well .. what's happening now in Lebanon will just lead the whole area to unpredictable future, Israel is striking strategic targets in Lebanon like airports and bridges ... on the other hand, Hezb Allah has destroyed a strong Israeli battleship in the middle of the sea, Hezb Allah is not weak, Iran is standing behind and fully supporting Lebanon with money, weapons, food and whatever they will need, and Israel will gain nothing with what they do, they are just increasing the arab anger and they MUST know that USA will not still protecting their ass to noend, there is a limit for everything in this miserable life .. so I hope they will think again before going further into this bloody war !!
Israel & Lebanon
Re: Israel & Lebanon
^^^ What a crock ^^^
1) The anger has already been boiling over from the onset.
2) The Israelies are striking what they believe to be credible targets related to Hamas and Hezbollah. The Lebanese people are fed up with Hezbollah, and from what I've been reading, support the Israelis' bombing campaign to rid their country of extremism.
3)Why are you ignoring the acts committed by Hezbollah, such as sending missles straight into Israeli territory in order to cause as many innocent deaths as possible? -
Re: Israel & Lebanon
this is not Isreal vs. Lebanon, but rather Isreal vs. Hezbollah. I feel bad for the people who just want to live and not be involved. The PM for Lebanon is too scared to talk bad about Hezbollah in fear for his own life. This battle is scary since one move on Syria may start a bad thing for the world. I hope it ends soonOriginally posted by MiroslavIt's not like he grabbed his balls and sucked his dick. It's not like he gave the Saudis the original copy of the Constitution to use as toilet paper. It's not like he gave away the secret recipe to the Colonel's chicken. .Comment
Re: Israel & Lebanon
Originally posted by Commissarwell .. what's happening now in Lebanon will just lead the whole area to unpredictable future, Israel is striking strategic targets in Lebanon like airports and bridges ... on the other hand, Hezb Allah has destroyed a strong Israeli battleship in the middle of the sea, Hezb Allah is not weak, Iran is standing behind and fully supporting Lebanon with money, weapons, food and whatever they will need, and Israel will gain nothing with what they do, they are just increasing the arab anger and they MUST know that USA will not still protecting their ass to noend, there is a limit for everything in this miserable life .. so I hope they will think again before going further into this bloody war !!
I hate it when people make a crisis like this sound like a boxing match.Comment
Re: Israel & Lebanon
Originally posted by cosmo2) The Israelies are striking what they believe to be credible targets related to Hamas and Hezbollah. The Lebanese people are fed up with Hezbollah, and from what I've been reading, support the Israelis' bombing campaign to rid their country of extremism
Credible targets??? You've got to be kidding me, right?
An international airport, fuel tanks, power stations, gas stations, tv stations, factories, Lebanese ports blocked by israeli warships preventing cruise ships from docking in Beirut and cutting off the delivery of fuel used to operate Lebanese power plants, blowing up bridges, main highways which restrict people moving or trying to flee the bombings (sound familiar?) and lets not forget the deliberate murder of over 130 civilians including many children and hundreds more wounded. 2 vans which had been trying to escape the bombings was hit directly by an israeli gunboat resulting in the incineration of all the occupants which included many children.
This is absolutely crazy. It appears that the term "an over reaction" is the wording that gutless world leaders and gutless western media/reporters have been instructed to use instead of the right words which are "outright terrorism/acts of war".
This is an attack on every single Lebanese citizen.
I'm even more concerned than ever before because there are over 25,000 Australian citizens over in Lebanon on holidays and a few of them are my friends. 8 Canadians have already been murdered aswell as another 10 injured.
This has got to stop, if the israeli government think that their barbaric actions are going to get the Lebanese people to turn against Hezboallah, then I guess they're as stupid as they seem because lets face it, nobody wins friends by murdering innocent men, woman and children and while they're at it, continue to destroy the whole countries infrastructure. Or it could be that these most recent acts of terrorism against the people of Lebanon is just the begining of a larger and much more sinister plan which I'm sure will be revealed in the not too distant future.“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”
― Marcus Tullius CiceroComment
Re: Israel & Lebanon
How pethatic can you be , Lebanon will hide Iranian WMD
I heard people in Lebanon beat puppies. And they park in handicap parking spots. And and and they tear tags off of mattresses.Comment
Re: Israel & Lebanon
Hesbollah successfully provoked Israel to start a campaign against itself in hopes that Syria would be drawn in. Iran already said that it would ally itself with Syria against Israel. Also, since Hesbollah is a de facto extension of Iran, it could be a decoy tactic by Iran to deflect attention from the nuclear weapon it is on the verge of building (and may have by the end of the year). When - and if - Iran has a nuke, it may use it against Israel, if not directly then by proxy of Hesbollah. Israel is aware of this immense threat and may very well strike first. The fact that very few nations so far disapporve of Israel's current actions (overtly, of course, everyone preaches "balanced use of force") means most western nations fear Iran's nuclear asprations and will tacitly support any means of its containment.Habit is a form of exerciseComment
Re: Israel & Lebanon
excuse my ignorance, but can someone please fill me in as to what started this whole thing between Isreal and Lebanon? Im a bit confused at to what it is all about. Ive have tried to listen to the news and I just dont get what sparked it..will someone please get me caught up? thanksComment
Re: Israel & Lebanon
Originally posted by lilsensaexcuse my ignorance, but can someone please fill me in as to what started this whole thing between Isreal and Lebanon? Im a bit confused at to what it is all about. Ive have tried to listen to the news and I just dont get what sparked it..will someone please get me caught up? thanks
One Wednesday morning of last week, Hizbullah fired a barrage of rockets at a northern Israeli town called Shlomi. When the IDF moved up to the border to check it out, Hizbullah were waiting for them. They blew up a vehicle, killed 8 members of the IDF and kidnapped another two.
Note that Hizbullah had crossed the blue line - the UN recognised border as defined in 2000 when Israel moved out of Southern Lebanon.
This was a blatent act of provocation by Hizbullah, not only that, but had this action been carried out by an army it would be classed as an act of war. As Hizbullah control southern lebanon (the lebanese army leave them to run the place), Israel saw it for what it was, and acted accordingly. The rest, as they say, is history.
Hope that helpsComment
Re: Israel & Lebanon
that pretty much sums it up. but someone will bring up the falsehood of isreal not being a real nation because of its creation, rather than the jews and chirsitans doing what got them out of there in the beginning........... religious cleansing of a region by..... a war which wrapped up with the battle of tours in 732 AD.... which was won by....... guess who......... not a government............... but a ....... go ahead.....you.....know............... A RELIGIOUSLLY FUELED EXPANSION MILITARY RUN BY A CLERIC>.... so i guess no one is at fault.your life is an occasion, rise to it.
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my dick is its own superhero.Comment
Re: Israel & Lebanon
Originally posted by davetlvSimple. . . .here goes. . .
One Wednesday morning of last week, Hizbullah fired a barrage of rockets at a northern Israeli town called Shlomi. When the IDF moved up to the border to check it out, Hizbullah were waiting for them. They blew up a vehicle, killed 8 members of the IDF and kidnapped another two.
Note that Hizbullah had crossed the blue line - the UN recognised border as defined in 2000 when Israel moved out of Southern Lebanon.
This was a blatent act of provocation by Hizbullah, not only that, but had this action been carried out by an army it would be classed as an act of war. As Hizbullah control southern lebanon (the lebanese army leave them to run the place), Israel saw it for what it was, and acted accordingly. The rest, as they say, is history.
Hope that helps
also, thanks sightlessComment