Al-Qaeda opposes Palestinian vote

Al-Qaeda ideologue Ayman al-Zawahiri has urged Palestinians to reject a referendum on a future state.
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas wants Palestinians to be able to accept or reject a two-state solution.
But the vote is opposed by the Hamas party, which won elections in January and is committed to destroying Israel.
Zawahiri, in a video on al-Jazeera TV, also praised militant leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. The channel said the video was made before Zarqawi's death.
"God bless the prophet of Islam in Iraq, the persistent hero of Islam, the Holy Warrior Abu Musab al-Zarqawi," Zawahiri said.
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MS thread on the Palestinian referendum:
What is going on here all of a sudden? I can't recall Al Quaida making any statements specifically about the Palestinian conflict before. I first thought it was a new strategy after losing Al Zarqawi in Iraq, but as the article suggests the video was taped before AZ got 500 kilos of first class explosives tossed on his camel humping ass...
Anyway, it worries me... Support from Al Quaida could make Hamas go even more extremist whereas the referendum was a chance for them to leave the Jihad discours without losing face too much ("The comunis opinio dictates to recognize Israel, so we'll accept what our brothers want although we're reluctant to do so")
And that's just one thing. What worries me even more is the possibility of Al Quaida getting involved in terrorist acts against Israel. If that would happen, the peace process will be dead for years to come.

Al-Qaeda ideologue Ayman al-Zawahiri has urged Palestinians to reject a referendum on a future state.
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas wants Palestinians to be able to accept or reject a two-state solution.
But the vote is opposed by the Hamas party, which won elections in January and is committed to destroying Israel.
Zawahiri, in a video on al-Jazeera TV, also praised militant leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. The channel said the video was made before Zarqawi's death.
"God bless the prophet of Islam in Iraq, the persistent hero of Islam, the Holy Warrior Abu Musab al-Zarqawi," Zawahiri said.
Full story:
MS thread on the Palestinian referendum:
What is going on here all of a sudden? I can't recall Al Quaida making any statements specifically about the Palestinian conflict before. I first thought it was a new strategy after losing Al Zarqawi in Iraq, but as the article suggests the video was taped before AZ got 500 kilos of first class explosives tossed on his camel humping ass...
Anyway, it worries me... Support from Al Quaida could make Hamas go even more extremist whereas the referendum was a chance for them to leave the Jihad discours without losing face too much ("The comunis opinio dictates to recognize Israel, so we'll accept what our brothers want although we're reluctant to do so")
And that's just one thing. What worries me even more is the possibility of Al Quaida getting involved in terrorist acts against Israel. If that would happen, the peace process will be dead for years to come.