Re:: Tipping USA question
hope you're moving on to bigger and better worlds! 
(been there, done that)
agreed..15-20% is the normal tip...if you know the state tax you're in, apply it to that...if you can't figure out the math rapidly enough, tripling it does the trick typically.
I used to average 18% on my tables, regardless of the amount...then I went to a different restaurant where the majority of clientele were senior citizens and I was lucky to get matter how good things were.
But tip when and where you can, unless the service was so horrible (within reasonable standards) that one shouldn't deserve it. The other exception being if you're seriously broke... :?
Originally posted by Trancelucent One

(been there, done that)
agreed..15-20% is the normal tip...if you know the state tax you're in, apply it to that...if you can't figure out the math rapidly enough, tripling it does the trick typically.
I used to average 18% on my tables, regardless of the amount...then I went to a different restaurant where the majority of clientele were senior citizens and I was lucky to get matter how good things were.
But tip when and where you can, unless the service was so horrible (within reasonable standards) that one shouldn't deserve it. The other exception being if you're seriously broke... :?