for those who dont know about pickles and tomtom's disasster ME, discuss oblivion here.
your life is an occasion, rise to it.
Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
download that. deep shit listed there
my dick is its own superhero.Tags: None -
Re: oblivion
hum my computer doesnt support this game....dammit......what a shame i just check their site and looks preaty neat....">
All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible. -
Re: oblivion
oh man, I am seriously enjoying this game now. I slightly reduced the difficulty and its been a lot of fun now. I also started doing the Quests for the Dark Brotherhood, and WOW, I am getting awesome equipment & bows.
I've done several now and my majors skills all revolve around Sneak, Light Armor, Marksman, Acrobatics. I want to start on some spells, like Illusion or Destruction. All-in-all I explore a lot between Quests and run into the occasional dungeons and caves to find a lot of other great loot and new characters.
There is one particular dungeon that seems weird. Its directly SouthEast of Leyawiin (I forget the name). However, at the end of this small dungeon there is a statue of some kind of captain. There are two tombs there and I couldn't find anything. Not sure if its for show or if this is part of a quest, but it looks cool.
I'm barely level 11 and owning in my ShadowBow and Elven Arrows :PComment
Re: oblivion
I am so lost in that Game lol. Played 120 hours without even starting the main quest. I also have 5 cities to visit I never have been before and so many side quests to finish..this Game will take months to finish.Comment
Re: oblivion
werd, this game is fucking crack. i am near the end of the brotherhood quests, and have finished the theives guild already. i did some of the main quest, not much, and have been trying to bang out the collector mission.your life is an occasion, rise to it.
Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
download that. deep shit listed there
my dick is its own superhero.Comment
Re: oblivion
i did the first Drop quest yesterday. but i have vampirism so it is tough to get around during the day. seriously, these guys blew me away with morrowind, but this one makes me shit myself. just some of the random shit you come across is so cool. i got unicorn twice, but it tries to kil you if you are a vampire, so i stick with shadowmere. i have only done one oblivion gate cuz i want them to be hard when i try em.your life is an occasion, rise to it.
Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
download that. deep shit listed there
my dick is its own superhero.Comment
Re: oblivion
They will be only hard if you are under Level 20. After this point, the scaling nearly stops and only a few enemies are hard to beat. You can always put that slider to the right though if you need the Bruce Willis experience.Comment
Re: oblivion
lol. Yea I hear you. I've been playing this game mainly at night (because of lighting). I normally turn off all the lights and sneak my way in the caves to get the full experience of this crack-addicting game. I've been going to sleep late and coming into work late as a result /cry
I was barely assigned the first drop-quest for the D.Brotherhood quest... I gotta say, the "purification" quest took me by surprised. Thankfully I was bit before finishing this mission, so within 3 days I will turn into a vampire. I later read it's going to be a bitch to travel around during the day. I'm starting to question whether it is worth it or not.Comment
Re: oblivion
also, you screwed yourself if you killed the vampire in the sancutary before you got the mission to cure the disease.your life is an occasion, rise to it.
Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
download that. deep shit listed there
my dick is its own superhero.Comment
Re: oblivion
Originally posted by thesightlessalso, you screwed yourself if you killed the vampire in the sancutary before you got the mission to cure the disease.Comment
Re: oblivion
Spoiler, if you want to take it that way |
Vampire Basics
First of all, it's worth understanding the rules of vampirism. If you've just recently come out of a cave where you fought vampires, be sure to check your Active Effects spells page. If you see that you've got the beginnings of the vampire disease, simply use a Cure Disease potion to rid yourself of the virus. However, if you go three days without curing the sickness, you'll wake up from your next nap as a vampire.
Now once you're a full-blown vampire, there are essentially four stages of the disease. At the first stage (Vampirism 25), your character earns some stat boosts and turns a bit ugly. You can still move about in daylight, and people are only mildly bothered by your appearance. At stage two (Vampirism 50), you start taking damage while in the sun. Don't use fast travel unless it's going to be night throughout your journey! You'll earn some more powers, however, as many of your stats see increased boosts. The next two levels of vampirism (Vampirism 75 and 100) increase both the damage you take by sun and the stat boosts you gain from the disease. It's also worth nothing that as you progress through the stages of vampirism, your character looks older and older. Some players report that these aging effects are permanent, though in our experience it was hard to tell after we cured the disease.
Don't want to be damaged by the sun while you seek out the cure for vampirism? There is a way to hold back the evolution. To stay at the first stage of vampirism, you must feed once every 24 hours (Oblivion hours, not your real-life, mother-terrorizing hours). If you fail to feed within 24 hours, the next time you sleep or wait will end with your progression to the next stage of the disease. After you've evolved, you can simply feed again to instantly revert back to the very first stage of vampirism, no matter at which stage of the disease you started. However, some of the aging effects will always remain.
You can only feed on sleeping people. To do so, simply sneak up to someone that's asleep and access their body to feed. Feeding does not kill people and you can feed on the same person as many times as you'd like. However, feeding is a crime if you're caught. Be sure no guards are around to see you. You may find that it's hard to find access to sleeping residents. Most people lock up their homes before sleeping, forcing you to break in. However, it is generally easy to feed on homeless people. There are two homeless people that sleep in Skingrad, and they make great targets.
Curing the Disease
The first step in curing the disesase is talking to Raminus Polus at the Arcane University, just south of the Imperial City. He hangs out in the lobby, so you don't need access to the inner-depths of the building. He'll refer you to the Count of Skingrad for further help in seeking the cure. Travel to Skingrad and enter the Castle Skingrad County Hall. Once there, talk to Hal-Liurz and she'll in turn get the Count. The Count does not know the cure for vampirism, but suspects he knows someone who does. He'll then refer you to Melisande who lives in a cabin directly east of Imperial City and south of Cheydinhal.
Talk to Melisande and she'll help you cure your vampirism...for a price. She first wants you to bring her five Grand Soul Gems. Now you can find Grand Soul Gems in various caves and dungeons, but the easiest way to secure them is to go to the Mages Guilds of the main cities. Most of the Mages Guilds have them for sale for between 300 and 350 gold. Gather up five and bring them back to Melisande. She'll then finally give you the recipe for the vampirism cure.
You need to find a gather the ingredients yourself, including two (2) Bloodgrass blades, six (6) cloves of garlic, five (5) Nightshade plants, the blood of an Argonian and the ashes of a specific vampire. Bloodgrass can only be found within Oblivion gates, but it's very abundant there and easy to find. You can find garlic for sale in lots of shops, or hung in homes. Bandits that set up camp often have garlic hanging from their tents, and most residents of Skingrad have garlic hanging over their fireplaces. Nightshade is a relatively rare plant, but there're loads of it south of Skingrad. In fact, just southwest of Skingrad, between the city and the map's border, you can find a large rock that's surrounded by Nightshade plants. You can still see the castle from the rock, so if you've lost sight of Skingrad then you've gone too far. The rock is located on a hill that's about fifty yards south of Fat Ramp Camp.
To acquire the blood of an Argonian, Melisande gives you a blade with which to stab an unwitting lizard. For this endeavor, we went to the Waterfront District of Imperial City where we found an Argonian behind the shacks. We raised his disposition as high as possible and stabbed him afterwards (just once). Strangely, he didn't seem to mind much and didn't attack or send guards after us. You can take your chances with other Argonians and we suspect the result will be the same, but if you want to be safe then just mimmic our method.
The final ingredient to secure is the ash of a specific vampire who dwells (or is locked) in a cave to the southeast, just north of the Panther River. Melisande should mark the location on your map, so you shouldn't have trouble locating it. Now Hindaril isn't the only vampire in this cave, but he's certainly the most difficult to fight. There's a number of vampires inside, but as long as you move through the tunnels slowly you shouldn't have to fight more than one at a time. None of them are particularly difficult, though Hindaril himself can be a challenge. He didn't seem to have any weapons when we fought him, instead relying on hand-to-hand combat. Be ready to restore your fatigue with spells and potions if needed, or watch for him to run into the nearby tunnel to grab a weapon from a vampire you previously killed. To prevent him from grabbing weapons, you can simply pick them up and hold onto them.
Once you've killed Hindaril, be sure to grab his ashes by looting his corpse. Return to Melisande and give her all of the ingredients. She'll ask you to wait 24 hours while she brews up the cure. Talk to her after 24 hours and she'll give you two doses of the cure, one dose for you and one cure for the Count's wife.
Travel back to Skingrad and speak with Hal-Liurz again in the Castle Skingrad County Hall. She'll bring you to a secret tunnel inside which you'll find the Count and his wife. Talk to the Count to give him the cure and wait for the gruesome finale to the Countess's ailment. The Count will tell you that he needs time before he can deal with your further. Simply leave the tunnel and return to the Castle Skingrad County Hall to wait for 24 hours.
After waiting 24 hours, talk to Hal-Liurz again. She'll go summon the Count who will in turn thank you for your efforts. You can talk to him about "Reward" and he'll reward you with 1,000 gold, effectively ending the quest. (In our experience, we were able to repeatedly talk to the Count about "Reward" and were given 1,000 gold every time we did. This is likely a bug in the game that may be patched later. Take advantage of the bug now if you wish, 'cause the Count will soon return to his chambers where he locks himself away.)Comment
Re: oblivion
Some fans really have too much time on their hands lol. It is a good demonstration what the Physics engine is able to do though it is still far from beeing accurate. It shows where Games are heading.
Re: oblivion
Arielus wanted to see how the Game runs on my Athlon 4200+ with 2x Gforce 7800 GTX cards and 2 GB RAM so here are some screenshots. The graphics are not only better through the performance of the 2 cards in SLI mode but also because I use Textures fans made which replace some of the 512 x 512 resolution landscape textures the Game originally uses with 2048 textures and I also have tweaked settings so the landsapce far away does not look blurry. These are screenshots from a 1280x1024 resolution with HDR on and all sliders to the right.
Re: oblivion
wow tom.
those screencaps are excellent.
i'm thinking on buying a 7900gt in couple months (that's the best i can aim for)
will consider getting a sli motherboard so i can get a 2nd card in the future.
about the game. love it... finished the main quest, started over with a pure mage and in few hours i'm at lvl 12
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