That just ain't right... :?
ok...wait a second here.
i just realized i've been banned for cheating.
this is ridiculous, IMO.
as i said, there's a known glitch in grow. yeah, i took advantage of it. i didn't consider it cheating, but i see everyone's point. i'd have no problem w/ that score being removed.
now everything else on the other hand was 100% legit. i have no idea how one could cheat on them, nor do i have the desire to learn. i suppose i have no way of proving this, but all i can say is that i've had quite a bit of spare time over the last couple weeks. i used some of this time to relax and play the games and such, as i know i'm gonna be swamped when school starts back up in a couple days.
oh well, not the end of the world, but i have a lot of respect for this site. a pm or something questioning beforehand would've been nice IMO.
carry on.Comment
Re: GAMES....
first thing, about the cheating i dont necessarily think u should be banned but u cheated and were caught so take the punishment handed down, the games are supposed to be fun and competitive which doesnt leave room for cheaters...
second, i think its about time to give respect where respect is due:
"SleepyFloyd Currently Holds 31 Trophies."
Sleepy has been dominating the "Arcade" at a supreme pace... so a big one of these to Sleepyfor literally kicking all of our asses in most of the games... im happy with my 3 trophies for now... cheers all
Re: GAMES....
the way i see it, it's an honest mistake, and i have 7 trophies out of what? 100something games? if i was gonna cheat, i'd hope i could do better than that...
i'm not bothered about losing scores/trophies/et al. i'm bothered by the accusations and frankly, i enjoy playing the games just as the rest of you do. a simple questioning from an admin could've straightened this out easily, don't you think?
ps: tossed some karma your way pickle. no hard feelings eh?Comment
Yeh, i got it online but how about it here on ms. I know there are a lot of trophy hunters so this would be another one for the cabinet. Just a thought though.Comment
Re: GAMES....
[you] hasn`t completed grow yet
That is apart from SM001, Civic_Zen, picklemonkey opiate and i.Took some working out though.
I saw:
That stupid game took me like 3 hours at work one day... I didn't accomplish much that day, but I definitely accomplished beating that game. With all the time I spent on that stupid game, I don't think I'll ever throw away the final .txt file I used to keep swapping the part orders.
Re: GAMES....
thanks for the recognition Platinumnice one on pacman.
props to Civic_Zen and some real good scores over meComment
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