cant believe its july already. 
this month on MercuryRising i bring to you from Atlanta, Gerogia Ableton Superstar DJ Ryan Hanson
he's delivered quite a mix for you this month. there's so much happening in this mix i can barely keep track of it all. but it all comes together nicely for a true ableton mash potato set.
ryans tracklist here
for my set this month i'll be using a live recording from my recent trip to salt lake city.
the jack & cokes were flowin let me tell ya.
dont forget to tune in you office jockeys.

this month on MercuryRising i bring to you from Atlanta, Gerogia Ableton Superstar DJ Ryan Hanson
he's delivered quite a mix for you this month. there's so much happening in this mix i can barely keep track of it all. but it all comes together nicely for a true ableton mash potato set.
ryans tracklist here
for my set this month i'll be using a live recording from my recent trip to salt lake city.
the jack & cokes were flowin let me tell ya.

dont forget to tune in you office jockeys.
