The tragedy that followed Hillary Clinton's bombing of Iran in 2009

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  • sono
    Gold Gabber
    • Aug 2004
    • 515

    The tragedy that followed Hillary Clinton's bombing of Iran in 2009

    May 7 2009 will surely go down in history alongside September 11 2001. "5/7", as it inevitably became known, saw massive suicide bombings in Tel Aviv, London and New York, as well as simultaneous attacks on the remaining western troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Total casualties were estimated at around 10,000 dead and many more wounded. The attacks, which included the explosion of a so-called dirty bomb in London, were orchestrated by a Tehran-based organisation for "martyrdom-seeking operations" established in 2004. "5/7" was the Islamic Republic of Iran's response to the bombing of its nuclear facilities, which President Hillary Clinton had ordered in March 2009.

    Despite massive protests across the Islamic world, and in many European capitals, the US-led military operation had initially appeared to be successful. The US, supported by British and Israeli special forces, had bombed 37 sites, including underground facilities in which Iran was said to be on the verge of making a nuclear weapon using its own version of P-2 centrifuges. The model for these had been originally supplied by AQ Khan, the rogue Pakistani nuclear scientist. US forces had taken down Iran's air defences and destroyed much of its air force. Inevitably, there were civilian casualties - estimated by the Iranian government at 197 dead and 533 injured. A Pentagon spokesman insisted that "collateral damage" had been confined to "an acceptable level". He claimed Iran's nuclear weapons programme had been "knocked back to first base".

    The US navy had also successfully broken an attempted Iranian naval blockade of the Strait of Hormuz, one of the main arteries of the world's oil supplies. A US gunship had been damaged by an Iranian underwater missile attack, but with no loss of American lives. In panic on the oil markets, the price of crude oil had soared to more than $100 a barrel, but the Bush administration had built up America's strategic oil reserves and the new Clinton administration was able to draw on these. European economies were worse hit.

    As experts had predicted, however, the biggest challenge for the west was Iran's ability to wage asymmetric warfare through Hizbullah, Hamas and its own suicide-bombing brigades. The Islamic Republic had for years been openly recruiting suicide bombers through an organisation described as the Committee to Commemorate Martyrs of the Global Islamic Movement. As early as April 2006, it had held a recruitment fair in the grounds of the former US embassy in Tehran, claiming it already had more than 50,000 volunteers for operations against "the al-Quds occupiers" (that is, Israel), "the occupiers of Islamic lands", especially the US and Britain, and the British writer Salman Rushdie. Recruits could also sign up through the internet ( While Hizbullah and Hamas provided the infrastructure for the Tel Aviv bombings, the key to the attacks on London and New York was the recruitment of British and American Muslims through this group. The man who detonated the dirty bomb at Euston station, Bradford-born Muhammad Hussein, had been secretly trained by the Committee to Commemorate Martyrs at a camp in northern Iran.

    With hindsight, it appears that the turning point may have come in the spring of 2006. Iran's president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, having proclaimed his intention to wipe Israel off the face of the earth, announced that his country had already successfully enriched uranium and hinted that it had the superior P-2 centrifuge technology. Whether true or not, these claims effectively destroyed the last hopes of achieving a diplomatic solution through negotiations led by the so-called E3 - France, Germany and Britain.
    A long, tortuous diplomatic dance followed, with China and Russia eventually agreeing to minimal UN sanctions on Iran, including visa bans on selected members of the regime. These had little perceptible impact on the Iranian nuclear programme, but were successfully exploited by the regime to stoke up an always strong national sense of victimisation. Meanwhile, the exposure of the clumsy channelling of US government financial support through a California-based monarchist exile organisation to a student group in Isfahan was used as a pretext for a brutal clampdown on all potentially dissident groups. Several show trials for "treason" were staged despite international protests. This produced a further hardening of US policy in the last years of the Bush administration. In the 2008 US presidential campaign, the Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton, felt compelled - perhaps against her own better judgment - to use the Iran issue to demonstrate that she could be tougher than John McCain on national security issues.

    When she came into office, she was already committed to preventing Iran obtaining a nuclear weapon, by military means if necessary. Meanwhile, the Iranian regime had abandoned all restraint in its pursuit of that objective, calculating that its own best chances of survival lay in the swiftest possible acquisition of a nuclear deterrent. In February 2009, an alarming intelligence report reached Washington, suggesting that Tehran - using a secret cascade of its version of the P-2 centrifuge - was much closer to obtaining a bomb than had been thought. In a series of crisis meetings, President Clinton, her new secretary of state, Richard Holbrooke, and her new secretary of defence, Joe Biden, decided that they could afford to wait no longer. Operation Gulf Peace, for which the Pentagon had long made detailed contingency plans, started on March 6 2009.

    Washington claimed that it had legal authorisation under earlier UN security council resolutions sanctioning Iran for its non-compliance on the nuclear issue, but these claims were disputed by China and Russia. Most European countries did not back the operation either, producing another big transatlantic rift. However, under enormous pressure from his close friends among US Democrats, the British prime minister, Gordon Brown, reluctantly decided to give it his approval, and allowed the token deployment of a small number of British special forces in a supporting role. This provoked a revolt from the Labour backbenches - led by the former foreign secretary, Jack Straw - and a demonstration of more than 1 million people in London. Even the Conservative leader, David Cameron, mindful that a general election was expected soon, criticised Brown's support for the American action. Brown therefore postponed the British election, which had been provisionally scheduled for May 2009. Instead of an election, the country experienced a tragedy.

    Meanwhile, President Ahmadinejad faced a presidential election in June 2009. Unlike Brown, he was riding high on a wave of national solidarity. Even the many millions of Iranians disappointed by his failure to deliver on his material promises, and those who despaired of their country's international isolation, felt impelled to rally round the leader in time of war.
    Many prominent Americans criticised the US military action. Some claimed to know that the presidential spouse, Bill Clinton, was privately among those critics, although in public he was loyalty itself. But Dr Patrick Smith of the Washington-based Committee for a Better World, which had long advocated bombing Iran, demanded of the critics: "What was your alternative?"
  • KinKyJ
    Platinum Poser
    • Jun 2004
    • 13438

    Re: The tragedy that followed Hillary Clinton's bombing of Iran in 2009

    euhm... a brief outline, please? someone?


    • AntonyM
      DUDERZ get a life!!!
      • Oct 2004
      • 6415

      Re: The tragedy that followed Hillary Clinton's bombing of Iran in 2009

      The power of mushrooms
      displayed here no doubt
      They'll be civil war in the states
      if Hillary Clinton becomes president
      so maybe the axis of evil should start
      funneling money into her (highly unlikely)
      2008 presidential campaign.
      Originally posted by Shpira
      So came back last night...
      Sven Vath was amazing...he played a god damn killer set...ended up going to that and came to at like 10 am in some whore house in south idea how I ended up there...friday was a bit of a blur got really drunk and visited several parties can't remember a whole lot to be honest hehe...saturday was probably the best day that I recall...started up in the nearest coffee shop and going from party to party...beautiful woman, beer and weed...finished the night by taking some shrooms and listening to an amazing elke kleijn set...sunday...i met a nice girl who worked at one of the coffee shops and ended up talking to her for like 6 hours...was supposed to meet her at some DnB party...but instead went for a steak and walked around red light district bars drinking and smoking...monday took it easy went to a coffee shop and took a taxi to airport....

      All in all...I think I will be going back there some time soon
      Originally posted by Illuminate
      Let me get this straight.

      So white-middle class Americans have been told by their Television sets to be fearful of:

      1. Mexicans/Latinos from the South bringing drugs and killings n' shit.
      2. African Americans cause mos def they are raging a race war and want to occupy America like how the plebs occupied Wall St.
      3. Iranians/Afghans/Any one of middle eastern origin to be quite frank, cause you know Islam...
      4. North Koreans/Chinese cause you know everything...

      Am I close here?


      • Jenks
        I'm kind of a big deal.
        • Jun 2004
        • 10250

        Re: The tragedy that followed Hillary Clinton's bombing of Iran in 2009

        Hillary Clinton has no chance of winning the presidency.


        • lilsensa
          DUDERZ get a life!!!
          • Jun 2004
          • 6675

          Re: The tragedy that followed Hillary Clinton's bombing of Iran in 2009

          Sono, why is all of you're story in past tense if you are talking of the year 2009? also, is there a credible source for this story? or is this your opinion for the future?
          RIP ~ Steve James


          • sono
            Gold Gabber
            • Aug 2004
            • 515

            Re: The tragedy that followed Hillary Clinton's bombing of Iran in 2009

            Originally posted by lilsensa
            Sono, why is all of you're story in past tense if you are talking of the year 2009? also, is there a credible source for this story? or is this your opinion for the future?
            oh dear


            • sono
              Gold Gabber
              • Aug 2004
              • 515

              Re: The tragedy that followed Hillary Clinton's bombing of Iran in 2009

              Originally posted by Jenks
              Hillary Clinton has no chance of winning the presidency.
              you wanna bet your house on it?


              • Jenks
                I'm kind of a big deal.
                • Jun 2004
                • 10250

                Re: The tragedy that followed Hillary Clinton's bombing of Iran in 2009

                ^See Michael Dukakis.


                • Kobe
                  I wish I had an interesting User title
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 2589

                  Re: The tragedy that followed Hillary Clinton's bombing of Iran in 2009

                  that's a lot of reading for something made up
                  Beats are my crack.


                  • lilsensa
                    DUDERZ get a life!!!
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 6675

                    Re: The tragedy that followed Hillary Clinton's bombing of Iran in 2009

                    Im just saying that he gives no credit to the author of that story...where did it come from?
                    RIP ~ Steve James


                    • daveman
                      I love the colors!!!
                      • Jul 2005
                      • 1221

                      Re: The tragedy that followed Hillary Clinton's bombing of Iran in 2009

                      fairly entertaining read. if you are the type who watches the news all day to get your terror fix. it seems that the entire story has a negative spin on every decision made by everyone. what moral is to be taken away from reading this? seems like your damned if you do and your damned if you don't.

                      and yes, hillary doesn't stand a chance. if she wins the last shred of election and voters credibiltiy flies out the window.
                      once upon a time, machines were mice, and men were lions. now that its the opposite, it's twice upon a time


                      • thesightless
                        Someone will marry me. Hell Yeah!
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 13567

                        Re: The tragedy that followed Hillary Clinton's bombing of Iran in 2009

                        this gem hit my email this weekend, gave me a good laugh.
                        PS this in no way reflects any opinions i have upon any religion or society. but my sadistic humor finds it funny.

                        MODERATORS, feel free to take it down. second thought, i will

                        your life is an occasion, rise to it.

                        Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
                        download that. deep shit listed there

                        my dick is its own superhero.


                        • sono
                          Gold Gabber
                          • Aug 2004
                          • 515

                          Re: The tragedy that followed Hillary Clinton's bombing of Iran in 2009

                          so none of you yanks are prepared to vote for her if she stood up for election? We hear she's very popular.


                          • toasty
                            Sir Toastiness
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 6585

                            Re: The tragedy that followed Hillary Clinton's bombing of Iran in 2009

                            Originally posted by sono
                            so none of you yanks are prepared to vote for her if she stood up for election? We hear she's very popular.
                            The thing is this: she's got a group of really rabid followers, and she is very popular in those circles. The problem with Hillary, and the reason she probably can't win, is that there is a large, large group of people that actively hate her, and that includes a large chunk of the democratic party. I am not personally a fan of hers, but I don't share the same vitriolic hatred that someone like sightless does.

                            It will really depend upon who runs against her. If it's a guy like McCain, she's going to get clobbered. If it's someone like Frist or Santorum -- both of whom are looking to run -- she might have a chance on the "lesser of two evils" theory.

                            That's a long ways from now, though. She has a massive war chest already, and lots can change between now and 2008. I have a hard time ever seeing myself voting for Hillary, but I never would have seen myself voting for John Kerry, either, and I actually campaigned for the guy because the alternative was so horrible.


                            • DJJEFFJONES
                              Platinum Poster
                              • Nov 2005
                              • 2110

                              Re: The tragedy that followed Hillary Clinton's bombing of Iran in 2009

                              Originally posted by sono
                              so none of you yanks are prepared to vote for her if she stood up for election? We hear she's very popular.
                              That would greatly hinder on who the other candidate is.

