Originally posted by KinKyJ
                Acting all tough 'n' shit because you get high on whatever drug it is you're using only proves that you're completely clueless or, if you're lucky, stuck somewhere in your puberty.
                i say the same thing for people who try to act 'all tough 'n' shit' because you look down on people who make different choices then you. everyone has different motivations for evertyhing.

                i agree that defining your image through substances is pathetic. but saying someone that enjoys smoking pot is 'pathetic' and stuck in puberty is pure ignorance.

                anyways, my whole point is the only attitutde thats been pathetic on this thread, is yours.


                • DJJEFFJONES
                  Platinum Poster
                  • Nov 2005
                  • 2110

                  Re: crystal meth...



                  • ShawnD64
                    Quickshot the Minute Man
                    • Jan 2005
                    • 1250

                    Re: crystal meth...

                    i say the same thing for people who try to act 'all tough 'n' shit' because you look down on people who make different choices then you. everyone has different motivations for evertyhing. your the only one with the macho attitude on here, get rid of it or go hang out with lee hotti.
                    i was thinking today about when people call you a "pxssy" for not drinking/drugs whatever. but imo what makes you tough is sticking to your guns and not doing what people tell you. you are in fact a pxssy if you give in...


                    • Lrn
                      Are you Kidding me??
                      • Jan 2005
                      • 3233

                      Re: crystal meth...

                      smoke mahhhjorr weedd broooo, meet jahhhhh rasifari


                      • skahound
                        Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 11411

                        Re: crystal meth...

                        Originally posted by ShawnD64
                        i was thinking today about when people call you a "pxssy" for not drinking/drugs whatever. but imo what makes you tough is sticking to your guns and not doing what people tell you. you are in fact a pxssy if you give in...
                        What is a pxssy?
                        A good shower head and my right hand - the two best lovers that I ever had.


                        • DJJEFFJONES
                          Platinum Poster
                          • Nov 2005
                          • 2110

                          Re: crystal meth...

                          Methampetamine: the most addictive illegal drug in America. Since FRONTLINE first looked at meth back in 2005, new laws have been passed to control the key ingredients in the drug, which are also found in popular cold medicines.But now, the meth cooks have found a way around the laws, and the pharmaceutical industry is fighting to stop new controls. In this updated program, FRONTLINE investigates meth in America: the impact on individuals, families and communities, and the battle to regulate a key ingredient used in making the drug

                          This was interesting.

                          What is a pxssy?
                          The same as a pink txco!


                          • miketpoto
                            Shabisquik The Ghetto Queen
                            • Jan 2005
                            • 4223

                            Re: crystal meth...

                            Originally posted by DJJEFFJONES
                            What a crazy topic... The ex decided to paint our driveway last night with Auto paint and to try and chop a tree down in our front yard.

                            That meth shit sucks, what a fucking waste... IMO if you do it you suck!!!

                            I have had 1 friend lost (dead) to heroin and another is out doing the hotel jump right now over crack... This shit destroys everything!

                            I sure wish I would have caught him last night!!!!!

                            Um, no offense, and I am not arguing with you, but neither Herion nor Crack is Crystal Meth.... Way different spiral to go down, not to mention the fact that amphetamines are prescribed like they're goin out of style in much higher doses than a lot of typical daily users.

                            The junkie is neither black nor white, rather the junkie is a grey area, many different kind of junkie....


                            • miketpoto
                              Shabisquik The Ghetto Queen
                              • Jan 2005
                              • 4223

                              Re: crystal meth...

                              Originally posted by ShawnD64
                              i was thinking today about when people call you a "pxssy" for not drinking/drugs whatever. but imo what makes you tough is sticking to your guns and not doing what people tell you. you are in fact a pxssy if you give in...
                              I don't know what sort of Be Cool Stay in School world you live in, but who in the world are you hanging out with that keeps trying to force you into doing drugs by calling you a PUSSY?

                              If you are clean and sober 100% of the time, and that's how you want and choose/prefer/like to be, then thats great for you and there is certainly nothing wrong with it. If you are doing it to be tough, or to stick to your "guns" [stop calling your arms GUNS], or to prove something to yourself by not "giving in"... well then you...

                              A) Don't have very good friends, or any friends for that matter... Who are you just saying NO to?

                              B) You are living in an after-school special, and if you associate every single person who uses drugs as being weak or inferior, you're probably going to struggle with understanding other people for the rest of your life. (not because you don't do drugs, but because the real world and people do not operate under the rule of all or nothing, good vs. evil, sinners and saints... etc.

                              C) They're all gonna laugh at you!


                              • DJJEFFJONES
                                Platinum Poster
                                • Nov 2005
                                • 2110

                                Re: crystal meth...

                                Originally posted by miketpoto
                                Um, no offense, and I am not arguing with you, but neither Herion nor Crack is Crystal Meth.... Way different spiral to go down, not to mention the fact that amphetamines are prescribed like they're goin out of style in much higher doses than a lot of typical daily users.

                                The junkie is neither black nor white, rather the junkie is a grey area, many different kind of junkie....
                                I was going with the fact the Meth, Herion and Crack all suck. Imo I don't see much of a difference in the downward spiral. My friend that died of herion he shaved his head because he thought that his hair was producing little bugs and he didn't want them to infect his family at the dinner table. Meth heads have the same problems. Both Crack and Meth cause the user to become paranoid. Make bad decisions like selling off all you have and not having any goals in life because Meth/Crack is on the mind.

                                Are they really that different Mike? I'm really not seeing the difference outside of the fact that it is proven harder to quit. It is not like crack is easy to kick or else we wouldn't have a huge crack problem as well.

                                I am definitly one sided on this argument due to how close to home it hits so I don't mean to look argumentative if I am.

