in your opinion.

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  • dig72
    Gold Gabber
    • Nov 2004
    • 882

    Re: in your opinion.

    im have come to the point where i no longer want the US to ever get involved again

    Good, I'd say the rest of the world would also be happy if the US and it's partners in crime never get involved in invading countries for reasons purely based on lies.

    fuck all your countries with replies from ppl who spew shit about us

    Fuck the world, we're # 1, yeah, yeah. Sadly, this does appear to be the same attitude that the US is projecting towards the rest of the world in relation to it's foreign policy.

    and there is a few defectors who said they shipped WMD based materials to syria before the war. fuck africa, cut off funding and aid to middle east

    Let it go man, the defectors like your government have been exposed as bullshit artists.

    just isolate ourselves with those who want to be friendly

    Lol, England and Australia, is there anyone else?

    comepletely cut off trade and military aid to everyone. including half of the european union, australia, africa and middle east,

    Then what?

    you damn well that if the US were asked to help out in africa, the minute we landed there, there would be whino fucks like dig21 with a problem on it.

    If the US land there and help them the same way, that they landed in Iraq and helped the Iraqis, then I'm afraid that I'll also have a problem with this.

    i honeslty think that half of the assholes barking about this retarded war and its "lies"" would rather have allowed ppl like saddam to continue his bahaviour

    What's the difference? the world allows Bush and his partners in crime continue on in their pshycotic behaviour.

    and would furthermore let mugabe come to the table in international negotiations all the while the situation continuing. if it isnt done thier way they act like a 2 year old

    " If you're not with us, then you're against us "

    Sound familiar?
    “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”
    Marcus Tullius Cicero


    • unkownartist
      • Nov 2005
      • 4146

      Re: in your opinion.

      Originally posted by thesightless
      . fuck all your countries with replies from ppl who spew shit about us.
      woh steady man!!!!

      i didnt spew shit about you lot !!! there was a justified reason for going into iraq and trying to sort it out both politically and also mentally but i think before people try to do this then they must educate the people who they are sending to do this about the people that they are trying to help, many people in iraq only see the only reason both the US and the UK are in there is so they can capitalise on the oil in the future by forging a relationship with the forming goverment in Iraq, you know how popular the conspuracy way of thinking is becoming these days and i for one am i conspiracy junkie lol. What pisses me off about the whole thing is that the countries who are supposed to be allies of both the US and the UK dont get of there asses to actually help these countries try to achieve what they want to achieve but when it comes to us helping those countries it becomes a different thing....its a difficult topic to discuss, war always is, i guess you just have to sit back and let time take its tole....really there is nothing else you can do


      • KinKyJ
        Platinum Poser
        • Jun 2004
        • 13438

        Re: in your opinion.

        Originally posted by thesightless
        i wish saddam invaded a european country or australia and maybe ppl's points change. everyone who bitches about what the us military does would rather let the people suffer if only to avoid dealing with it.
        Like so?

        So what are you trying to say with that? Iraq didn't invade the US, so probably all of a sudden the US is the global conscience or what?

        It was an illegal war to start with. Nuff said


        • thesightless
          Someone will marry me. Hell Yeah!
          • Jun 2004
          • 13567

          Re: in your opinion.

          what , you want me to change my opinion? not a chance. our retard president tried to help out and everyone groups us with him. fuck that. next time, i hope it ur place that needs help. fuck it. i sont say the guy is a genious, but it isnt like our military is doing night raids for fun, they got rid of a guy who has killed millions and half the world would rather see the guy back in power. fuck that. at least he tried. it got silly once all the stupid infighting occured. its a dumb war yeah, but damn, at least the shit is going to be better off in a few years.
          your life is an occasion, rise to it.

          Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
          download that. deep shit listed there

          my dick is its own superhero.


          • miketpoto
            Shabisquik The Ghetto Queen
            • Jan 2005
            • 4223

            Re: in your opinion.

            Originally posted by dig72

            Good, I'd say the rest of the world would also be happy if the US and it's partners in crime never get involved in invading countries for reasons purely based on lies.

            Fuck the world, we're # 1, yeah, yeah. Sadly, this does appear to be the same attitude that the US is projecting towards the rest of the world in relation to it's foreign policy.

            Let it go man, the defectors like your government have been exposed as bullshit artists.

            Lol, England and Australia, is there anyone else?

            Then what?

            If the US land there and help them the same way, that they landed in Iraq and helped the Iraqis, then I'm afraid that I'll also have a problem with this.

            What's the difference? the world allows Bush and his partners in crime continue on in their pshycotic behaviour.

            " If you're not with us, then you're against us "

            Sound familiar?

            Fuck yeah! Thank you sooooo much like you don't even know....

            Now if he spews pathetic asinine lowlife shit like this, I will be able to say " Sean... as we know there is at least one person on the other side of the planet that would love to tell you to SHUT YOUR STUPID FUCKING TRAP! And there is one person in front of you who suggests you do the same if you'd like to continue being able to be in the same room as me without the likely possibility of me plotting your multimedia-documented traumatizing public-humiliation."

            In other words Sean, I don't care to be around those who advocate dictating that which they have done nothing to warrant the entitlement or invitation to help intervene. Find a way to get a rise out of people that provokes actual thought at the same time. Post the same retarded articles you already do, they will enrage people just the same and incite heated discussion due to their "ideas" and content. I would love to know you could openly acknowledge that you don't actually believe that pathetic sickening bullshit you wrote in the opening post of this thread.

            I find it increasingly difficult to buy into your multiple personalities...

            1- Pleasant addition to the dance floor group besides the belligerent episodes that you've been good about avoiding lately....

            2- Proving once or twice you are capable of being open minded enough to be compatible socially with my group of friends that treat everyone with respect, include an outlaw, a clergy member "of a different kind", some scientists, an attorney, an MD and have many other talents in addition to their careers.

            3- The disgust-inducing, not even ironic-funny, antithesis to the kind of person I care to ever be around. Someone who "says" things that no matter how many good qualities they also have, you honestly can't overlook them enough to justify respecting them as a person... You say you like to get a rise out off people by being a dick on the board, but the more I look at it I really get the gut feeling that you honestly believe a lot more of what you say than what you don't.

            I have been witness to you being a good person in practice and have had you even vow to beat the shit out of some asshole who started trying to have a drunken fight with me. I appreciate and respect that you have done these things and haven't forgotten them. I just don't see how you can continually write these illogical, ethno/culture-centric, and horribly void of the characteristics of someone who understands what in life is truly important.

            The world is an incredibly complicated and sometimes terrifying place, and I won't pretend that I have solid confidence that anyone in any political party has a noble and effective alternative to the shit you proclaim as the only possible route to a solution. However, I don't believe that someone who proposes plans that take such one-dimensional views into consideration on more often multi-dimensional quandries of the world is a person who really "gets it" or shows any signs of even trying to. That being said, combined with what I spoke about being important to me, I really don't respect the sum total of the equation that is Sightless + Sean. I can't see that you have looked into yourself, thought about what and who you saw long and hard enough to have a conscious awareness of your true convictions in life. I say that because anytime think I see evidence of one, you contradict yourself. Or maybe you have done this, and do have them, and there just isn't a common denominator between yours and my own.

            Yes, I realize I have written a book or I am at least on that path, I think I have been blunt and probably as close as I care to get to giving an ultimatum. I really want the conclusion of all this to be me finding out that you are the person I really do like that I think I have seen, and not the one I surmise and fear that you actually are. I very much want this post as a whole to not be some big attack on you, but rather one that will make you think and precipitate a dialog that if nothing else, reaches an understanding of some kind. I want to make it clear though that by that I also mean I hope you understand how serious I am about being honest to myself as to who my friends are and that which makes them the people I want/need to be around, and honest about what it is about you that I value and enjoy, equally though; what I can't be around... When I think that we spend the majority of time together while on a dancefloor or on this board that is, in-theory at least, about that same notion, it just really affirms my beliefs in those being the places where I want to be surrounded by the people most gratifying to me (not including my family, but not any less important than them either) and I don't wan't to compromise that for myself neither do I want to make it awkward for you or myself... Just understand that when all is said and done, I don't want to waste my time or energy with someone who turned out to be a dick that I gave as much opportunity as I could to prove himself otherwise.

            PS - Wow I didn't plan on this being anything at all like what it turned out to be, but I did end up spending a lot of thought on it and it is completely and in all honesty "from the heart". I use quotes because it's just way too much my style to sarcastically refer to myself as a lowlife bitch on this board to have this message end on a mushy note.... ok?
            Last edited by miketpoto; May 31, 2006, 03:58:02 AM.


            • dig72
              Gold Gabber
              • Nov 2004
              • 882

              Re: in your opinion.

              what , you want me to change my opinion
              No, your opinion is your opinion, nobody can change that but we sure as hell can disagree with it when asked.

              our retard president tried to help out and everyone groups us with him
              Help in what way exactly?

              The majority of voters in the US elect him in and as a result he gets to represent all Americans. As mentioned before, every crazy decision made by the nutjobs that make up the current administration is a reflection of the country and it's people as a whole.

              i sont say the guy is a genious

              Lol, that's an understatement of the century.

              but it isnt like our military is doing night raids for fun,
              The military do as they are told, they aren't the issue, it's the orders given to them by the crazies in power that people have issues with.

              they got rid of a guy who has killed millions and half the world would rather see the guy back in power.
              So killing is ok just as long as it's done by the US and it's partners in crime and not an Arab.

              fuck that. at least he tried
              Agreed, Bush and the whitehouse crazies tried to hoodwink the rest of the world and got caught out with lies. And the most sad and disturbing thing to see is supposedly "educated" people shamelessly defend the actions of these crazies in power.
              These crazies are criminals and deserve to be treated as such. Bush and his cronies need to be arrested ASAP and tried for crimes againt humanity the same way that Sadaam is being tried. They do not deserve anymore respect than Sadaam.

              its a dumb war yeah, but damn, at least the shit is going to be better off in a few years

              It never was a war, it was an invasion which quickly become an occupation of a entire sovereign nation which never ever posed a threat to the US and it's cronies.
              “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”
              Marcus Tullius Cicero


              • GregWhelan
                Are you Kidding me??
                • Jun 2004
                • 2991

                Re: in your opinion.

                I would say that most countries in the world would bite the US's hand off if they offered to withdraw and keep themselves to themselves. I would hazard a guess that the world situation would be better then than it is now.

                No one is denying that the US DOES help out in certain countries, financially/economically or whatever, but you have to admit that they conjured up a reason for going to war, they have covered up reasons for maintaining that war also.

                Why couldn't the US just go in there and kill Saddam, it would take them about 2 minutes. You can bet your bottom dollar that if the US wanted YOU dead, you wouldn't even have enough time to listen to GU San Fran one more time before you'd have a bullet in your head.

                thesightless - unfortunately the actions of your govt have caused a lot of people to dislike the US - I dislike the US govt intensely, but not the citizens of the US. I have visited once, and found every US person I met to be friendly


                • KinKyJ
                  Platinum Poser
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 13438

                  Re: in your opinion.

                  To be honest I'm a bit fed up with these iraq threads. It's like the internet stuck on repeat... the ranting stays the same, only the title changes.


                  • Yao
                    DUDERZ get a life!!!
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 8167

                    Re: in your opinion.

                    Originally posted by miketpoto

                    Fuck yeah! Thank you sooooo much like you don't even know....

                    Now if he spews pathetic asinine lowlife shit like this, I will be able to say " Sean... as we know there is at least one person on the other side of the planet that would love to tell you to SHUT YOUR STUPID FUCKING TRAP! And there is one person in front of you who suggests you do the same if you'd like to continue being able to be in the same room as me without the likely possibility of me plotting your multimedia-documented traumatizing public-humiliation."

                    In other words Sean, I don't care to be around those who advocate dictating that which they have done nothing to warrant the entitlement or invitation to help intervene. Find a way to get a rise out of people that provokes actual thought at the same time. Post the same retarded articles you already do, they will enrage people just the same and incite heated discussion due to their "ideas" and content. I would love to know you could openly acknowledge that you don't actually believe that pathetic sickening bullshit you wrote in the opening post of this thread.

                    I find it increasingly difficult to buy into your multiple personalities...

                    1- Pleasant addition to the dance floor group besides the belligerent episodes that you've been good about avoiding lately....

                    2- Proving once or twice you are capable of being open minded enough to be compatible socially with my group of friends that treat everyone with respect, include an outlaw, a clergy member "of a different kind", some scientists, an attorney, an MD and have many other talents in addition to their careers.

                    3- The disgust-inducing, not even ironic-funny, antithesis to the kind of person I care to ever be around. Someone who "says" things that no matter how many good qualities they also have, you honestly can't overlook them enough to justify respecting them as a person... You say you like to get a rise out off people by being a dick on the board, but the more I look at it I really get the gut feeling that you honestly believe a lot more of what you say than what you don't.

                    I have been witness to you being a good person in practice and have had you even vow to beat the shit out of some asshole who started trying to have a drunken fight with me. I appreciate and respect that you have done these things and haven't forgotten them. I just don't see how you can continually write these illogical, ethno/culture-centric, and horribly void of the characteristics of someone who understands what in life is truly important.

                    The world is an incredibly complicated and sometimes terrifying place, and I won't pretend that I have solid confidence that anyone in any political party has a noble and effective alternative to the shit you proclaim as the only possible route to a solution. However, I don't believe that someone who proposes plans that take such one-dimensional views into consideration on more often multi-dimensional quandries of the world is a person who really "gets it" or shows any signs of even trying to. That being said, combined with what I spoke about being important to me, I really don't respect the sum total of the equation that is Sightless + Sean. I can't see that you have looked into yourself, thought about what and who you saw long and hard enough to have a conscious awareness of your true convictions in life. I say that because anytime think I see evidence of one, you contradict yourself. Or maybe you have done this, and do have them, and there just isn't a common denominator between yours and my own.

                    Yes, I realize I have written a book or I am at least on that path, I think I have been blunt and probably as close as I care to get to giving an ultimatum. I really want the conclusion of all this to be me finding out that you are the person I really do like that I think I have seen, and not the one I surmise and fear that you actually are. I very much want this post as a whole to not be some big attack on you, but rather one that will make you think and precipitate a dialog that if nothing else, reaches an understanding of some kind. I want to make it clear though that by that I also mean I hope you understand how serious I am about being honest to myself as to who my friends are and that which makes them the people I want/need to be around, and honest about what it is about you that I value and enjoy, equally though; what I can't be around... When I think that we spend the majority of time together while on a dancefloor or on this board that is, in-theory at least, about that same notion, it just really affirms my beliefs in those being the places where I want to be surrounded by the people most gratifying to me (not including my family, but not any less important than them either) and I don't wan't to compromise that for myself neither do I want to make it awkward for you or myself... Just understand that when all is said and done, I don't want to waste my time or energy with someone who turned out to be a dick that I gave as much opportunity as I could to prove himself otherwise.

                    PS - Wow I didn't plan on this being anything at all like what it turned out to be, but I did end up spending a lot of thought on it and it is completely and in all honesty "from the heart". I use quotes because it's just way too much my style to sarcastically refer to myself as a lowlife bitch on this board to have this message end on a mushy note.... ok?
                    ^^wow, first time I've seen you dead serious on this board Poto. Struck me as really honest, I hope Sean finds something in it for himself.

                    @ Sean: I know you've been pulling pranks on me quite recently with very conservative speech (in close collaboration with Kinky), but like I told you then: they were so close to what you regularly post that I couldn't see it was a joke...maybe that and Poto's post should tell you someting? You've shown your ability to think multi-dimensional on these problems, I gotta say I've enjoyed those moments the most.

                    Other than that, if we should meet sometime (and i'm pretty confident that will happen in the next few years) I'd still drink a beer with you
                    Blowkick visual & graphic design - No Civilization. Now With Broadband.

                    There are but three true sports -- bullfighting, mountain climbing, and motor-racing. The rest are merely games. -Hemingway


                    • speciale
                      Are you Kidding me??
                      • Dec 2005
                      • 3728

                      Re: in your opinion.

                      Originally posted by KinKyJ
                      To be honest I'm a bit fed up with these iraq threads. It's like the internet stuck on repeat... the ranting stays the same, only the title changes.
                      I agree. send our troops home and let God sort it out. Now back to the border bashing talks
                      Originally posted by Miroslav
                      It's not like he grabbed his balls and sucked his dick. It's not like he gave the Saudis the original copy of the Constitution to use as toilet paper. It's not like he gave away the secret recipe to the Colonel's chicken. .
                      No Soup for You


                      • miketpoto
                        Shabisquik The Ghetto Queen
                        • Jan 2005
                        • 4223

                        Re: in your opinion.

                        Originally posted by Yao
                        ^^wow, first time I've seen you dead serious on this board Poto. Struck me as really honest, I hope Sean finds something in it for himself.

                        @ Sean: I know you've been pulling pranks on me quite recently with very conservative speech (in close collaboration with Kinky), but like I told you then: they were so close to what you regularly post that I couldn't see it was a joke...maybe that and Poto's post should tell you someting? You've shown your ability to think multi-dimensional on these problems, I gotta say I've enjoyed those moments the most.

                        Other than that, if we should meet sometime (and i'm pretty confident that will happen in the next few years) I'd still drink a beer with you
                        Yao... Sean proved himself to be quite a good guy... it was just sort of like in ghostbusters when they had to break off the burnt charcoal-like outsides of the demon-dogs to get back to good ole nice Dana Barret... or maybe he was just hiding the nice part too often


                        • KinKyJ
                          Platinum Poser
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 13438

                          Re: in your opinion.

                          Originally posted by miketpoto
                          Yao... Sean proved himself to be quite a good guy... it was just sort of like in ghostbusters when they had to break off the burnt charcoal-like outsides of the demon-dogs to get back to good ole nice Dana Barret... or maybe he was just hiding the nice part too often
                          Bring on the slime (AND LOSE THE FUCKING 30% IN YER SIG)


                          • miketpoto
                            Shabisquik The Ghetto Queen
                            • Jan 2005
                            • 4223

                            Re: in your opinion.

                            Originally posted by KinKyJ
                            Bring on the slime (AND LOSE THE FUCKING 30% IN YER SIG)
                            You of all people shouldn't have anything to say about signatures and their flashiness....


                            • KinKyJ
                              Platinum Poser
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 13438

                              Re: in your opinion.

                              ^^^ hokey fancy nancy, u got me there


                              • czetly
                                Fresh Peossy
                                • Jun 2006
                                • 8

                                Re: in your opinion.

                                I read about this a lot, in many sources including this month's Popular Science magazine. Basically, it is being drawn in US Congress as a proposition for a law, that ISP's can make load times for certain websites faster or slower. For example, MSN can have normal page loading time for and any websites that pay them to have a normal/faster load time, and a slower loading time for say Yahoo or PoFo(to bring this into the issue). To summarize, it would be like everyone in the US having a service that slows load times for certain sites, and faster for other, not depending on the website's server.

