Why we like the British!

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  • Dhar_2
    meat and potatoes
    • Jun 2004
    • 18925

    Why we like the British!

    Why We Like The British -


    1) Commenting on a complaint from a Mr. Arthur Purdey about a large gas
    bill, a spokesman for North West Gas said, "We agree it was rather high
    for the time of year. It's possible Mr. Purdey has been charged for the
    gas used up during the explosion that destroyed his house." (The Daily

    2) Police reveal that a woman arrested for shoplifting had a whole
    salami in her underwear. When asked why, she said it was because she was
    missing her Italian boyfriend. (The Manchester Evening News)

    3) Irish police are being handicapped in a search for a stolen van,
    because they cannot issue a description. It's a Special Branch vehicle
    and they don't want the public to know what it looks like. (The

    4) A young girl who was blown out to sea on a set of inflatable teeth
    was rescued by a man on an inflatable lobster. A coast guard spokesman
    commented, "This sort of thing is all too common". (The Times)

    5) At the height of the gale, the harbourmaster radioed a coastguard and
    asked him to estimate the wind speed. He replied he was sorry, but he
    didn't have a gauge. However, if it was any help, the wind had just
    blown his Land Rover off the cliff. (Aberdeen Evening Express)

    6) Mrs. Irene Graham of Thorpe Avenue, Boscombe, delighted the audience
    with her reminiscence of the German prisoner of war who was sent each
    week to do her garden. He was repatriated at the end of 1945, she
    recalled. "He'd always seemed a nice friendly chap, but when the
    crocuses came up in the middle of our lawn in February 1946, they spelt
    out 'Heil Hitler.'" (Bournemouth Evening Echo)

    A list of actual announcements that London Tube train drivers have made
    to their passengers...

    1) "Ladies and Gentlemen, I do apologize for the delay to your service.
    I know you're all dying to get home, unless, of course, you happen to be
    married to my ex-wife, in which case you'll want to cross over to the
    Westbound and go in the opposite direction."

    2) "Your delay this evening is caused by the line controller suffering
    from E & B syndrome: not knowing his elbow from his backside. I'll let
    you know any further information as soon as I'm given any."

    3) "Do you want the good news first or the bad news? The good news is
    that last Friday was my birthday and I hit the town and had a great
    time. The bad news is that there is a points failure somewhere between
    Stratford and East Ham, which means we probably won't reach our

    4) "Ladies and gentlemen, we apologize for the delay, but there is a
    security alert at Victoria station and we are therefore stuck here for
    the foreseeable future, so let's take our minds off it and pass some
    time together. All together now.... 'Ten green bottles, hanging on a

    5) "We are now traveling through Baker Street... As you can see, Baker
    Street is closed. It would have been nice if they had actually told me,
    so I could tell you earlier, but no, they don't think about things like

    6) "Beggars are operating on this train. Please do NOT encourage these
    professional beggars. If you have any spare change, please give it to a
    registered charity. Failing that, give it to me."

    7) During an extremely hot rush hour on the Central Line, the driver
    announced in a West Indian drawl: "Step right this way for the sauna,
    ladies and gentleman... unfortunately, towels are not provided."
    "Let the passengers off the train FIRST!" (Pause .) "Oh go on then,
    stuff yourselves in like sardines, see if I care - I'm going home...."

    9) "Please allow the doors to close. Try not to confuse this with
    'Please hold the doors open.' The two are distinct and separate

    10) "To the gentleman wearing the long grey coat trying to get on the
    second carriage -what part of 'stand clear of the doors' don't you

    11) "Please move all baggage away from the doors." (Pause..) "Please
    move ALL belongings away from the doors." (Pause...) "This is a personal
    message to the man in the brown suit wearing glasses at the rear of the
    train: Put the pie down> Four-eyes, and move your bl**dy golf clubs away
    from the door before I come down there and shove them up your a**e

    12) "May I remind all passengers that there is strictly no smoking
    allowed on any part of the Underground. However, if you are smoking a
    joint, it's only fair that you pass round the rest of the carriage."

  • unkownartist
    • Nov 2005
    • 4146

    Re: Why we like the British!



    • Kamal
      • May 2002
      • 28835

      Re: Why we like the British!

      Originally posted by Dhar_2
      11) "Please move all baggage away from the doors." (Pause..) "Please
      move ALL belongings away from the doors." (Pause...) "This is a personal
      message to the man in the brown suit wearing glasses at the rear of the
      train: Put the pie down> Four-eyes, and move your bl**dy golf clubs away
      from the door before I come down there and shove them up your a**e

      12) "May I remind all passengers that there is strictly no smoking
      allowed on any part of the Underground. However, if you are smoking a
      joint, it's only fair that you pass round the rest of the carriage."

      Jib says:
      he isnt worth the water that splashes up into your asshole while you're shitting
      Originally posted by ace_dl
      Guys and Gals, I have to hurry/leaving for short-term vacations.
      I won't be back until next Tuesday, so if Get Carter is the correct answer, I would appreciate of someone else posts a new cap for me


      • Wanni
        Addiction started
        • Jun 2004
        • 423

        Re: Why we like the British!

        Wow, the british are great. LOL.
        NOT YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


        • geoffgulley
          Platinum Poster
          • Apr 2005
          • 2002

          Re: Why we like the British!

          Yep.... only the brits. Everytime a tell a story from a visit like some of the above everybody stateside looks at me as if I have to be making it up...

          on a side note you couldn't possibly have nicer weather this weekend for world cup...
          "only dead fish swim with the stream..." Malcolm Muggeridge


          • KinKyJ
            Platinum Poser
            • Jun 2004
            • 13438

            Re: Why we like the British!

            Should it come to a surprise to you that the Brits use so much Prozac that traces are being found back in the tap water???


            • chanty
              John, John, where art thou!
              • Jun 2004
              • 4622

              Re: Why we like the British!

              Those are all great...Thanks!
              Awww...I didn't mean A holes, as in "A holes"...I meant it like, as in, my friends....


              • ubiqe
                Platinum Poster
                • Jun 2004
                • 1731

                Re: Why we like the British!

                lol, nothing like british sense of humor


                • thesightless
                  Someone will marry me. Hell Yeah!
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 13567

                  Re: Why we like the British!

                  i love them because i realize how good the food here is and i appreciate american dentistry so much more.
                  your life is an occasion, rise to it.

                  Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
                  download that. deep shit listed there

                  my dick is its own superhero.


                  • beanzncheez
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 4442

                    Re: Why we like the British!

                    I've actually heard some quite funny stuff from the bitter, yet funny, stewardesses on the planes.


                    • Morgan
                      Platinum Poster
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 2234

                      Re: Why we like the British!

                      Love those tube announcements, i've heard a few funny ones in my time.
                      "Pain is only weakness leaving the body."


                      • chemicalbeavis
                        Are you Kidding me??
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 3607

                        Re: Why we like the British!

                        Is that why the cowboys attacked us during the war in Iraq?


                        • Morgan
                          Platinum Poster
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 2234

                          Re: Why we like the British!

                          Originally posted by chemicalbeavis
                          Is that why the cowboys attacked us during the war in Iraq?
                          Simon, it's not cricket reminding the cowgirls they killed more Brits than the fooking Iraqis in Gulf #1.

                          And why is it that everyone thinks Brits have bad teeth?
                          "Pain is only weakness leaving the body."


                          • chemicalbeavis
                            Are you Kidding me??
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 3607

                            Re: Why we like the British!

                            Originally posted by Morgan
                            Simon, it's not cricket reminding the cowgirls they killed more Brits than the fooking Iraqis in Gulf #1.

                            And why is it that everyone thinks Brits have bad teeth?
                            They reduced our numbers in #2 as well, and that was an attack on a clearly marked patrol that was giving the colour coded friendly smoke signal to try and stop them attacking and still they fucking came back, 3 fucking times! grrrr


                            • MJ
                              Here since 2002
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 6560

                              Re: Why we like the British!

                              Originally posted by geoffgulley
                              on a side note you couldn't possibly have nicer weather this weekend for world cup...

                              You do know its in Germany don`t you?

                              Originally posted by thesightless
                              i love them because i realize how good the food here is
                              Is that why the vast majority of people in your country are fat fuckers?

                              Brits rock.
                              mjwebhosting you know it makes sense

                              Silentium est aureum

