time to piss off toasty, kobe, and more(not me doing it)

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  • thesightless
    Someone will marry me. Hell Yeah!
    • Jun 2004
    • 13567

    time to piss off toasty, kobe, and more(not me doing it)

    ......but if you arent american, too bad this doesnt affect you. so keep quiet beofre i send chuck lidell to your house after telling him you ass raped his wife.

    BBC, News, BBC News, news online, world, uk, international, foreign, british, online, service
    your life is an occasion, rise to it.

    Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
    download that. deep shit listed there

    my dick is its own superhero.
  • shosh
    • Jun 2004
    • 4668

    Re: time to piss off toasty, kobe, and more(not me doing it)

    bush - usa:


    • toasty
      Sir Toastiness
      • Jun 2004
      • 6585

      Re: time to piss off toasty, kobe, and more(not me doing it)

      I probably would have taken a certain personal satisfaction in watching Rove go down, but the reality is that the damage is already done and the public is well aware that Rove is a slimeball, regardless of what happened with this investigation.

      Bush said no one in his administration had anything to do with this, and we now know that was incorrect. Regardless of whether or not it amounted to a crime, and whether he perjured himself thereafter, Rove's participation -- along with Libby, and I've even heard rumblings that Cheney was directly involved -- in the plan to discredit Wilson highlights the fact that the adminstration will stoop pretty low to combat its critics. Even if you take everything that Rove et al have said at face value, and that he really didn't know she was undercover, etc., it is still undisputed that they attacked an administration critic by going after his family. That's dirty pool, and I think that Bush's poll numbers reflect, in part, the public's awareness that he would rather engage in these types of shenanigans than address a problem frontally, or even govern, FFS.

      Bush and his buddies have lost the trust of the nation, and Rove getting off doesn't really change that.


      • thesightless
        Someone will marry me. Hell Yeah!
        • Jun 2004
        • 13567

        Re: time to piss off toasty, kobe, and more(not me doing it)

        i dont blame bush for all of it , the more you read this gyu and rummy are the ones who continually fucked everything, and i mean everything, up. he should be in jail. seriously, someone find a statute they can try this guy on. we all walked in to retards first term thinking, wow he might actually do something good, then 9/11 and rove took over, fucking up everything he could and making GW2 look dumber than he is.
        your life is an occasion, rise to it.

        Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
        download that. deep shit listed there

        my dick is its own superhero.


        • Kobe
          I wish I had an interesting User title
          • Jun 2004
          • 2589

          Re: time to piss off toasty, kobe, and more(not me doing it)

          Pissed, but then again I fully expected him to slide.

          Originally posted by toasty

          Bush and his buddies have lost the trust of the nation, and Rove getting off doesn't really change that.
          'Tis the beauty of the second term, isn't it?
          Beats are my crack.


          • toasty
            Sir Toastiness
            • Jun 2004
            • 6585

            Re: time to piss off toasty, kobe, and more(not me doing it)

            Oh, and as an aside, I was watching this on CNN this morning. At 7:30 my time, they presented "Breaking News" that Rove would not be indicted. At 7:50, they had the RNC Chair on to discuss what that meant. Of course, he was allowed to just blather on and on about how this was a witchhunt from the get-go and how this just demonstrates how democrats were just politicizing the issue, blah, blah, blah.

            I'm wondering how they got him on so quickly. I'm not wondering why they let him go on and on about what a boon this without offering an opposing viewpoint or even asking him any serious questions -- I know the answer to that.


            • thesightless
              Someone will marry me. Hell Yeah!
              • Jun 2004
              • 13567

              Re: time to piss off toasty, kobe, and more(not me doing it)

              jimbo, you really need to start watching IMUS in the morn... his politics are wonderful to watch. hosts both sides, calls them out for the bullshit, doesnt let them spew, and just forces them to show thier cards on issues. i love him. seriously, in one week he had john kerry on and called him an idiot, the next day had cheney on and called him evil, then pelosi, then schumer, then mccain. 5 days, 5 great interviews, and zero bullshit.
              your life is an occasion, rise to it.

              Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
              download that. deep shit listed there

              my dick is its own superhero.


              • cosmo
                Gold Gabber
                • Jun 2004
                • 583

                Re: time to piss off toasty, kobe, and more(not me doing it)

                We now know that it was Plame and Wilson who was at war with the administration, and that Novak found out about Plame in the Who's Who of American politics. We also know that the Senate Intelligence Committee made mince meat out of Wilson by saying that his NYTimes editorial was full of shite.

                Rove and the other high-level official were only confirming that she worked for the CIA, and that their comments per each interview had no intent in damaging their characters, or their identity - they were only defending themselves from the onslaught, brought forth by the couple, and the mainstream media (notice how the mainstream media, NYTimes, Wash Post, et al, wasn't backing Novak w/ this leak, because it didn't damage the Bush administration with the 'right to know' bullshit. If it damages the Bush administration and his war on terror, it's a good leak, but if it damages a political opportunist, well, it's a crime).

                I can't help but think of Wilson's Orwellian book release 'The Politics of Truth'.

                What a crock.

                Now it's time for damage control, with their suing of Rove, Cheney and Libby. Classic.


                • toasty
                  Sir Toastiness
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 6585

                  Re: time to piss off toasty, kobe, and more(not me doing it)

                  Dude, that is great stuff! You could give Colbert a run for his money!!!


                  • cosmo
                    Gold Gabber
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 583

                    Re: time to piss off toasty, kobe, and more(not me doing it)

                    Originally posted by toasty

                    Dude, that is great stuff! You could give Colbert a run for his money!!!
                    I know it's great stuff. It's true. And there's nothing you can say to counter my comments. You have no proof. You have no evidence to the contrary. You have no indictments of the 'leakers'.

                    Nothing. Plain and simple.


                    • toasty
                      Sir Toastiness
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 6585

                      Re: time to piss off toasty, kobe, and more(not me doing it)

                      You're killing me. That is really great stuff! Gold!!

                      Welcome back to the political forum, by the way. Most of you Bushies have run for the hills since most of the nation realized that the Emperor has no clothes, and the forum's been pretty dry. Frankly, I was beginning to wonder if there were any people around that still loved singing the praises of the Bush administration, good to see that ostrich has not yet officially become extinct.


                      • cosmo
                        Gold Gabber
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 583

                        Re: time to piss off toasty, kobe, and more(not me doing it)

                        Originally posted by toasty
                        You're killing me. That is really great stuff! Gold!!

                        Welcome back to the political forum, by the way. Most of you Bushies have run for the hills since most of the nation realized that the Emperor has no clothes, and the forum's been pretty dry. Frankly, I was beginning to wonder if there were any people around that still loved singing the praises of the Bush administration, good to see that ostrich has not yet officially become extinct.
                        I think you're trying to discredit mine and the other individuals' conservative ideology on this messageboard, merely by calling us Bushies. I can't think of anyone in here that agrees with Bush on the majority of the things he does. I for one don't. There are a few things I agree with that he has done.

                        No one broke any law. They were, as Novak stated, confirming what Novak already knew. They weren't trying to out anyone - they were countering what they believed was a coordinated effort by elements within the CIA(Plame and Wilson) to try to discredit the Bush administration's case for war.

                        It's as simple as that. As mentioned earlier - I find it amazing that the democrats, the NYTimes, Plame, and Wilson are so worried that someone outed Plame, but those same individuals have no regard for the national security secrets that they've been consistently leaking in order to damage Bush's war plan.


                        • toasty
                          Sir Toastiness
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 6585

                          Re: time to piss off toasty, kobe, and more(not me doing it)

                          Originally posted by cosmo
                          No one broke any law.
                          Is that the barometer for appropriate behavior? Everything someone may do is Kool and the Gang as long as they don't end up in jail? There's no law against adultery, but you folks were sure hopping up and down about it when Clinton was getting blowjobs from an intern. No one went to jail for Whitewater, but I'm willing to bet you're still steamed about it.

                          Originally posted by cosmo
                          As mentioned earlier - I find it amazing that the democrats, the NYTimes, Plame, and Wilson are so worried that someone outed Plame, but those same individuals have no regard for the national security secrets that they've been consistently leaking in order to damage Bush's war plan.
                          To what sort of national security secrets are you referring? That if you're a terrorist, you might not be able to speak freely on the telephone? Or that if you're a terrorist, we're watching your financial transactions? Sorry, but I have a hard time believing that any of these supposed "secrets" were really news to anyone -- the only part of it that was really surprising was that it also applied to ordinary American citizens.

                          And Wilson? Yeah, he tried to prevent us from plunging headlong into a war unnecessarily -- way out of line there, especially in light of the fact that he was ultimately correct about the documents being forged and his doubts regarding weapons of mass destruction turned out to be well founded. Wilson is villified, while Tenet gets the Medal of Freedom or whatever honor he received. It's just absurd.

                          As for Rove getting off, to reiterate my earlier sentiment, it doesn't matter. People know Rove is a slimeball, and people know Bush isn't the "aw shucks" straight shooter they once thought he was. True believers like yourself probably thought Rove was in the right before Fitzgerald declined to prosecute him, so its unlikely to change your impression of things. Meanwhile, the polls at the time reflected that Bush received basically no bounce from the anouncement that Rove was not going to be prosecuted, from Bush's trip to Iraq that week, or the death of Al-Zarqawi -- Bush's best week in recent memory by a long shot. In fact, Bush's numbers have stayed pretty much stagnant for a long time. People don't care what he does anymore -- the people that like him, love him, and the people that think he's doing a bad job don't seem to be changing their minds either.

