Well I am back from my short visit to NC....I must say it is a very nice city and the people are really nice 
Incase any of you were wondering how the night went, here is a review of the night:
We left Chris' at 4:30am and drove the 2.5hrs to the Detroit airport and caught our first plane to Newark NJ. Once we landed we had 50min to sprint from one end of the airport to the next to catch our next flight. We literally sat down and the plane headed off.
We finally landed in NC at about 2:30pm. The promoter and one of the local dj's picked us up and took us to a nice lunch and then dropped us off at the hotel to rest for about 3hrs before heading to the club for sound-check and then dinner.
We had a really nice dinner at a Japanese restaraunt near the club. Andy and his manager Rich are super funny guys....and super nice. We debated for a while on the differences between US, UK, and Canadian beer, cooking oils used in different countries, and why our waiter couldn't understand that we wanted chicken instead of steak (since there was no steak).
The club was nice and full of some serious potential. We had an issue though right before Andy hit the stage, as the opening DJ blew a breaker: rather blew it so bad he melted it, so the power was killed to the DJ booth. We literally stood there in silence for about 15min....people were not impressed. After a quick diliberation we decided to move the CDJ's into the side room and Andy took over in there.
They managed to re-route the power in time (took 2hrs
) for Chris to come on so he stayed in the mainroom. Andy decided he didn't want to stop playing at 2am so we ended up having people running between rooms. I was back and forth between the 2 rooms and kept relaying to Andy and Chris what the other was playing so it became a battle to see who could have more people in either room at a given time. It was great fun and we ended off finishing at the same time (around 5:00am).
I was sad to leave the warm weather to return to Canada but I had a really great time, the people were fantastic, and hope to return soon.
Here are some of the pics I took:
From the plane:

Chris napping:

The view from the hotel:

Andy and I:

Chris & Andy:



Despite all of the issues with the club it was a great time. The music was great in both rooms and Andy is a super nice guy. When I was saying goodbye to him he said this:
"I just wanted to let you know that I am really touched that you came out to see me @ Viva and you were out again tonight to see me. It really means a lot.
I know I always look so serious up on the decks and don't really smile or bounce around, but it is because I am just a guy spinning records. I am not used to the picture taking and all of that. I am just a dj and I am here to play records"
He is such a down to earth guy...and quite the party animal

Incase any of you were wondering how the night went, here is a review of the night:
We left Chris' at 4:30am and drove the 2.5hrs to the Detroit airport and caught our first plane to Newark NJ. Once we landed we had 50min to sprint from one end of the airport to the next to catch our next flight. We literally sat down and the plane headed off.
We finally landed in NC at about 2:30pm. The promoter and one of the local dj's picked us up and took us to a nice lunch and then dropped us off at the hotel to rest for about 3hrs before heading to the club for sound-check and then dinner.
We had a really nice dinner at a Japanese restaraunt near the club. Andy and his manager Rich are super funny guys....and super nice. We debated for a while on the differences between US, UK, and Canadian beer, cooking oils used in different countries, and why our waiter couldn't understand that we wanted chicken instead of steak (since there was no steak).
The club was nice and full of some serious potential. We had an issue though right before Andy hit the stage, as the opening DJ blew a breaker: rather blew it so bad he melted it, so the power was killed to the DJ booth. We literally stood there in silence for about 15min....people were not impressed. After a quick diliberation we decided to move the CDJ's into the side room and Andy took over in there.
They managed to re-route the power in time (took 2hrs

I was sad to leave the warm weather to return to Canada but I had a really great time, the people were fantastic, and hope to return soon.
Here are some of the pics I took:
From the plane:

Chris napping:

The view from the hotel:

Andy and I:

Chris & Andy:



Despite all of the issues with the club it was a great time. The music was great in both rooms and Andy is a super nice guy. When I was saying goodbye to him he said this:
"I just wanted to let you know that I am really touched that you came out to see me @ Viva and you were out again tonight to see me. It really means a lot.
I know I always look so serious up on the decks and don't really smile or bounce around, but it is because I am just a guy spinning records. I am not used to the picture taking and all of that. I am just a dj and I am here to play records"
He is such a down to earth guy...and quite the party animal
