ok, i types up this before but i wasnt logged in for some reason and lost it. so im summizing in quickly.
we are now looking to the future elections. and with a dead horse we can move on... but to what.. we currently have a leadership group who has actually had some decent ideas and had gov't working as one early on, only to completly fuck it up at every step through inept execution and using even worse people like rumsfeld.
and if you are like me and can laugh at stupidity and take a sarcastic view on things then you know we are fucked either way... think about it. look at the candidates we have and the current situation...
imma break off the big candidate for each party. then move on...
hillary... satan reincarnate.. and laughable cunt. think about the fact that this bitch has been so desparate to have her annoying voice heard on in the american political arena that she has stuck by a man who cheated on her at least 5 times that we know of, then moved across the country to find a vacant democratic spot, spent her term campaigning for the national nimination and hasnt done anything for NY..... is this for real? she is a convicted criminal who ripped off people for a few million. and then got a pardon from a political ally. HAHAHAH COMON> you cant make this shiit up. as immigrants say... only in america.
McCain... the other guy. firstly imma say this before i trash him. and it goes to those new school asshats who booed him last week. shut the fuck up you morons. this man spent more time in a prison camp that doesnt follow the geneva laws you people quote when talking about the current situations in cuba and the middle east than it took for you to earn your little phyilosophy/sociology/theater degree that will only garner a job a starbucks. he has done more this country than any of you ever will. if you differ opinoins, then do just that, but show this guy the respect every citizen of this country owes him. sry, but i needed to say that. now to trash his politcal views. we have a dead horse party... yes we do. the republicans are comparable to a wounded seal in a shark tank. and this guy is getting more attention by the day,.. but does anyone realize he wants to send in more troops to iraq, he is right that we should have done it to begin with, but wtf? can we get done with the middle east plz? we are gonna revive the multi party system by allowign him to drag even more ppl to a hopeless area? lord no.
now on to the others.... the longshots, the laughables. i have 3 democrats and one republican... i only know of one repiublican so i f you know another tell me. i dont wanna sound like im focusing on them..
al gore.... howard dean was on the news the other day saying how gore might be in the ring....... ARE YOU KIDDING ME? this guy is quite literally the worlds biggest loser... hehe., he says he created the web.. this man will do anything to be president and i mean anything. if he could lock up the election by killing his wife and raping his daughter on prime time tv, he would. he is essentially a mindless robot with the charisma of a dead baby... it simply cant happen.
leiberman.. i like joe, he would be a good leader IMO. he is quiet though, and has pissed off his party because he uses common sense and stands firmly behind isreal, which is a monster no no in the democratic party recently. but he is a shlub. he is like the neighbor we all have who is really really smart, but lacks the social capacity to have a life. he did a decent job behind asshole last time. he might even have more enemies in his own party than in the republicans.
guiliani.... who knows with him. ill vouch for his record as he did a great job in NY. he lowered crime, held the labor unions in check, and got the city moving again in the 90's after years of decline... and he lead us in the terrible events. but...... he is more libertarian than republican... and he has pissed off everyone throughout the years by trying to cut the BS... his chances are slim since he doesnt have much of a record on the national scale. and he is over forceful a lot....also, not many skeletons in his closet... this in the one guy in this post who might be a decent guy, and i cant really find tons of shit to trash him, simply because he focused on his job and hasnt campaigned... give it time. he will fuck up..
now... on to the one man i hate more than anyone. the douchbag who has garnered the most ire from anyone with a semblence of common sense and intellect and memory.
john kerry..... the guy who cant shut the fuck up. in the boat with people like pat robertson, mike moore, hillary, pelosi, the whiney people from palestine you hear, etcetcetc,,, he has contradicted himself almost on daily basis, he talks out of his ass more often then not, and just doesnt know how to clearly prove a point..in the past this schmuk has told us he never got botox when his face is on TV daily, he once told a group of anti gun people that all guns should and would be banned if he were president (which i stand with him for, but it is agasint our constitution) only to be filmed a few hours later duck hunting with shotgun in hand.... nothing like a line bullshit to sell yourself to idiots... then just 2 weeks ago came out this gem.......
he was at a restaurant called honest john's cafe in michigan... and was interviewed after a speech... he actually said that if he were president there would be no middle eastern conflict and he would have hezzbollah and hamas disarmed...wait, did i hear that correctly? i double checked, yep. soooooooooo, we have a guy who spent the last 5 years telling us that war is wrong, after telling us it was right, and being the most vocal anti war person in gov't. so logic would dictate that we ask this question. how would an anti war president who couldnt find his way out his basement if the lights were off, then how would he disarm two of the worlds biggest militant groups without violence and suddenly make centuries of deep rooted hatred in the world most fucked up region simply disappear?
this guy is so beyond inept it isnt funny. i have never seen anyone contradict themselves as often as he does. and he wont shut up. i mean, he is sitll in office,, doesnt he realize he isnt gonna win, and furthermore doesnt he still have constituents to represent? or does the longshot of a possiblity that he might get the nod allow him to abandon his job? at least leiberman is still doing his job. john kerry's real life can be equated to a will ferrel movie.
look around folks, we are fucked. its time to go elsewhere. all of them with the exception of rudy G are responsible for where we are now...they are all part of the process that has made us a hated country. they are all part of the problem that bush has lead us into through political infighting and public trashings...
lets move on huh? cuz if this plays out like ti seems it is going to. it literally is going to be a laughable matter that is so beyond pathetic we should be ashamed and jsut move on.
we are now looking to the future elections. and with a dead horse we can move on... but to what.. we currently have a leadership group who has actually had some decent ideas and had gov't working as one early on, only to completly fuck it up at every step through inept execution and using even worse people like rumsfeld.
and if you are like me and can laugh at stupidity and take a sarcastic view on things then you know we are fucked either way... think about it. look at the candidates we have and the current situation...
imma break off the big candidate for each party. then move on...
hillary... satan reincarnate.. and laughable cunt. think about the fact that this bitch has been so desparate to have her annoying voice heard on in the american political arena that she has stuck by a man who cheated on her at least 5 times that we know of, then moved across the country to find a vacant democratic spot, spent her term campaigning for the national nimination and hasnt done anything for NY..... is this for real? she is a convicted criminal who ripped off people for a few million. and then got a pardon from a political ally. HAHAHAH COMON> you cant make this shiit up. as immigrants say... only in america.
McCain... the other guy. firstly imma say this before i trash him. and it goes to those new school asshats who booed him last week. shut the fuck up you morons. this man spent more time in a prison camp that doesnt follow the geneva laws you people quote when talking about the current situations in cuba and the middle east than it took for you to earn your little phyilosophy/sociology/theater degree that will only garner a job a starbucks. he has done more this country than any of you ever will. if you differ opinoins, then do just that, but show this guy the respect every citizen of this country owes him. sry, but i needed to say that. now to trash his politcal views. we have a dead horse party... yes we do. the republicans are comparable to a wounded seal in a shark tank. and this guy is getting more attention by the day,.. but does anyone realize he wants to send in more troops to iraq, he is right that we should have done it to begin with, but wtf? can we get done with the middle east plz? we are gonna revive the multi party system by allowign him to drag even more ppl to a hopeless area? lord no.
now on to the others.... the longshots, the laughables. i have 3 democrats and one republican... i only know of one repiublican so i f you know another tell me. i dont wanna sound like im focusing on them..
al gore.... howard dean was on the news the other day saying how gore might be in the ring....... ARE YOU KIDDING ME? this guy is quite literally the worlds biggest loser... hehe., he says he created the web.. this man will do anything to be president and i mean anything. if he could lock up the election by killing his wife and raping his daughter on prime time tv, he would. he is essentially a mindless robot with the charisma of a dead baby... it simply cant happen.
leiberman.. i like joe, he would be a good leader IMO. he is quiet though, and has pissed off his party because he uses common sense and stands firmly behind isreal, which is a monster no no in the democratic party recently. but he is a shlub. he is like the neighbor we all have who is really really smart, but lacks the social capacity to have a life. he did a decent job behind asshole last time. he might even have more enemies in his own party than in the republicans.
guiliani.... who knows with him. ill vouch for his record as he did a great job in NY. he lowered crime, held the labor unions in check, and got the city moving again in the 90's after years of decline... and he lead us in the terrible events. but...... he is more libertarian than republican... and he has pissed off everyone throughout the years by trying to cut the BS... his chances are slim since he doesnt have much of a record on the national scale. and he is over forceful a lot....also, not many skeletons in his closet... this in the one guy in this post who might be a decent guy, and i cant really find tons of shit to trash him, simply because he focused on his job and hasnt campaigned... give it time. he will fuck up..
now... on to the one man i hate more than anyone. the douchbag who has garnered the most ire from anyone with a semblence of common sense and intellect and memory.
john kerry..... the guy who cant shut the fuck up. in the boat with people like pat robertson, mike moore, hillary, pelosi, the whiney people from palestine you hear, etcetcetc,,, he has contradicted himself almost on daily basis, he talks out of his ass more often then not, and just doesnt know how to clearly prove a point..in the past this schmuk has told us he never got botox when his face is on TV daily, he once told a group of anti gun people that all guns should and would be banned if he were president (which i stand with him for, but it is agasint our constitution) only to be filmed a few hours later duck hunting with shotgun in hand.... nothing like a line bullshit to sell yourself to idiots... then just 2 weeks ago came out this gem.......
he was at a restaurant called honest john's cafe in michigan... and was interviewed after a speech... he actually said that if he were president there would be no middle eastern conflict and he would have hezzbollah and hamas disarmed...wait, did i hear that correctly? i double checked, yep. soooooooooo, we have a guy who spent the last 5 years telling us that war is wrong, after telling us it was right, and being the most vocal anti war person in gov't. so logic would dictate that we ask this question. how would an anti war president who couldnt find his way out his basement if the lights were off, then how would he disarm two of the worlds biggest militant groups without violence and suddenly make centuries of deep rooted hatred in the world most fucked up region simply disappear?

look around folks, we are fucked. its time to go elsewhere. all of them with the exception of rudy G are responsible for where we are now...they are all part of the process that has made us a hated country. they are all part of the problem that bush has lead us into through political infighting and public trashings...
lets move on huh? cuz if this plays out like ti seems it is going to. it literally is going to be a laughable matter that is so beyond pathetic we should be ashamed and jsut move on.