Anyone else have a Fragrance-free Workplace Policy??

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  • esef
    Platinum Poster
    • Jun 2004
    • 1717

    Anyone else have a Fragrance-free Workplace Policy??

    To help promote a healthier and more enjoyable work place, the management team and space committee have put together a department policy regarding the use of fragrant products.

    Please read the following..

    Fragrance-free Workplace Policy
    not sure if a silent workplace fart falls under this policy??

    3-time Breakspoll nominated in the 'Best Website' category
  • fumanchu182
    Angantyr The Ruthless
    • Jun 2004
    • 962

    What about people who eat fast food and plant a few stink bombs in the air!

    Def gonna get their asses reamed if it goes to court.
    The sailors of the United States Navy are among the most disciplined, devoted, and well-trained fighting men the world has ever known. They drink gasoline and piss fire, The spit bullets and shit bombs, and will swim across the ocean with a knife in their teeth just for the chance to carve up those that threaten their homeland.


    • peloquin
      Till I Come!
      • Jun 2004
      • 8643

      i dont like it when the girls in my office spray that body mist stuff, it makes me lightheaded, but girls will be girls

      fu - you got some anger issues man, smoke a bowl :wink:


      • fumanchu182
        Angantyr The Ruthless
        • Jun 2004
        • 962

        Yeah you could say that, but with good cause, I hate fags that need to fight with gangs and weapons on 1 person. But hey not everyone got stones like real men and their inadequacies become apparent in how they deal with things.
        The sailors of the United States Navy are among the most disciplined, devoted, and well-trained fighting men the world has ever known. They drink gasoline and piss fire, The spit bullets and shit bombs, and will swim across the ocean with a knife in their teeth just for the chance to carve up those that threaten their homeland.


        • Kobe
          I wish I had an interesting User title
          • Jun 2004
          • 2589

          As absurd as this policy sounds, it's actually not a bad idea. I used to work with this Jamacian pycho-bitch from Brooklyn who would spay about half a can of Lysol in the air every few hours.
          Beats are my crack.


          • HoneyBearKelly
            Addiction started
            • Jun 2004
            • 334

            This fragrance free policy is the stupidest shit I've ever heard of.
            Cat formerly known as Cheshire
            *cue imperial death march"


            • Kobe
              I wish I had an interesting User title
              • Jun 2004
              • 2589

              Originally posted by HoneyBearKelly
              This fragrance free policy is the stupidest shit I've ever heard of.
              figuers a chick would say that...
              Beats are my crack.


              • asdf_admin
                i use to be important
                • Jun 2004
                • 12798

                isn't odor a fragrance?
                dead, yet alive.


                • Civic_Zen
                  Platinum Poster
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 1116

                  Originally posted by Kobe
                  As absurd as this policy sounds, it's actually not a bad idea. I used to work with this Jamacian pycho-bitch from Brooklyn who would spay about half a can of Lysol in the air every few hours.
                  I tend to agree. I have no problem with it, but there is always 1 or 2 people who you can smell walking by even when its 10 feet away. These people must not shower, and feel the need to hide the stink or something.
                  "The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws." - Tacitus (55-117 A.D.)
                  "That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves."
                  - Thomas Jefferson


                  • Kobe
                    I wish I had an interesting User title
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 2589

                    I have a side job in a restuarant and one of the managers seems to like showering in cologne. Nothing like Old-Spice flavored Mahi Mahi....
                    Beats are my crack.


                    • contain
                      Getting Somewhere
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 138

                      Re:: Anyone else have a Fragrance-free Workplace Policy??

                      we have this policy at my work because people can have seizures and allergic reactions to strong perfumes and odors.

                      what doesn't make sense is the amount of people i work with who smell like there homeless. some people smell so bad that my eyes water...


                      • mingus51
                        Getting Somewhere
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 228

                        What about the people who boil fish then do laps around the building holding it.

                        Those people should be banned.

                        If it smells like crap...1. you shouldn't eat it and 2. you shouldn't make me have to live in it.

                        Fish is NOT microwave friendly.

                        Axe body cologne is not human friendly.


                        • Hos
                          Are you Kidding me??
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 4286

                          UK peeps for Axe read Lynx :ROFLMAO:
                          black is the new black


                          • Trancelucent One
                            Addiction started
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 295

                            I think that's stupid. I'd rather be surrounded by people who wear too much cologne/perfume than someone without any. Some places should start requiring deodorant!!

                            I like it dark and dirty!!!


                            • asdf_admin
                              i use to be important
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 12798

                              Re:: Anyone else have a Fragrance-free Workplace Policy??

                              dead, yet alive.

