'Collateral' - Movie Review

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  • omm
    Getting warmed up
    • Jun 2004
    • 56

    I like a lot Mann?s movies. Heat was WOUW!! Incredible. Is top on my DVD?s top 10 list.
    Collateral didn?t came to Argentina yet. I guess that in a few weeks we?ll have it here...till then I can?t say anything.



    • Northern Exposed
      Getting Somewhere
      • Jun 2004
      • 164

      Originally posted by skahound
      Originally posted by Northern Exposed
      Originally posted by skahound
      I gave nothing away that wasn't already given away in the trailer and various press releases. I am an avid movie-goer and would not stoop to that level as to spoil the plot line for anyone. Please read my review of 'The Village' as evidence.
      The Village was FUCKING TERRIBLE.

      I shall ruin it for everyone to save them $$$ it would cost to see it.

      1. The creatures in the woods are humans dressed up to scare the villagers and prevent them from exploring the surrounding woods.

      2. It is present-day and these colonial dumbshits have isolated themselves from reality in a nature preserve. Yeah M. Night actually expects us to buy the fact that 200 or so people have gone UNNOTICED in a nature preserve. IN 2004! BULLSHIT!

      3. The only scary thing is that M. Night Shaymalan actually thought this movie was fit for the big screen. It should have gone straight to video at Wal-Mart for $3.99.

      4. The Sixth-Sense will be his greatest movie ever. Too bad for him it was his first and last high-quality film.

      5. I was about 20 minutes into this movie when I figured it out. Booooring.
      You're a selfish fucking idiot. Because you didn't care for the movie you're going to ruin it for everyone? I hope your dick rots off.
      You bet you fucking cock...get used to it.
      I ain't no damn noobie. Bitch.


      • HoneyBearKelly
        Addiction started
        • Jun 2004
        • 334

        Northern Exposed you do need a hug.
        Skahound are you a studio plant?
        Cat formerly known as Cheshire
        *cue imperial death march"


        • skahound
          Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
          • Jun 2004
          • 11411

          Originally posted by HoneyBearKelly
          Northern Exposed you do need a hug.
          Skahound are you a studio plant?
          Nah, I'm not a studio plant. I just hate self-centered douchebags who decide what is good (or not) for everyone else. I mean giving away the ending to a movie just because you didn't like it? Get a life. I guess there should be an age restriction on this forum so that pre-pubescent asshats can't spoil movie plots for others. I wish I were a studio plant so that I could tell Mr. Shyamalan to consult N.E. the next time he writes a film to make sure it is to his liking.
          A good shower head and my right hand - the two best lovers that I ever had.


          • HoneyBearKelly
            Addiction started
            • Jun 2004
            • 334

            Originally posted by skahound
            Originally posted by HoneyBearKelly
            Northern Exposed you do need a hug.
            Skahound are you a studio plant?
            Nah, I'm not a studio plant. I just hate self-centered douchebags who decide what is good (or not) for everyone else. I mean giving away the ending to a movie just because you didn't like it? Get a life. I guess there should be an age restriction on this forum so that pre-pubescent asshats can't spoil movie plots for others. I wish I were a studio plant so that I could tell Mr. Shyamalan to consult N.E. the next time he writes a film to make sure it is to his liking.
            I wouldn't do that either. But trust me spoiling is not limited to the prepubescent. If you don't believe me visit some movie sites like Scorched Planet or Aint It Cool News.
            Cat formerly known as Cheshire
            *cue imperial death march"


            • viceroy
              Addiction started
              • Jun 2004
              • 305

              The fact that this movie didn't do too well this weekend is really sad. People would rather have their brains numbed by stupid shit movies like "white chicks" or "without a paddle" which opens soon. These are the movies that the mass population of America goes to see because they don't require any thought, and you forget about them as soon as you leave the theater. This also bleeds into Television as well. When reality tv shows like the simple life 2 and outback jack are watched by millions, it really goes to show that the decline of human thought and intelligence is going down the drain.

              Collateral is an amazing film, not a movie. Films to me have thought, passion and a love for telling a story. Movies on the other hand are made with the sole intention of making more money off rentals.

              It's really too bad that such a great film doesn't get noticed.



              • Steve Graham
                DJ Jelly
                • Jun 2004
                • 12887

                that was a bit lame, lol, at least he could have put it in the thread that was actually about The Village. I'm not planning on seeing it at the theatre just because I havent heard good things about it. I may when it is on dvd though.
                And Collateral the same thing. I will wait for dvd or cable.


                • skahound
                  Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 11411

                  Originally posted by HoneyBearKelly
                  But trust me spoiling is not limited to the prepubescent. If you don't believe me visit some movie sites like Scorched Planet or Aint It Cool News.
                  At least you know what you're in for if you visit those sites. AICN does a great job of warning you before displaying spoilers.
                  A good shower head and my right hand - the two best lovers that I ever had.


                  • tien
                    Getting Somewhere
                    • Jul 2004
                    • 167

                    It was alright, not as suspenseful as i thought it would be. The ending does suck quite a bit though. The story has also been played out so it wasnt like heat. Collateral is nothing compared to HEAT.


                    • Kamal
                      • May 2002
                      • 28835

                      Finally got around to seeing it this weekend and I thought it was below average.... the ONLY thing I liked in the movie was how it looped back to Jada.... other than that (and quite possibly Mr. Foxx's acting), I thought the movie was rather shitty....

                      Baby face Tom Cruise sporting a stern-greying-inhumane-killer look not only sucked in this movie, it sucked even more in the Last Samurai (minus the stern greying killer look - which was even worse being a baby face)....

                      stuff was so impossible how they showed people being killed, fucking open gun fights in a damn club and no one even twitched a god damn muscle.... such BS.... hated the movie and hated it even more that Mr. Fox a.k.a. night shift cabbie turned hero to District Attorney Ms. Pinket saves the day..... this flick ranks up there with the Village in stupidity....


                      Jib says:
                      he isnt worth the water that splashes up into your asshole while you're shitting
                      Originally posted by ace_dl
                      Guys and Gals, I have to hurry/leaving for short-term vacations.
                      I won't be back until next Tuesday, so if Get Carter is the correct answer, I would appreciate of someone else posts a new cap for me


                      • phishfood
                        Fresh Peossy
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 41

                        i rented it over the weekend and like it.... until it looped back to jada (but you knew it was coming), but the the very end was good. the fbi parts, the cop with the good heart that dies, that club scene, was unpolished and could have been better. the cinematic shots where good, made me miss driving around la. tying jamies character development with the car damage was good too. cruize was decent, foxx was great, very much worth a rental.

                        it wasnt nearly as bad as the village or resident evil:apocalypse, if you want a real bad movie rent those.


                        • digitalghost10
                          Getting Somewhere
                          • Dec 2004
                          • 175

                          Mann does a great job at directing movies, I wish he would take on some more Sci-Fi themed films. I always liked his attention to detail.


                          • GregWhelan
                            Are you Kidding me??
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 2994

                            Saw it,thought it was good,was good to see cruise in a different role than normal.


                            • tallinn:express
                              Addiction started
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 372

                              Re: 'Collateral' - Movie Review

                              if u ever want to do something worse than killing urself just watch this movie there was no point no suspense all there was - was tom cruise with no acting tallent in yet another pathetic movie. save ur money.


                              • silversnake
                                Fresh Peossy
                                • Mar 2005
                                • 16

                                really enjoyed the movie, jamie foxx was great but it *spoiler* was pretty obvious from beginning that she would be the last client on his list

