^^^ NO
Which film can you recite word-for-word???
Originally posted by Musical JourneyTrue Romance - I must hace seen that film a dozen or more times now.
I can recite:
Grosse Point Blank
Pulp Fiction
Big Lebowski
Breakfast Club
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
American Psycho
The Rules of Attraction
12 Monkeys
Fight Club
Lock, Stock, & 2 Smoking Barrels
Vanilla Sky
...I really need a girlfriend"He was always late on principle, his principle being that punctuality is the thief of time."Comment
Originally posted by GerryDThe Adventures of Ford Farlaine"He was always late on principle, his principle being that punctuality is the thief of time."Comment
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Finding Nemo
(yeah I got kids, so what?)Not living my life to see if I get into heaven or hell, just how long I'll have to spend in purgatory.Comment
Heat, Last of Mohicans, Braveheart... to many more to list
My brother and I can encode a sentence with a movie quote and no-one else gets it. Try talking like that for awhile and see how many blank stares you get from other people.Comment
Not word for word, but Close e-FuCkIn-NoUgH for credit ;-)
Heathers & Goonies
& Ferris Buellars Day Off... "Umm he's sick.. my best friend's sisters boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who saw Ferris pass out at 31 Flavors last night... I guess it's pretty serious."~SnOoPy WAS rIgHt! DoGgY sTyLe Is ThE bEsT~Comment
Originally posted by SoloI go through stages where I will see a movie like 20 times and know the words to all of it - eg. Austin Powers - 1st one, Billy Madison, Happy gilmore, but dont have any right now that I know word for word.We are the ones we've been waiting for.Comment
Originally posted by code11Pulp Fiction
I worked as a projectionist for a few years and when Pulp Fiction came out I watched it almost everyday I worked until it left.
That is one incredibly quotable movie....
"Who's motorcyle is this?
"It's not a motorcycle, it's a chopper baby."
"well, whose chopper is this?"
"Zed's baby."
"Who's Zed?"
"Zeds dead baby. Zeds dead."Comment