Shit on my doorstep again... ughh

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  • Mr.Big
    Platinum Poster
    • Nov 2004
    • 1390

    Shit on my doorstep again... ughh

    Ok well i live in a apt. block where my mates and i live at the front of the building, Every now and again some decides todo a dump on the doorstep leading into block.. We live in the city and i can understand people needing togo for ashit after anight out on the piss but cmon.

    It used to be every few months this would happan but its becoming every few weeks and were normally the ones who clean the shit up, the managment company are good at cleaning the place up but they only come around every 2weeks. Ok tbf i took adump on a street before as i was fucked drunk but never on someones door.. sorry just ranting now cause i felt like puking this morning.. yuke
    Pimps up Hoes down.
  • Morgan
    Platinum Poster
    • Jun 2004
    • 2234

    Re: Shit on my doorstep again... ughh

    At least it wasn't on fire.

    Too much Guiness imo.
    "Pain is only weakness leaving the body."


    • Mr.Big
      Platinum Poster
      • Nov 2004
      • 1390

      Re: Shit on my doorstep again... ughh

      hmm do people actually set fire to bags of shit or have i been watching to many movies? still annoying though and really is the last thing u wanna see/smell on a monday morning..
      Pimps up Hoes down.


      • algy
        Gold Gabber
        • Jun 2004
        • 504

        Re: Shit on my doorstep again... ughh

        Get a small, but professional sign:


        "Too much love making, makes for poor match play." - Algy


        • Kamal
          • May 2002
          • 28835

          Re: Shit on my doorstep again... ughh

          at first I thought you were talking about DOGS in the building

          Jib says:
          he isnt worth the water that splashes up into your asshole while you're shitting
          Originally posted by ace_dl
          Guys and Gals, I have to hurry/leaving for short-term vacations.
          I won't be back until next Tuesday, so if Get Carter is the correct answer, I would appreciate of someone else posts a new cap for me


          • Mr.Big
            Platinum Poster
            • Nov 2004
            • 1390

            Re: Shit on my doorstep again... ughh

            im talkin bout human Dawgs .. Its farly disgusting though and although the Sign idea is agood one if ur that drunk u need to take adump on the street/doorsteps theres no way ur gonna notice a sign let alone a camera.

            Its one of those things where ur shit out of luck, pardon the pun
            Pimps up Hoes down.


            • KinKyJ
              Platinum Poser
              • Jun 2004
              • 13438

              Re: Shit on my doorstep again... ughh

              Social housing project imo


              • floridaorange
                I'm merely a humble butler
                • Dec 2005
                • 29116

                Re: Shit on my doorstep again... ughh


                It was fun while it lasted...


                • beanzncheez
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 4442

                  Re: Shit on my doorstep again... ughh

                  I make my own fertilizer.


                  • FM
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 5361

                    Re: Shit on my doorstep again... ughh

                    portable toilet imo

                    "Nowadays everyone is a fucking DJ." - Jack Dangers

                    What record did you loose your virginity to?
                    "I don't like having sex with music on- I find it distracting. And if it's a mix cd- forget it. I'm stopping to check the beat mixing in between tracks." - Tom Stephan

                    Download/Listen To My Mixes
                    A Journey Into Sound On MCast

                    Satisfaction guaranteed, or double your music back.


                    • toasty
                      Sir Toastiness
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 6585

                      Re: Shit on my doorstep again... ughh

                      That's just wrong. Taking a piss on the side of a building is one thing, but pinching off a lumpy in the middle of the sidewalk is unreal. Honestly, it never even occured to me to just drop a deuce out in the open rather than waiting until I got home.

                      One of the distinctive qualities of an impending shit as opposing to an impending piss is that if you wait long enough, it will go away and come back later. It will come back with more steam, if you'll pardon the pun, but the point is that 9 times out of 10, you can comfortably hold it until you're in a poop-friendly place. The point is, if it's solid, whomever left it could have waited and is probably trying to send someone in your apartment complex a message.


                      • picklemonkey
                        Double hoodie beer monster
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 15373

                        Re: Shit on my doorstep again... ughh

                        he called that shit poop again!


                        • beanzncheez
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 4442

                          Re: Shit on my doorstep again... ughh

                          The best is when you shit on the roof of someone's car.


                          • alexfish333
                            Gold Gabber
                            • Jul 2004
                            • 966

                            Re: Shit on my doorstep again... ughh

                            Originally posted by picklemonkey
                            he called that shit poop again!

                            Holosound@Vertigo in Costa Rica Streaming Video and Audio

                            Part of the weekend never dies...


                            • NastyD
                              Gold Gabber
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 617

                              Re: Shit on my doorstep again... ughh

                              You've dumped on the street!!!! OMFG. I've been drunk before - I mean really drunk but it's never occured to me to drop my pants and suffocate the ants.
                              An ounce of image is worth a pound of performance.

