I have a question for my fellow [ms]'rs.. here goes:
My mates and I are on the verge of launching a web site. On this site we want to showcase new talent around the Bay area to start and move outward to give up and coming artists a place to post bios mix sets and original tracks. We also want to broadcast live a few times a week having guest dj's do live mixes. My question being, what are the legal aspects of broadcasting live over the net like alot of these web sites do? Or posting a mix set I may have recorded on my web site? Or broadcasting when doing a house party.. etc.. I hope this question is clear. Much thanks in advance for any and all help/info provided.
My mates and I are on the verge of launching a web site. On this site we want to showcase new talent around the Bay area to start and move outward to give up and coming artists a place to post bios mix sets and original tracks. We also want to broadcast live a few times a week having guest dj's do live mixes. My question being, what are the legal aspects of broadcasting live over the net like alot of these web sites do? Or posting a mix set I may have recorded on my web site? Or broadcasting when doing a house party.. etc.. I hope this question is clear. Much thanks in advance for any and all help/info provided.