Hey infidels, me is back from my weekend at Lake Ohrid, Macedonia and what a weekend it was!
The mystery destination turned out to be Struga: a small town at the border of the lake, cut in half by the Black Drim river. It wasn't the green middle of nowhere I kinda was hoping for, but who cares if you can spend a few days in the arms of your girlfriend?
Anyway, pics pics pics!!!

Erzina in the main street of Struga which you can walk down in less than 5mins. Like I said: a small town...

The both of us chilling out at the bridge over the Black Drim river where Erzina caused a little scandal when she was in the 4th grade. Back then she already had the urge to prove what a tough ass bitch she is, so she took a dive off the bridge into the river. The only problem was that her bikini top didn't survive the leap. I guess you can imagine the rest

The source of the Black Drim river isn't some source in the mountains, but Lake Ohrid. Pretty spectacular to see that water gushing from the lake into the river. Speaking of jumping off bridges: every year people dive off this bridge (the Poetry Bridge) in some attempt to show they have big balls. No need to say that not everybody survives the ride...

On the other side of the Poetry Bridge: Lake Ohrid and the snowy mountain tops of Albania on the other side. I've never seen a lake with water having these shades of green and blue...

Sun + water = one smiling happy motherfucker

A view over the lake from the place we were staying. I still wonder why so little people in Europe know about this spot. Ah well, maybe it isn't such a bad thing after all. It would be a shame to see these shores being invaded by loud and drunken tourists.

I haven't got the faintest clue who this guy is, but one thing's for sure: no matter how ugly you are, there's always at least one poor bugga on the planet who is more fucked than you are (interpret this like u want

Mmmmmmmmmachiato: gotta love that sweet Macedonian coffee!

"Arial" view over the town center...

Erzina: "Look at me, I'm an attention whore!"

A taste of the sparkling nightlife Struga has to offer... Although you never know what might happen if you kiss this beauty

The prices in Macedonia are a joke. Calling the pizza phone at home is more expensive than having a salad, a main dish and drinks for two in a local restaurant

Can you think of a better scenery than this to let your food digest in peace? Blisssssss!

- Erzina: "Listen to the sound of my voice... You are getting very sleepy..."
- Swan: "I'd rather catch bird flu bitch, fuck this!"

Making the best of a three hour trip back to Tetova in a bus which nearly falls apart when you fart too enthousiastically...

Welcome to the Middle of Nowhere in central Macedonia... If Iran drops a nuke, this is the place to go since all the clocks stopped ticking here somewhere back in 1954

Quick pit stop at a local mountain source. Who needs fucking Evian when you have ice cold mineral water straight from the tap?

Back at the SEE University campus in Tetova. Although over 30% of the Macedonian population consists of Albanians, they are up until today discriminated by the Macedonians. Until a few years ago it was impossible for Albanians to takeclasses in their own language. The SEEU is an answer to this cultural discrimination. Thanks to EU and US funds and on site support, the Albanians can study in their native language. This is a stimulus for pluralist society rather than for nationalism. Respect for other cultures and ethnic groups is the most important concept in the charter of the SEEU.

Together with my Albanian bro Besnik. This guy is a TV show on his own, so no matter how crazy you get, you'll always look normal next to that crazy fucker

Shpend, me, Bona and Besnik outside of the faculty bar. Trust me, there are more screws missing in this photo than on MS as a whole

One of the most common prejudices concerning Albanians is that they're extremely violent. That's a load of crap of course: as you can see there isn't a shred of blood thirst in this picture... Only tough love
I've only been back for one day and I'm already getting homesick. Normally I wouldn't see Erzina and the gang until after the exams (that would be end June / beginning of July), but I can't handle missing them for such a long time, so I've already planned another visit during the last weekend of May. Most people find it hard to understand why I'm willing to spend about 400 euro on plane tickets every two months, but I'm telling ya: when the local culture and scenery get under your skin and you manage to get accepted by Albanians as one of their own, it's hard, if not impossible to shake the disease...
The mystery destination turned out to be Struga: a small town at the border of the lake, cut in half by the Black Drim river. It wasn't the green middle of nowhere I kinda was hoping for, but who cares if you can spend a few days in the arms of your girlfriend?
Anyway, pics pics pics!!!

Erzina in the main street of Struga which you can walk down in less than 5mins. Like I said: a small town...

The both of us chilling out at the bridge over the Black Drim river where Erzina caused a little scandal when she was in the 4th grade. Back then she already had the urge to prove what a tough ass bitch she is, so she took a dive off the bridge into the river. The only problem was that her bikini top didn't survive the leap. I guess you can imagine the rest

The source of the Black Drim river isn't some source in the mountains, but Lake Ohrid. Pretty spectacular to see that water gushing from the lake into the river. Speaking of jumping off bridges: every year people dive off this bridge (the Poetry Bridge) in some attempt to show they have big balls. No need to say that not everybody survives the ride...

On the other side of the Poetry Bridge: Lake Ohrid and the snowy mountain tops of Albania on the other side. I've never seen a lake with water having these shades of green and blue...

Sun + water = one smiling happy motherfucker

A view over the lake from the place we were staying. I still wonder why so little people in Europe know about this spot. Ah well, maybe it isn't such a bad thing after all. It would be a shame to see these shores being invaded by loud and drunken tourists.

I haven't got the faintest clue who this guy is, but one thing's for sure: no matter how ugly you are, there's always at least one poor bugga on the planet who is more fucked than you are (interpret this like u want

Mmmmmmmmmachiato: gotta love that sweet Macedonian coffee!

"Arial" view over the town center...

Erzina: "Look at me, I'm an attention whore!"

A taste of the sparkling nightlife Struga has to offer... Although you never know what might happen if you kiss this beauty

The prices in Macedonia are a joke. Calling the pizza phone at home is more expensive than having a salad, a main dish and drinks for two in a local restaurant

Can you think of a better scenery than this to let your food digest in peace? Blisssssss!

- Erzina: "Listen to the sound of my voice... You are getting very sleepy..."
- Swan: "I'd rather catch bird flu bitch, fuck this!"

Making the best of a three hour trip back to Tetova in a bus which nearly falls apart when you fart too enthousiastically...

Welcome to the Middle of Nowhere in central Macedonia... If Iran drops a nuke, this is the place to go since all the clocks stopped ticking here somewhere back in 1954

Quick pit stop at a local mountain source. Who needs fucking Evian when you have ice cold mineral water straight from the tap?

Back at the SEE University campus in Tetova. Although over 30% of the Macedonian population consists of Albanians, they are up until today discriminated by the Macedonians. Until a few years ago it was impossible for Albanians to takeclasses in their own language. The SEEU is an answer to this cultural discrimination. Thanks to EU and US funds and on site support, the Albanians can study in their native language. This is a stimulus for pluralist society rather than for nationalism. Respect for other cultures and ethnic groups is the most important concept in the charter of the SEEU.

Together with my Albanian bro Besnik. This guy is a TV show on his own, so no matter how crazy you get, you'll always look normal next to that crazy fucker

Shpend, me, Bona and Besnik outside of the faculty bar. Trust me, there are more screws missing in this photo than on MS as a whole

One of the most common prejudices concerning Albanians is that they're extremely violent. That's a load of crap of course: as you can see there isn't a shred of blood thirst in this picture... Only tough love

I've only been back for one day and I'm already getting homesick. Normally I wouldn't see Erzina and the gang until after the exams (that would be end June / beginning of July), but I can't handle missing them for such a long time, so I've already planned another visit during the last weekend of May. Most people find it hard to understand why I'm willing to spend about 400 euro on plane tickets every two months, but I'm telling ya: when the local culture and scenery get under your skin and you manage to get accepted by Albanians as one of their own, it's hard, if not impossible to shake the disease...