So somebody I thought was a friend........

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  • toasty
    Sir Toastiness
    • Jun 2004
    • 6585

    Re: So somebody I thought was a friend........

    Originally posted by BureOne
    But like what's his name keeps on saying. Have the Cops dust for prints and match them to all your friends who would know the code.. and start eliminating perople one by one.

    Just let your friends know it's normal "police" procedure to do this with people who know the code. That way it does not look like your accusing them. tee hee.
    Well, it would only be normal police procedure if those people would have had legitimate reason to use the code recently, so they could be eliminated as suspects if their print turned up -- not the other way around. If they haven't had legitimate reason to use the code recently, asking for their prints is tantamount to accusing them of breaking in.

    If the police are interested in figuring out who did this, tell them who did know the code, and let the police do your dirty work. Tell your friends in an offhand way that the police asked you who knew the code (which they ought to do as part of normal police work) and that you indicated that they did (also normal), so the police might contact them (also normal), and drop it. If I was in your friends' position and I had done nothing wrong, I'd be happy to help out when a cop called trying to help my buddy get his stuff back.


    • neoee
      Platinum Poster
      • Jun 2004
      • 1266

      Re: So somebody I thought was a friend........

      As someone mentioned above you can pull history from the alarm system- like when it was disarmed. This would at least give you the time of entry. Secondly you should also program in multiple codes for your system. Like guest codes, that way if you have to disarm your system in front of others or give your code out you can always change it but the best thing to do is add a wireless module (assuming you have an Ademco unit, which is used in like 90% of homes) and get a wireless transmitter. It looks like a car alarm remote and can support encryption. That way you don't have to memorize codes or anything.

      And never set your garage door code to the same as your alarm system (I think you know that now though). What I do is to set it off by at least 1 digit. It can be as simple as adding 1 to the number. This way its still easy to remember but no one can just watch you with a pair of binoculars (you sure this isn't what happened?). As you can see by the other comments in this thread many people set it the same.

      Anyways sorry for your loss. I hope you find the thief.
      "They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security." -Benjamin Franklin


      • unkownartist
        • Nov 2005
        • 4146

        Re: So somebody I thought was a friend........

        man that sux... but look on the bright side of it, it could of been alot worse, what would you be like if the watch had went missing due to some asshole junkie pining for his next fix, you should look @ getting a safe or something if you have those things around the house, they say lightening does strike twice personally i dont believe that...a bit of advice...when it comes to wealth i.e. your OWN wealth....TRUST NO 1 BUT URSELF


        • Jibgolly
          • Jun 2004
          • 20773

          Re: So somebody I thought was a friend........

          thats some bullshit bryan!!!
          people do stupid things when they get desperate.
          whether its drugs or financial problems, they can both drive you to do fucked up shit.

          another good thing to have, especially if you like having emergency cash around, is a home safe bolted to the floor. my dad has one and i'd be glad to have him pass along some info.

          on a brighter note: DJ Three and Mr C this saturday BITCH !!!!!!!!!


          • sakio pod
            SALAD TOSSER
            • Jun 2004
            • 6034

            Re: So somebody I thought was a friend........

            alright bro this is strike number 2

            change the codes, change the locks you guys gotta set the alarm everytime you leave

            you can't trust those sluts either imo from now on make sure they don't get the code you never fucking know they know when your at work yadda yadda yadda

            you got lucky this time


            • ddr
              DUDERZ get a life!!!
              • Jun 2004
              • 7006

              Re: So somebody I thought was a friend........

              yea that sucks man, although it could hav ebeen hell of a lot worse.
              i agree with previous posters saying that dont jump to conclusions about blaming friends etc. cuz if you have one of those garage openers with the keypad on the outside... it doesnt take a rocket science for someone to to look over your shoulder and notice what #'s your pushing...

              all you can do now is hope the cops come up with something, and change ur damn locks
              "pics or stfu" - R.I.P. Steve "Jibgolly" James


              • Dhar_2
                meat and potatoes
                • Jun 2004
                • 18925

                Re: So somebody I thought was a friend........

                that sucks mate.

                on the brighter side of things, it seems you may have got off lightly.

                the problem is u have no really evidence to say who it was, and could go round in circles trying to pin it on someone. remember that you dont want to cause yourself more problems by pointing fingers.

                get the cops in. hide the stuff u need to. and get the codes changed.

                it's never nice having your personal space intruded upon. but let the cops do their job (probably sweet FA) and keep your mouth shut. If it is someone close to you, they will fuck up. but u can't say anything, because they will become uncomfortable with the fact u haven't said anything. and they will slip up.

                Chin up! at least its only money (which is still a fucker) and not something irreplaceable.


                • hansh20
                  Gold Gabber
                  • Jul 2004
                  • 540

                  Re: So somebody I thought was a friend........

                  what are you gonna do if its someone really close to you, wich probably is... are you just going to ask him/her for the money back? or going all the way pressing charges?. its a hard situation imo.
                  " When Chuck Norris falls in water, Chuck Norris doesn't get wet. Water gets Chuck Norris. "


                  • Yao
                    DUDERZ get a life!!!
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 8167

                    Re: So somebody I thought was a friend........

                    Originally posted by runningman
                    let it be a lesson to all. When you break up with a girl change the code. It could be her new boyfriend for all you know. As far as the Rolex being there that is a little weird..

                    and toasty if they had an opener don't you think they would have been more prepared to steal more?? Sounds like a friend or ex girlfriend to me..
                    I'd think the same - Bryan stated that everything was still there, most notably something with high sentimental value (but something that any thief would be thrilled about to find, that Rolex). It seems like someone wanted to find some cash specifically, either because they needed it or just to get back at Bryan without wanting to hurt him too much.

                    Or maybe it's a warning and you're gonna get it back with the advice to change your alarm codes...they had a TV show over here in which they burglared people's houses only to show them how poorly it was protected. But i'm afraid that you won't be that lucky Bri...
                    Blowkick visual & graphic design - No Civilization. Now With Broadband.

                    There are but three true sports -- bullfighting, mountain climbing, and motor-racing. The rest are merely games. -Hemingway


                    • Bryanw24
                      Gold Gabber
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 841

                      Re: So somebody I thought was a friend........

                      Originally posted by Jibgolly
                      on a brighter note: DJ Three and Mr C this saturday BITCH !!!!!!!!!
                      Yea I was thinking about not going but then I said FUCK IT! I'm gettin F*cked up.

                      Originally posted by Yao
                      I'd think the same - Bryan stated that everything was still there, most notably something with high sentimental value (but something that any thief would be thrilled about to find, that Rolex). It seems like someone wanted to find some cash specifically, either because they needed it or just to get back at Bryan without wanting to hurt him too much.

                      So true Yao. Money comes and goes and I am fortunate enough that this money will not effect me in any way. Yes, it was 1,200.00 but my grandfathers watch would have completely devastated my family and I. Actually I was going to buy a new Acura TL since I just paid my Tahoe off and I was going to use that money for a down payment on some rims. Now it looks like I'm just going scrap the whole idea of the Acura.


                      • Kobe
                        I wish I had an interesting User title
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 2589

                        Re: So somebody I thought was a friend........

                        My money is on you ex's new crackhead boyfriend.

                        Sorry for the loss, you did get off relatively easy. Semi-expensive lesson learned.
                        Beats are my crack.


                        • Bryanw24
                          Gold Gabber
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 841

                          Re: So somebody I thought was a friend........

                          Originally posted by Kobe
                          My money is on you ex's new crackhead boyfriend.
                          She is my number one concern now because she knew the codes, and had a key at 1 time. When I kicked her out(October I believe) she gave back the key but who knows if she made a copy and she also knew that if I had money or anything else in the house where to look. The thing that sucks the most is that I have a safe in my closet but I lost the keys when I moved into my new condo.


                          • ShawnD64
                            Quickshot the Minute Man
                            • Jan 2005
                            • 1250

                            Re: So somebody I thought was a friend........

                            what baffles me is how this person knew it was under the bed? you say you dont tell anyone where you keep money, me thinks since she was staying there ... she is the only person that knows its there. and maybe its just me, and i dont know your ex... but girls do dumb things and can be very irrational. i mean how stupid can you be not to close the door and garage on the way out. that stinks of a scared, nervous girl running out of your house...


                            • speciale
                              Are you Kidding me??
                              • Dec 2005
                              • 3728

                              Re: So somebody I thought was a friend........

                              sorry to hear about the break in, but you also mention ex-girlfriend? she wouldn't know about the money?

                              I agree with sightless and call the cops, especially since you are going out of town.

                              BTW, what is your code and address?
                              Originally posted by Miroslav
                              It's not like he grabbed his balls and sucked his dick. It's not like he gave the Saudis the original copy of the Constitution to use as toilet paper. It's not like he gave away the secret recipe to the Colonel's chicken. .
                              No Soup for You


                              • hulkhuss
                                Are you Kidding me??
                                • Jun 2004
                                • 3699

                                Re: So somebody I thought was a friend........

                                sux to hear
                                least ur gramps watch is still there
                                if you got good credit, put zero down on the new ride



