the arrogance of paul oakenfold...

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  • anonin
    Juvenile Delinquent
    • Oct 2005
    • 2347

    the arrogance of paul oakenfold...

    taken from this thread
    in reference to a recent paul oakenfold show last saturday in charlotte, nc

    If you care whatsoever about supporting our local DJs and community, you will hopefully read this long diatribe on some of the seamy events that occured this past Saturday night. If I can ask one request from you readers, it would be to read the entirety of my post so as to fully understand the situation and why many people are extremely upset right now.


    To be frank, this won't be much of a review, but moreso a rant. There's a lot that needs to be explained, and I will do my best to tell the facts as I saw them, since I was personally there to witness the entire clusterfuck that occured Saturday night, which most people don't even know occured.

    Where to begin? The Oakenfold party was announced on Spins Feb. 15th, showing Oakenfold plus several locals manning up the main room in Scorpios. George Mack and TK were to close the main room for Oakenfold, and personally knowing both of them, they were floored to have such a huge opportunity given to them. However, not only did they not get to spin, but it was handled in such a malfeasant and disrespectful manner that it left me, and many others that saw or found out what happened absolutely infuriated.

    Oakenfolds timeslot was suppose to end at 4am (this is including daylight savings time), as per the posted time slots leaving an hour for the closing DJs. George Mack and TK brought up their records and equipment just before 4am, ready to take over the decks when Oakenfold was to finish. A little past 4am rolls around, and Oakenfold is still spinning, which is pretty commonplace for a DJ to go past their posted time slot a bit. However, what happened next just absolutely blows my mind. Oakenfolds manager storms up into the DJ booth and yells for EVERYONE to get out of the booth immediately. No one was even standing close to Oakenfold at all, anyone up there was on the far left side of the booth which isn't close to the DJ. George Mack explains to the manager that he and TK are up there because they're the DJs closing for Oakenfold, and they're just waiting for Oakenfold to finish. Oakenfolds manager then yells:

    "Get the FUCK out! This is OUR fucking club tonight!"

    Immediately after yelling that, he begins to forcefully push them out of the DJ Booth, making TK almost trip down the stairs while holding flowers, demos, and her record bag, pushing George Mack, his girlfriend, and even the person operating the laser show who has to be there to operate the laser out of the booth. The manager continues yelling and physically pushing us into the crowd (including myself) AFTER we had already left the DJ booth to the point where he kept shoving us even though there were people physically blocking us and we couldn't even move forward. Oakenfold goes on to play until 4:40 or so, with Liquid Todd getting on after Oakenfold as a complete slap in the face to the closing DJs who not only had most of their time slot taken up, but even when Oakenfold DID get off, Liquid Todd takes up the remaining portion of the timeslot including playing an additional 20 minutes or so past when the club should have closed. The sheer amount of disrespect and egotism shown toward these local DJs is unlike anything I've ever seen.

    Both George and TK spent a LOT of time, money, and effort preparing not only for their DJ set, but also in making the party become as successful as it was. Both had MANY friends and fans (including myself) come from Charlotte, as well as out of town paying for hotel rooms, gas, and expensive ticket prices NOT to see Oakenfold, but to see George and TK spin specifically. Aside from gathering a lot of people that they knew to come see them, George Mack himself was personally responsible for distributing around 5,000+ fliers in MULTIPLE cities using his own free time as well as gas money on many nights to spread the word for this specific party. Even Sugar Society, one of the promoters and also a good friend of George Mack, can attest to Georges commitment to getting the word out through fliers and multiple EDM internet message boards other than Spins. TK herself also spent a lot of what little time she has promoting the party to all of her friends, fans, and on the Internet. Anyone that has ever promoted before knows that it doesn't matter who you book if the word doesn't spread to the people, and George especially went above and beyond to do just that. It's impossible to get any hard statistics on how many people attended due to both George and TKs efforts but it is also naive to think that their efforts definitely did not sizable increase the promoters coffers by thousands of dollars. The fact of the matter is the Oakenfold party went beyond expectations, oversold completely, and people partially responsible for that level of success got completely fucked over losing an opportunity to play out to a crowd of 1100 people.

    Aside from Oakenfolds crew, it's hard to know where to place blame, if anywhere. I know that Kevin Mitchell from Sugar Society had his hands tied and couldn't do anything about it especially since he wasn't the only one putting money into this party, and promised to make it up to George and TK. However, I'm not so sure the other promoter group involved, Third Eye, were ignorant to what Oakenfolds crew were planning to do even before the night began. The reason I say this is because when timeslots were posted here by Third Eye, George Mack + TK had no slot posted, and Oakenfolds slot had a "..." implying he could play longer. I'm not sure if Third Eye knew or not, and if not I apologize for the accusation, but if it's true that someone knew that Oakenfold/Todd was probably going to play until close, it sure as hell would have been nice to tell the closing DJs so they could at least tell all their friends that spent money to go see them that they probably weren't going to play.

    Local DJs are not just worthless time fillers to play music whenever the "superstar" DJ or headliner isn't up on the decks. They should be given at least some ounce of respect, and not treated like pieces of SCHIT.COM at the whim of a "superstar" DJ who is arguably worse as a DJ technically than most of the locals there that night. If you're a promoter and you know that someone you've booked might end up playing until close, it's your responsibility to tell the DJs that may be affected ahead of time that that is the case, and not to wait until the night of to inform them of this after they've already spent countless hours promoting YOUR party and having all their friends already pay their money to get in, into your pockets.

    That's all I have to say for now. I'm still completely appalled by the whole situation and I hope by bringing this to the communitys attention, or at least to those reading this thread, that people will remember this the next time Oakenfold comes to Charlotte, if ever. Realistically, there's not much that can be done at this point, but perhaps an apology is in order, and those that were affected by this will hopefully spread the word, voice their opinion, and boycott future Oakenfold shows along with their friends.

    Thanks to those of you who took the time to read this whole post, and a BIG thank you to djgloboi (John) and Launchpad for showing community support and giving George and TK a timeslot at the Illusions afterparty so as to not completely waste a lot of peoples time and money after hearing about what happened.
    or rather "the arrogance of paul oakenfold + his manager"

  • Adikted
    Getting warmed up
    • Apr 2006
    • 69

    Re: the arrogance of paul oakenfold...

    I'm surprised to hear that Oakey actually played longer than slated for .. he is quite known for ending his sets early rather than extending them. As for his manager acting the way he did .. ya thats about right .. havent heard many good things about him. Sorry to hear about your experience.
    ~~Growing Old Is Mandatory .. Growing Up Is Optional!~~

    ~~~ ~~~


    • Digger
      Are you Kidding me??
      • Nov 2004
      • 2739

      Re: the arrogance of paul oakenfold...

      yeah man that sux.....sorry for your dj´s friends that sux....i know hows that feell..well not in a big party but kind of....:S">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="100%">">
      All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible.


      • thesightless
        Someone will marry me. Hell Yeah!
        • Jun 2004
        • 13567

        Re: the arrogance of paul oakenfold...

        the girl should have fought back. no guy is gonna hit her, and if he did about 50 guys would have beat the piss out of him.
        your life is an occasion, rise to it.

        Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
        download that. deep shit listed there

        my dick is its own superhero.


        • tiddles
          Encryption, Jr.
          • Jun 2004
          • 6861

          Re: the arrogance of paul oakenfold...

          sucks, but i'm not suprised. pretty common to get pissed on in the music industry


          • Luis Dena
            Addiction started
            • Aug 2004
            • 269

            Re: the arrogance of paul oakenfold...

            im surprised he even played...

            anyways he is a fucking fag and plays like shit


            • ShawnD64
              Quickshot the Minute Man
              • Jan 2005
              • 1250

              Re: the arrogance of paul oakenfold...

              yea he's a stupid cvnt. i am surprised people still go see him


              • thesightless
                Someone will marry me. Hell Yeah!
                • Jun 2004
                • 13567

                Re: the arrogance of paul oakenfold...

                Originally posted by ShawnD64
                yea he's a stupid cvnt. i am surprised people still go see him
                dude, this is the country that made rap popular and has american idol and extreme home makeover in its top TV ratings. 1. tell us what we like 2. we believe that the network does this out of thier own heart. pppffftt.

                think about it. burburry, loius vutton, etc. if you tell them its cool , they beleive it.
                your life is an occasion, rise to it.

                Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
                download that. deep shit listed there

                my dick is its own superhero.


                • anonin
                  Juvenile Delinquent
                  • Oct 2005
                  • 2347

                  Re: the arrogance of paul oakenfold...

                  Originally posted by Adikted
                  Sorry to hear about your experience.
                  i wasnt there, i never really liked oakenfold so instead i spent my saturday night throwing a good ol house party!

                  *edit*- i look like crap in that picture


                  • fumanchu182
                    Angantyr The Ruthless
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 962

                    Re: the arrogance of paul oakenfold...

                    I hope Jokenfold gets hit by a fucking bus. You know what I guarantee if he does die by some freak accident in the next week or so, I called it.

                    He is a fucking loser, his music sucks, and only stupid "Gino the Ginny" types go to hear his shit.

                    I feel bad for the DJ's that promoted, wanted to play for friends and family, and have a fun time.

                    The good die young, yet this bastard Jokenfold will outlive us all to piss on the second comming of Christ.
                    The sailors of the United States Navy are among the most disciplined, devoted, and well-trained fighting men the world has ever known. They drink gasoline and piss fire, The spit bullets and shit bombs, and will swim across the ocean with a knife in their teeth just for the chance to carve up those that threaten their homeland.


                    • Jenks
                      I'm kind of a big deal.
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 10250

                      Re: the arrogance of paul oakenfold...

                      That's what you get for booking Oakenfold.


                      • anonin
                        Juvenile Delinquent
                        • Oct 2005
                        • 2347

                        Re: the arrogance of paul oakenfold...

                        Originally posted by Jenks
                        That's what you get for booking Oakenfold.
                        the promoters made quite a bit of money off this party, they needed 700 heads to break even, over 1100 showed up at $30 a head not including vip.


                        • geoffgulley
                          Platinum Poster
                          • Apr 2005
                          • 2002

                          Re: the arrogance of paul oakenfold...

                          unfortunately this kind of thing happens all of the time... not just with your "superstar" dj's at the larger clubs. consider it a learning experience because it won't be the last time. sorry for your friends mate...
                          "only dead fish swim with the stream..." Malcolm Muggeridge


                          • DJJEFFJONES
                            Platinum Poster
                            • Nov 2005
                            • 2110

                            Re: the arrogance of paul oakenfold...

                            I admit that back in the day I liked some of his mixes... around like 1998 and 99. I saw Oakenfold hear in Indy last year and I am so glad that Hernan was there to play as well. Otherwise it would have been a huge dissappointment.

                            Hernan fucking rocked and he should have run into Oakenfold's time imo...


                            • Lrn
                              Are you Kidding me??
                              • Jan 2005
                              • 3233

                              Re: the arrogance of paul oakenfold...

                              well if hes was plaing till 4:40 im sure that the people there were digging it, sure it sucks that those djs got the shaft but im sure it was a good night for the general public anyways.

