Saw on the news that one of the recently captured (and killed) US solidiers was laid to rest this morning in Brownsville, TX, got me thinking a bit.
Were it not for what happened to the prisoners at Abu Gr'haib (sp) and Guantanamo Bay, do you think those two solidiers would have still been tortured as they were? I think the answer is probably yes.
What happened as a result of the prisoner mistreatment/torture (whatever you want to call it) at those prisons did, though, was eliminate our ability to claim some sort of moral outrage at the torturing of solidiers. That could have been a rallying cry to get the rest of the world engaged again. Instead, the news was, "There is clear evidence that the two men were brutally tortured before being killed. Back to you, Miles."
A couple years ago, people would have been pissed. Now, the reaction is more muted, more like, "Well, that was to be expected."
Damn shame, imo.
Were it not for what happened to the prisoners at Abu Gr'haib (sp) and Guantanamo Bay, do you think those two solidiers would have still been tortured as they were? I think the answer is probably yes.
What happened as a result of the prisoner mistreatment/torture (whatever you want to call it) at those prisons did, though, was eliminate our ability to claim some sort of moral outrage at the torturing of solidiers. That could have been a rallying cry to get the rest of the world engaged again. Instead, the news was, "There is clear evidence that the two men were brutally tortured before being killed. Back to you, Miles."
A couple years ago, people would have been pissed. Now, the reaction is more muted, more like, "Well, that was to be expected."
Damn shame, imo.
