maybe this belongs in "politics" but.......taken from another board...
What is making us NOT fight back?
US, Canada, Brittain, Austrailia and other countries - rights and freedoms are being taken away at a steady pace.
Eaves dropping
Email reading
Freedom of speech
Pariot Act
National Biometric ID
Detainment changes
No warrant search and seisure
Road blocks
Free trade
Federal Reserve
Bush signing laws without houses ok
Protesters jailed
Media hushed
No more privacy
You could a LOT more to this list, yet no one is stopping it. No one can even slow it down. No one is fighting it. Almost everyone is just letting it happen.
There is no fight in people anymore. Plenty of complaining, but no action. Bush would have been impeached years ago if this were in the early 20th century. Folks would have been fuming angry.
We're all guilty of doing nothing or not enough - even myself. Writing our congressmen does nothing. Protesting has been pushed away from the ears that need to hear it. Less are protesting because we are being jailed and no one wants the hassle.
What is causing us to have no fight within us anymore? Is it something in our food? the air? elcromagnetic frequencies? the water? our shampoo? Is it a lifestyle where no longer the man can make enough to support a family? Is it brainwashing from the television/radio?
This site was put together to educate and help MANY more people see what is really going on in so many area's. ATS has really opened my eyes in my 2 years of membership.
Yet we continue to complain about what our leaders are doing and almost never hear of something good from them.
Our growing group is labelled crazy, conspiracy theorists and even terrorists. Yet we are the ones that should be the true patriots.
We still call ourselves 'free' while folks are being jailed for words that come from their mouths. While our telephone conversations could be recorded. While our internet habits are monitored. While we getting pulled over and searched while violating no laws. While (add your action here).
What is going on? Our leaders would have never gotten away with this crap 60 years ago. Why are they today? I think it is possible that there is something going on that is making us passive, laying back and doing nothing. I don't know what it is though.
What is making us NOT fight back?
US, Canada, Brittain, Austrailia and other countries - rights and freedoms are being taken away at a steady pace.
Eaves dropping
Email reading
Freedom of speech
Pariot Act
National Biometric ID
Detainment changes
No warrant search and seisure
Road blocks
Free trade
Federal Reserve
Bush signing laws without houses ok
Protesters jailed
Media hushed
No more privacy
You could a LOT more to this list, yet no one is stopping it. No one can even slow it down. No one is fighting it. Almost everyone is just letting it happen.
There is no fight in people anymore. Plenty of complaining, but no action. Bush would have been impeached years ago if this were in the early 20th century. Folks would have been fuming angry.
We're all guilty of doing nothing or not enough - even myself. Writing our congressmen does nothing. Protesting has been pushed away from the ears that need to hear it. Less are protesting because we are being jailed and no one wants the hassle.
What is causing us to have no fight within us anymore? Is it something in our food? the air? elcromagnetic frequencies? the water? our shampoo? Is it a lifestyle where no longer the man can make enough to support a family? Is it brainwashing from the television/radio?
This site was put together to educate and help MANY more people see what is really going on in so many area's. ATS has really opened my eyes in my 2 years of membership.
Yet we continue to complain about what our leaders are doing and almost never hear of something good from them.
Our growing group is labelled crazy, conspiracy theorists and even terrorists. Yet we are the ones that should be the true patriots.
We still call ourselves 'free' while folks are being jailed for words that come from their mouths. While our telephone conversations could be recorded. While our internet habits are monitored. While we getting pulled over and searched while violating no laws. While (add your action here).
What is going on? Our leaders would have never gotten away with this crap 60 years ago. Why are they today? I think it is possible that there is something going on that is making us passive, laying back and doing nothing. I don't know what it is though.