The Appalachian Trail

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  • skahound
    Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
    • Jun 2004
    • 11411

    The Appalachian Trail

    Has anyone here done the hike? I'm not talking about jumping out of your car and going 100 feet into the woods, I mean from Georgia to Maine; the whole 3 or 4 month journey. There's a guy from here in Orlando that's doing it for charity this year and he calls in weekly to a talk radio show that I listen to, to give updates. I've known about it for years but the pictures that this guy forces your mind to paint are just incredible and it sounds like a really life-affirming trek. The hike has now made it onto my list of 100 things to do before I die.

    A good shower head and my right hand - the two best lovers that I ever had.
  • speciale
    Are you Kidding me??
    • Dec 2005
    • 3728

    Re: The Appalachian Trail

    That is one goal for me in my life. I have hiked bits and pieces of it but would like to do the entire thing one day. Hell, I am even moving to the Carolinas to be closer to the mountains.
    Originally posted by Miroslav
    It's not like he grabbed his balls and sucked his dick. It's not like he gave the Saudis the original copy of the Constitution to use as toilet paper. It's not like he gave away the secret recipe to the Colonel's chicken. .
    No Soup for You


    • ds
      Getting Somewhere
      • Aug 2005
      • 221

      Re: The Appalachian Trail

      careful or the hicks might eat you - -

      Check out my catalog on BEATPORT


      • thesightless
        Someone will marry me. Hell Yeah!
        • Jun 2004
        • 13567

        Re: The Appalachian Trail

        i would go to macchu picchu again b4 hiking through the area with the worlds highest incestual rate.
        your life is an occasion, rise to it.

        Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
        download that. deep shit listed there

        my dick is its own superhero.


        • picklemonkey
          Double hoodie beer monster
          • Jun 2004
          • 15373

          Re: The Appalachian Trail

          walk from Georgia to Maine? no thanks


          • peloquin
            Till I Come!
            • Jun 2004
            • 8643

            Re: The Appalachian Trail

            Originally posted by ds
            careful or the hicks might eat you


            • Dhar_2
              meat and potatoes
              • Jun 2004
              • 18925

              Re: The Appalachian Trail

              Originally posted by skahound
              The hike has now made it onto my list of 100 things to do before I die.
              where in the 100???


              • peloquin
                Till I Come!
                • Jun 2004
                • 8643

                Re: The Appalachian Trail

                right between "get elected president" and "win the nobel peace prize"


                • skahound
                  Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 11411

                  Re: The Appalachian Trail

                  Originally posted by Dhar_2
                  where in the 100???
                  Not really sure Dhar, I haven't ranked them in a while. It's just something that I'd like to do. It was funny listening to the guy last week when he called in. He was giving gas prices as a point of reference. When he started a month ago gas prices were only at $2.54/gallon in Orlando. Now we're less than a dime away from $3. It just sounded interesting to completely remove yourself from the world for a few months in order to appreciate the changes that take place on a daily basis.
                  A good shower head and my right hand - the two best lovers that I ever had.


                  • geoffgulley
                    Platinum Poster
                    • Apr 2005
                    • 2002

                    Re: The Appalachian Trail

                    Trips like that can be incredible, life defining actually. Right after high school my friend Mike and I biked from home here in Cincinnati to Myrtle Beach. 700 miles in 6 days on bicycles. I still tell stories from that ride and the pictures are a hoot. Ah, the days of 110 film.
                    "only dead fish swim with the stream..." Malcolm Muggeridge


                    • maddlingo
                      Platinum Poster
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 1035

                      Re: The Appalachian Trail

                      Originally posted by geoffgulley
                      Trips like that can be incredible, life defining actually. Right after high school my friend Mike and I biked from home here in Cincinnati to Myrtle Beach. 700 miles in 6 days on bicycles. I still tell stories from that ride and the pictures are a hoot. Ah, the days of 110 film.
                      Thats sounds like a great trip. How did you get back?
                      "Dream as if you''ll live forever, Live as if you''ll die today." -- James Dean --


                      • anonin
                        Juvenile Delinquent
                        • Oct 2005
                        • 2347

                        Re: The Appalachian Trail

                        thats a long way to walk!


                        • geoffgulley
                          Platinum Poster
                          • Apr 2005
                          • 2002

                          Re: The Appalachian Trail

                          Originally posted by maddlingo
                          Thats sounds like a great trip. How did you get back?
                          We ended up meeting people from outside of Louisville, Ky and after two weeks in South Carolina we hitched a ride in our new found, and to this day still, friend Tom's pickup truck. Mike and I would switch riding in the cab to truck bed and then spent another week at Tom's farm milking cows, bailing hay... also the first time I worked on a farm. We then made the 100 mile trip back to Cincinnati.
                          "only dead fish swim with the stream..." Malcolm Muggeridge


                          • picklemonkey
                            Double hoodie beer monster
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 15373

                            Re: The Appalachian Trail

                            the only way that trip could've been better is if you had rogue DJs on couches scattered up and down the trail


                            • anonin
                              Juvenile Delinquent
                              • Oct 2005
                              • 2347

                              Re: The Appalachian Trail

                              Originally posted by picklemonkey
                              the only way that trip could've been better is if you had rogue DJs on couches scattered up and down the trail
                              true dat

