As you may or may not have heard, due to unforeseen circumstances Marine Parade has gone bankrupt. This was not due to bad sales, in fact MaPa was selling more records than ever. But their ex distributors went under and their debt collectors just dropped a ridiculous bill on them that the parade can't pay. Marine Parade will be back and will be releasing our album "You Can Be Special Too" in september. In the mean time if you want to get hold of the album copies were leaked into HMV/Virgin stores where you can pick them up. Due to the nature of liquidation, we will not actually get any money for these copies but fuck it, we just wanna get the music out there.
We apologize for the album being put back AGAIN and promise to get it out there ASAP. We are very proud of the album and once you buy it 'You will be special too'
big love,
Evil Pat, Tom and AdRock
We apologize for the album being put back AGAIN and promise to get it out there ASAP. We are very proud of the album and once you buy it 'You will be special too'
big love,
Evil Pat, Tom and AdRock
