Bush Opposes Making English National Language

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  • toasty
    Sir Toastiness
    • Jun 2004
    • 6585

    Bush Opposes Making English National Language

    No doubt because he can't speak it properly

    Personally, I don't know that I think we need to make English the national language (although it would make thigns a hell of a lot easier). On the other hand, I don't think the government or the private section ought to be forced to coddle people who have opted not to bother to learn the most commonly spoken langauge in the country. Virtually every job you could ever have requires the ability to communicate on some level with people -- if you can't do that effectively, you're on your own, IMO.

    I remember when I was in college, I had a TA for a stat class that was Korean. And I don't mean "of Korean descent," I mean the mother fucker was Korean as in "I lived in Korea up until last Friday." I couldn't understand a word out of his mouth -- it was very frustrating, especially since I was paying for this dude to teach me. Maybe English doesn't need to be an official language, but the ability to communicate effectively ought to be a prerequisite to certain jobs.
  • KinKyJ
    Platinum Poser
    • Jun 2004
    • 13438

    Re: Bush Opposes Making English National Language

    shit that story was gold

    Didn't know the us didn't have an official language btw...


    • toasty
      Sir Toastiness
      • Jun 2004
      • 6585

      Re: Bush Opposes Making English National Language

      ^^Hey, nice sig


      • tiddles
        Encryption, Jr.
        • Jun 2004
        • 6861

        Re: Bush Opposes Making English National Language

        i think we ought to adopt some of the ideas from the purposed french immigrantion changes:
        Only the qualified get "skills and talents" residency permit
        Foreigners only allowed in to work, not live off benefits
        Foreign spouses to wait longer for residence cards
        Migrants must agree to learn French
        Migrants must sign 'contract' respecting French way of life


        • krelm
          Addiction started
          • Jun 2004
          • 437

          Re: Bush Opposes Making English National Language

          Originally posted by toasty
          Personally, I don't know that I think we need to make English the national language (although it would make thigns a hell of a lot easier). On the other hand, I don't think the government or the private section ought to be forced to coddle people who have opted not to bother to learn the most commonly spoken langauge in the country.
          Can a business get sued for refusing to hire a non-english speaking worker? For some reason, I don't think so. Personally, I think making a law making English the official language would just be unnecessary. Common sense dictates that you are going to have a tougher time finding work and getting around in the US if you don't speak English. What purpose does it serve to make it a law? As long as places of business have the legal ability to not hire somebody who doesn't speak English proficiently, then any sort of legislation is unnecessary, in that respect.

          I remember when I was in college, I had a TA for a stat class that was Korean. And I don't mean "of Korean descent," I mean the mother fucker was Korean as in "I lived in Korea up until last Friday." I couldn't understand a word out of his mouth -- it was very frustrating, especially since I was paying for this dude to teach me.
          Heh - I think it was pretty much like that with most of the TAs I had for math or physics subjects as an undergraduate. Just remember that most TAs in the natural sciences in US colleges aren't hired for their teaching or communication abilities. Especially the asian grad students (most of whom have probably never been to the US before they get off the plane and get shoved into a lab for the next 4-6 years). Hell, even the American TAs weren't exactly able to communicate the subject matter so well.
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          "It's like a koala bear crapped a rainbow in my brain!"
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          • rbuffetta
            Addiction started
            • Feb 2006
            • 300

            Re: Bush Opposes Making English National Language

            "Can a business get sued for refusing to hire a non-english speaking worker?"

            Try getting tech support for some software programs. That made me rethink yes.


            • Localizer
              Platinum Poster
              • Jul 2004
              • 2021

              Re: Bush Opposes Making English National Language

              The nation was founded not on English, but on multitudes of different languages. There's no reason why English needs to be the law. I know in aviation, the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) requires English to be spoken because of Air Traffic issues.
              Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so.
              -Bertrand Russell


              • toasty
                Sir Toastiness
                • Jun 2004
                • 6585

                Re: Bush Opposes Making English National Language

                Originally posted by krelm
                Can a business get sued for refusing to hire a non-english speaking worker?
                This is not my area of expertise, but I think you are correct that the answer is no. In general, you can hire or fire pretty much anyone you want on any basis you want, provided it isn't on the basis of race. You couldn't decline to hire people simply because they are of, for example, hispanic descent, but not hiring someone because they only speak Spanish and English is spoken around the workplace seems entirely OK to me. As long as you have a race-neutral reason for not hiring someone, you're pretty much in the clear, I think.

