^wait all your life for all i care, i'm not here to provide you with information, commie, educate yourself.
finally...i just saw Farenheit 9/11
Originally posted by Jenks^wait all your life for all i care, i'm not here to provide you with information, commie, educate yourself.
A Conservative Review of Farenheight 9/11
Bottom line.
The main message of this film is America has a huge problem and this problem is not just the White House; it is the Senate and House as well including both Democrats and Republicans. The Senate and the House abdicated their responsibility to the American people by giving up their Constitutional mandate as the only arm of the US Government empowered to declare war or invade another country. They shunned their responsibility to protect and defend the US Constitution by allowing ratification of the Patriot Act, the broadest destruction of constitutional rights ever presented without even reading it. They failed to protect the American people by holding the current office of the Presidency responsible and accountable for its actions. (The False Statement Statute Title 18, Section 1001 provides for a 5-year prison term for any government official caught lying, falsifying or concealing information from the American people while in office. Congress could prosecute our President based upon this statute, but they would also have to prosecute the majority of their members as well.) In essence, our government bodies declared war on the American people, consistently keeping us in a state of manufactured terror built on lies. Moore's film makes it clear that if Americans want the America our travel brochures and PR pretend we have, the American people are the only ones who can hold our leaders, all of them responsible. We can only do that through education and getting involved. In the end, reversing this is up to US.
If you're an American who cares about where this country is going and are disturbed by our present course, you owe it to yourself to see Fahrenheit 9/11. You may not like the opinions, the satire or tactics, but the facts speak for themselves. This is not a movie for Liberals, Bush haters or peace activists. This is not a left-wing or right wing tirade. It is a dose of the reality we do not like to admit. Fahrenheit 9/11 is a movie for Americans, all Americans who care about their country and where it is heading and want the corruption, lies and hate to end.Comment
in other news...Moore's next movie has been announced...
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LOL... see how some people are such hypocrits. They blame Moore for being misleading and yet they mislead people in exactly the same kind of way. Moore has NEVER blamed Bush for the 9/11 attacks. "Catch that Bastard!" - Michael Moore on Osama Bin Laden.Comment
Originally posted by deliriousLOL... see how some people are such hypocrits. They blame Moore for being misleading and yet they mislead people in exactly the same kind of way. Moore has NEVER blamed Bush for the 9/11 attacks. "Catch that Bastard!" - Michael Moore on Osama Bin Laden.(sorry, couldn't resist
Habit is a form of exerciseComment
Re:: finally...i just saw Farenheit 9/11
www.michaelmoorehatesamerica.comNow this is something worth watching.
Delirious we know Michael Moore is your personal Jesus, but some of your remarks
are over the top. Michael Moore made Fahrenheit 9/11 to get Bush out of
office. Whether or not he blames Bush is irrelevant because he made the
movie so that other people would.Comment
Re:: finally...i just saw Farenheit 9/11
Originally posted by mylexiconwww.michaelmoorehatesamerica.comNow this is something worth watching.
Originally posted by mylexiconDelirious we know Michael Moore is your personal Jesus,
His movies are in ways deceptive and misleading, which I agree is not ideal, but maybe he's trying to counter all the misleading and deceptive commentators from Fox and Co? When people attack others for being misleading by lying and being misleading themselves, they're being hypocrits and I'm going to call it and ask them to back up their statements in the same way they ask Michael Moore to.
I'm not pro-Michael Moore. When people tell lies about President Bush, I'll correct them in the same way.
Originally posted by mylexiconbut some of your remarks
are over the top. Michael Moore made Fahrenheit 9/11 to get Bush out of
Originally posted by mylexiconWhether or not he blames Bush is irrelevant because he made the movie so that other people would.Comment
Heh. Bullshit used to counter other (supposed) BS is just what it always was - BS. Thanks for giving the vote of confidence to the Americans - we'll try and think for ourselves, only if it's just to prove to Mike Moore that we canHabit is a form of exerciseComment
Originally posted by delirious[I'm always on FoxNews, the Drudge Report, Rushetc... and haven't yet seen an example of where one of his claims was discredited.download dj sets at: www.mixwalla.comComment