I think it's a worthy thread seeing "The Devils Rejects" thread had a few recommendations on other horrors.
If you are going to state movies that "mess" with yor mind as opposed to "downright scary", please be sure to state it in the thread.
The ONE movie that really messed with my mind was the Amittyville Horror (Remake). It wasn't scary but we watched it with all the lights in the house turned off and at one point, I was ready to turn it off.
There isn't a movie that has scared the youth out of me yet but Ju-On (Japanese version of the Grudge) is probably at the top of the list right now.
If you are going to state movies that "mess" with yor mind as opposed to "downright scary", please be sure to state it in the thread.
The ONE movie that really messed with my mind was the Amittyville Horror (Remake). It wasn't scary but we watched it with all the lights in the house turned off and at one point, I was ready to turn it off.
There isn't a movie that has scared the youth out of me yet but Ju-On (Japanese version of the Grudge) is probably at the top of the list right now.