Egypt warming up for the summer holiday again

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  • toasty
    Sir Toastiness
    • Jun 2004
    • 6585

    Re: Egypt warming up for the summer holiday again

    Originally posted by Dzone
    I'm from Egypt and I'm currently back living in Egypt...Man let me tell ya it's nothing like you guyz think ...wicked beach...nice party's... however it defo got the down side of it...but nothing like what ppl in US think.
    If you like traveling and have an open mined to explore it's a good place to visit, if not so FuckOff is a good destination.
    Hey, serious question, and please don't take this the wrong way:

    Is Egypt a safe place for an American to visit right now? I have always wanted to go, but I was under the impression that Americans were not particularly welcome in that region of the world in a general sense. Not even talking about terrorism, I'm more talking about day to day treatment.

    Put another way, what is the average Egyptian's view of the average American visitor?


    • krelm
      Addiction started
      • Jun 2004
      • 437

      Re: Egypt warming up for the summer holiday again

      Originally posted by toasty
      Is Egypt a safe place for an American to visit right now?
      I know it's not *today*, but still...

      A couple friends of mine (who are Americans) went to Egypt for the Christmas & New Year holiday 2004/2005. They didn't have any problems whatsoever. I don't know if things have changed so much for Americans in the year+ since then (I imagine the nosedive in popularity for American citizens in the middle east took place somewhere in March of 2003 ), but judging from their experience, you are probably still fine if you want to go.
      Broken Symmetry on - archives & mixes - general tomfoolery

      "It's like a koala bear crapped a rainbow in my brain!"
      - Stimutacs


      • Dzone
        Platinum Poster
        • Jul 2004
        • 1978

        Re: Egypt warming up for the summer holiday again

        Man, i do not think you will have any problems being an American in Egypt, also some facts that you might not know that the biggest foreign community in Egypt are Americans then Brits come 2nd.
        I have couple of American friends who are working here and i pump in to lot of Americans in house parties, also there r lots of them working with my wife in the same school.
        the majority of the ppl you will deal with on the day to day ( shops, taxi, restaurant ..all other bollox) don't know the diffr btw American and European ...they all full under the foreign look to them.
        ^^What dosen't Kill you make you stronger ^^


        • Morgan
          Platinum Poster
          • Jun 2004
          • 2234

          Re: Egypt warming up for the summer holiday again

          I was in Sharm 3 weeks after the bombing, one bomb exploded right outside my Hotel. The bombs were not really aimed at the Tourists mainly locals were killed, most in the local food market for Egypians, if you ask the locals they will tell you it was a Jewish plot not Al Quaida.

          We had a great time there, i always felt safe and very welcome, no one i spoke to bore any ill will to tourists or yanks either, they were more upset that there were so few spending the tourist euros. And as for the hash mentioned by Dzone, all i saw was some crappy bush that a local tryed to sell me for 100EP, paid 10EP in the end!!
          "Pain is only weakness leaving the body."


          • Dzone
            Platinum Poster
            • Jul 2004
            • 1978

            Re: Egypt warming up for the summer holiday again

            Sorry to hear about them tryin 2 rip ya off morgan, but it's street dealin mate, prop they were tryin 2 sell ya weed and i have 2 agree it's sheet, we do not get good weeds here if you, but solds are Top time let me know if you r here we will show u good time ...Glad you had good time.
            Last edited by Dzone; May 25, 2006, 04:10:17 AM.
            ^^What dosen't Kill you make you stronger ^^


            • davetlv
              Platinum Poster
              • Jun 2004
              • 1205

              Re: Egypt warming up for the summer holiday again

              Originally posted by Dzone
              Sorry to hear about them tryin 2 rip ya off morgan, but it's street dealin mate, prop they were tryin 2 sell ya weed and i have 2 agree it's sheet, we do not get good weeds here if you, but solds are Top shit....xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx...Glad you had good time.
              Dzone. . . .dude I think there should be some editing of your post where i've inserted the xxxxxxxxx. . . .


              • Dzone
                Platinum Poster
                • Jul 2004
                • 1978

                Re: Egypt warming up for the summer holiday again

                Mybe i chose the wrong words .... cheers Dave

                Btw, since you r very close ( Israel) go you often come to Sinai ! i always spend my holidays or time off by the cost from Newbai to Taba ... ever been there ?
                ^^What dosen't Kill you make you stronger ^^


                • davetlv
                  Platinum Poster
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 1205

                  Re: Egypt warming up for the summer holiday again

                  Dzone, been to Taba loads, before it was returned to Egypt, thats as far into Sinai I have been. . . . one day though I'm sure i'll find myself on some deserted beach enjoying all it has to offer


                  • Xessex
                    Getting warmed up
                    • Apr 2006
                    • 92

                    Re: Egypt warming up for the summer holiday again

                    Who lets himself be scared away by some bombs. What is the actual chance you get hit by such a bomb. Besides if you go to the Spanish costa there' always a very small chance too that you'll get involved in a ETA bombing (even though now they declared a cease-fire). Personally i wouldn't pay to much attention to it. It's not like Iraq or Columbia where in certain parts you could be kidnapped easily.

                    2 Toasty: Owyeah i think Americans won't have any problems down there. I finished a book called 'Dark Star Safari' by Paul Theroux (USA) that has been written in 2001/2002. He starts off in Egypt and ends his journey in Cape Town. Well on his way through africa he has never witnessed any problems that could be related in any way to the fact he is an American. Even in Sudan, where the US threw a few bombs on, he was treated properly. Most people down there realize as well that an individual out of a country is not the same as its governement. In case of Paul Theroux they did sometimes have anti-American (government) sympathies and nagged him with that shortly but that was it. But just as often down there they just wanna know how it's like to live in the USA as its still seen as the promised land by people throughout whole Africa. Presumably also in Egypte.

                    Personally Egypt doesn't really get my attention. The pyramids and other remains out of the time of the Farao's seem to have become too much of an tourist thing and i don't like places overcrowded with tourists. Plus all those streets markets around it... Besides i don't think the desert would much impress me as i've already seen probably the prettiest desert in the world, the Namib Desert. If i would go to that region my pick would probably be northern Sudan, where the Nuba people live. You can find pyramids and temples down there as well, just not that much of an tourist thing.
                    Be as intelligent as you are not!

