its gonna get good.... the vent thread.

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  • Jenks
    I'm kind of a big deal.
    • Jun 2004
    • 10250

    Re: its gonna get good.... the vent thread.

    if i travel to a few more countries, can i put words in your mouth?


    • Jenks
      I'm kind of a big deal.
      • Jun 2004
      • 10250

      Re: its gonna get good.... the vent thread.

      At this point, roughly 2 years out...does anyone think it's going to be McCain Vs Hillary?


      • Localizer
        Platinum Poster
        • Jul 2004
        • 2021

        Re: its gonna get good.... the vent thread.

        yes, but mccain will win.
        Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so.
        -Bertrand Russell


        • toasty
          Sir Toastiness
          • Jun 2004
          • 6585

          Re: its gonna get good.... the vent thread.

          Originally posted by Jenks
          At this point, roughly 2 years out...does anyone think it's going to be McCain Vs Hillary?
          I know this goes against conventional wisdom, but I doubt it will be Hilary. Too many Democrats really have a problem with her. Not sure who will get the Democratic nod, but I really doubt it will be her.

          As for McCain, I bet he does end up getting it, but I don't think it will be as smooth of sailing as we might think. He was in a good spot running up to 2000 and got crucified by republicans that didn't think he was far enough to the right. He's likely to get some pretty stiff opposition who will pull out some nasty shit to defeat him a la what happened in the 2000 South Carolina primary.


          • Jenks
            I'm kind of a big deal.
            • Jun 2004
            • 10250

            Re: its gonna get good.... the vent thread.

            Well, money talks, and she's already got like 20 mill in the bank for a campaign, which apparantly is more than any of her competition...according to some AM radio show i was listening to.

            Sad to think that some good candidates out there already don't have a chance because they'll get outspent on the campaign trail.


            • toasty
              Sir Toastiness
              • Jun 2004
              • 6585

              Re: its gonna get good.... the vent thread.

              Originally posted by Jenks
              Well, money talks, and she's already got like 20 mill in the bank for a campaign, which apparantly is more than any of her competition...according to some AM radio show i was listening to.
              I know, and she's actually in the stratosphere compared to any other democrats (or republicans, for that matter), but I just have a feeling it's going to fall apart somewhere along the way. Be it gut instinct, wild ass guess or je ne sais quoi, I just don't think she'll end up at the top come the convention. Maybe I'm just telling myself that to keep myself looking forward to 2008.


              • Jenks
                I'm kind of a big deal.
                • Jun 2004
                • 10250

                Re: its gonna get good.... the vent thread.

                i would like nothing more than to see Hillary fall flat on her face in 2008.

                Dukakis in a dress.


                • neoee
                  Platinum Poster
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 1266

                  Re: its gonna get good.... the vent thread.

                  Originally posted by thesightless
                  can we get done with the middle east plz?
                  And you called Kerry a flip-flopper? Weren't you one of the ones in this forum who supported going to war for the supposed WMDs? Now you just want to wash your hands and walk off? I was never for the war but since we are there we need to finish what we started, its the only right thing to do. Besides isn't it against Geneva Convention protocols to invade a country and leave it in shambles?

                  Originally posted by thesightless
                  al gore.... howard dean was on the news the other day saying how gore might be in the ring....... ARE YOU KIDDING ME? this guy is quite literally the worlds biggest loser... hehe., he says he created the web..
                  Now im no fanboy of Gore's but continually spreading misinformation only reflects poorly on you and your opinions. You really need to look into ARPANET and MOSAIC to get some background. But I'll keep it short and sweet for you. Vint Cerf, arguably the inventor of the internet had this to say:
                  A 2000-09-28, email written by Vint Cerf and Robert E. Kahn (key developers of internet protocols), stated that:
                  [A]s the two people who designed the basic architecture and the core protocols that make the Internet work, we would like to acknowledge VP Gore's contributions as a Congressman, Senator and as Vice President. No other elected official, to our knowledge, has made a greater contribution over a longer period of time. Last year the Vice President made a straightforward statement on his role. He said: "During my service in the United States Congress I took the initiative in creating the Internet." We don't think, as some people have argued, that Gore intended to claim he "invented" the Internet. Moreover, there is no question in our minds that while serving as Senator, Gore's initiatives had a significant and beneficial effect on the still-evolving Internet. The fact of the matter is that Gore was talking about and promoting the Internet long before most people were listening. We feel it is timely to offer our perspective.[20]
                  Taken from wikipedia. And if you don't believe that source its also debunked on Hopefully your not one of those guys that refers to internet as a set of tubes.
                  "They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security." -Benjamin Franklin


                  • Kobe
                    I wish I had an interesting User title
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 2589

                    Re: its gonna get good.... the vent thread.

                    I like Gore, the work he's been doing for the environment is highly commendable. Gore Edwards would be a strong ticket. Hillary is a no-no because, A> I would have trouble voting for a woman, and B> she is a C U Next Tuesday, even though I loved the way she blasted off on Scumsfeld
                    Beats are my crack.


                    • Jenks
                      I'm kind of a big deal.
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 10250

                      Re: its gonna get good.... the vent thread.

                      Did you know (i didn't until i heard it on the radio the other day) that the leading campaign $$ contributions come from environmental groups? Coincidence Al?


                      • thesightless
                        Someone will marry me. Hell Yeah!
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 13567

                        Re: its gonna get good.... the vent thread.

                        your life is an occasion, rise to it.

                        Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
                        download that. deep shit listed there

                        my dick is its own superhero.


                        • thesightless
                          Someone will marry me. Hell Yeah!
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 13567

                          Re: its gonna get good.... the vent thread.

                          im not flip flopping, in tired. our government and its wonderful infighting along with inept execution by runslfeld made the mess. i dont want to run, i am all for doing the job. ill clarify to avoid confusion.

                          i am still happy we deposed hussien and it only helped the rest of the planet he is gone. my remarks saying we shuold finish up there are that. we need to complete the job and stop thinking about getting out or prolonging a media campaign within. get tough, be more aggressive and do the job as opposed to what is currently happening there now. ill quote my cousin. CPT. Keiran Lowry or the US ARMY. he says that thier hands have been so tied in the opeerations there , they arent even allowed to run into a house unless they acheive approval from at least, but not limited to, 7 people. even if someone shoots at them, they need to gret permission to raid a house. normally this process takes about a hour.

                          i dont want to run, or to send more ppl in to do the same shitty job that rumsfeld is doing. i want to allow the m,ilitary to run the campaign. and to get very aggressive and stop trying to make peace with a group of people who we invaded. find the problem, eliminate the problem, train them, get the gov't moving, and give them a shitload of cash to repair the damage and improve living conditions.'

                          aif there are anymore questions about my opinion, ask clearly so i can reply, dont tell me what i think.
                          your life is an occasion, rise to it.

                          Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
                          download that. deep shit listed there

                          my dick is its own superhero.


                          • thesightless
                            Someone will marry me. Hell Yeah!
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 13567

                            Re: its gonna get good.... the vent thread.

                            and lastly, NO ONE and i mean NO ONE outside of the baath party and those loyal to it, will ever knwo if there were WMD's. ppl will tell you yes or no, both are wrong, b/c no one knows for sure. we have found a few fighter jets buried in the sand, numberous bunkers, and there is still tons of land we wont ever comb through. there exist reports that they were flown out, and we have found chemical agents within the country. because the agents werent put into a missle casing, and put up on a launching turret for all to see, doesnt mean they definetly werent there. he used them in the past, but for any of the whino's to even consider, we would need a fully operational nuke to be shot down to shut them up.
                            your life is an occasion, rise to it.

                            Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
                            download that. deep shit listed there

                            my dick is its own superhero.


                            • Kobe
                              I wish I had an interesting User title
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 2589

                              Re: its gonna get good.... the vent thread.

                              Originally posted by Jenks
                              Did you know (i didn't until i heard it on the radio the other day) that the leading campaign $$ contributions come from environmental groups? Coincidence Al?
                              that may or may not be the case (Exxon Moblie and Phillip Morris could be called environmental groups, no?) but either way Gore has been devoted to it since way back in the day, and it is an issue I care about. That is an interesting factoid, I'd love to know who these alleged groups are....
                              Beats are my crack.


                              • thesightless
                                Someone will marry me. Hell Yeah!
                                • Jun 2004
                                • 13567

                                Re: its gonna get good.... the vent thread.

                                j/k kobe, its all in good fun.
                                your life is an occasion, rise to it.

                                Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
                                download that. deep shit listed there

                                my dick is its own superhero.

