LINUX for Noobs. Distributions, experiences, help, etc

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  • factorg
    Addiction started
    • Jun 2004
    • 265

    Originally posted by element86
    so the booting up takes much longer I suppose...considering the fact that part of a hard drive has to be formatted and installing linux and all...or is this done once only?
    There should be no difference in your boot process. No actual part of the hard drive is actually formatted with a linux filesystem, as i tried to explain above, it uses files which are formatted with the linux filesystem. Windows has no idea that linux is installed on those files, it only see's them as being files. And the boot process of the virtual machine is very quick.
    "..truth has a habit of marching on.."


    • element86
      Getting warmed up
      • Jun 2004
      • 86

      Originally posted by factorg
      Originally posted by element86
      so the booting up takes much longer I suppose...considering the fact that part of a hard drive has to be formatted and installing linux and all...or is this done once only?
      There should be no difference in your boot process. No actual part of the hard drive is actually formatted with a linux filesystem, as i tried to explain above, it uses files which are formatted with the linux filesystem. Windows has no idea that linux is installed on those files, it only see's them as being files. And the boot process of the virtual machine is very quick.
      cool.thanks. so the fact that windows doesnt know about linux's existence will probably also eliminate any conflicts..


      • factorg
        Addiction started
        • Jun 2004
        • 265

        ^^yes it does
        "..truth has a habit of marching on.."


        • batista
          Getting warmed up
          • Jun 2004
          • 71

          i really like gentoo and fedora


          • muggeh
            Getting Somewhere
            • Jun 2004
            • 218

            Re: LINUX for Noobs. Distributions, experiences, help, etc

            I'm also a big fan of Gentoo, what i did was start messing with Suse for a while and then get into Gentoo to get a better insight in the inner workings.

            Now i run both, Suse on my laptop and Gentoo on my main pc.

            Also Gentoo hands Suse it's ass performance wise if configured/compiled properly.


            • msanchez
              Gold Gabber
              • Jun 2004
              • 676

              Re: LINUX for Noobs. Distributions, experiences, help, etc

     didnt create me, you infected me with your poison

              SoulSeek Name: msanchez


              • madmrmojo
                Fresh Peossy
                • Jun 2004
                • 35

                Re: LINUX for Noobs. Distributions, experiences, help, etc

                I happen to like debian...
                been messin' around with fedora 2, and i have to admit i like it quite a bit...

