Hey all i am new to buying on e-bay so i was wondering if u guys can help me out. ok here is the deal. i want to buy a mp3 dj player or 2. i went onto ebay and saw alot of great deals espesically from china. Here is just an example
Now it says $$1,200 RMB price Aus $$ 202. posting price $400 Rbm which i think makes it bout 30 Australian dollars. Now am i understanding this correctly ?? I can get a cdj1000mk2 for bout 300 Australian dollars?? If so thats a saving of like $$1700 australian dollars cause in australia it cost bout 2000 for one of these things. Am i getting my hopes up
. Also it says this down the bottom
Postage, payment details and return policy

Postage Cost
Services Available
Available toRMB 400.00
China only Will post to Worldwide.What does that mean. does it mean the person will post it world wide and how come it does not have a postage cost for world wide. Please help me out guys and gals as i am new to this and don't want to get ripped off. Also has anyone had any problems using e-bay before?? Oh and one last question how come some of the items have the buy now sign and others don't. Does that mean they have a set price or something. Thanks again for the help and info
Now it says $$1,200 RMB price Aus $$ 202. posting price $400 Rbm which i think makes it bout 30 Australian dollars. Now am i understanding this correctly ?? I can get a cdj1000mk2 for bout 300 Australian dollars?? If so thats a saving of like $$1700 australian dollars cause in australia it cost bout 2000 for one of these things. Am i getting my hopes up

Postage, payment details and return policy
