75 Clothing (My Company) is almost live...

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  • geoffgulley
    Platinum Poster
    • Apr 2005
    • 2002

    Re: 75 Clothing (My Company) is almost live...

    ^^ damnit.... you gave away one of my "secret' shopping spots lol... oddica.com rocks imo and anything i buy there never fails to get a comment when I'm out.
    "only dead fish swim with the stream..." Malcolm Muggeridge


    • Localizer
      Platinum Poster
      • Jul 2004
      • 2021

      Re: 75 Clothing (My Company) is almost live...

      imo 40$ is really expensive. Everyone that started out as 'unique' started by selling cheap. These aren't shirts from Express or Diesel nor are remotely close to the same quality. This isn't to knock you down, but imo, you're jumping the gun.
      Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so.
      -Bertrand Russell


      • asdf_admin
        i use to be important
        • Jun 2004
        • 12798

        Re: 75 Clothing (My Company) is almost live...

        The brand is what is important and I feel like you really understand that but you need to follow through with some refinements in its execution. The exclusivity you are pushing is interesting however I don't feel that the design warrants any intrigue to people on the street or others that see it. Sure its inverted but still isn't quite interesting enough. I also feel like your price point is off given the variables... unkerned type... hanes tshirt.

        Here are some links I think that would give you some good insight. Not trying to sound like a dick or anything just trying to help.

        Google > David Gensler
        marketing genius. read his interviews. this guy blows marc echo and other aforementioned "designers" out of the water.

        news feed about fashion and marketing. probably a good idea to start getting into.

        similar to what I think you are going for however much more refined and well executed .... exclusive. expensive. quality.

        Get full access to this domain. Easy, seamless transactions. Zero percent financing available.

        collection of brands similar to your current price point. fairly exclusive runs. big name designers. conceptual, quality design. quality shirts.

        half the price of your shirts. great design. great designers. pretty standard shirt quality. super exclusive.

        sorry if this has turned into a "critique my brand/business venture" but people seem to be participating...
        Tim. I think you bring up great points and I have to agree. There is something about the shirt that is "lack luster". The inverted concept is neat, yet does it hold a large appeal with the public? What does it mean when I where this shirt, what will be people think? Am I inverted, meaning that I am unlogical, I am different, that I do things differently?

        Sure it comes down to a shirt with some ink, but a custom shirt actually speaks for something about yourself and your image. Be it politics, image, trends, etc.

        I am not so sure that the concept has been thought throughly enough. If you are going to sell a shirt for 40.00 bucks, you better make sure the shirt is perfect, and I mean in every aspect. Just because it is exculsive and spendy does not mean it is a great shirt.

        Not in any regard am I saying you have a poor idea, and your are setting yourself up for failure. You want to make sure your design conveys the meaning and the meaning clearly. That is good design.

        dead, yet alive.


        • KinKyJ
          Platinum Poser
          • Jun 2004
          • 13438

          Re: 75 Clothing (My Company) is almost live...

          ^^^ now that is a sweet graphic dom!


          • asdf_admin
            i use to be important
            • Jun 2004
            • 12798

            Re: 75 Clothing (My Company) is almost live...

            it's not mine. but much respect to the artist.

            that image speaks so much. perhaps one of my favs. so simple, but yet so effective. superb work.
            dead, yet alive.


            • asdf_admin
              i use to be important
              • Jun 2004
              • 12798

              Re: 75 Clothing (My Company) is almost live...

              ps. it is only ten bucks.

              The drawing is a stylized silhouette of a person, potentially female, standing in a dramatic pose with a gun to her head. Instead of a head, a vibrant pink splash extends upwards and transforms into butterflies soaring away.
              dead, yet alive.


              • KinKyJ
                Platinum Poser
                • Jun 2004
                • 13438

                Re: 75 Clothing (My Company) is almost live...

                oops sorry, overestimated you again

                it made me think of the virgin suicides and the graphics AIR used for their moon safari album actually... BALLER YO!!!

                -edit- that site has some sweet designs... dayum, only 10 bucks? where's my goddamn visa woman???


                • asdf_admin
                  i use to be important
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 12798

                  Re: 75 Clothing (My Company) is almost live...

                  yeah. i love it. so dark, yet so beautiful.
                  dead, yet alive.


                  • KinKyJ
                    Platinum Poser
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 13438

                    Re: 75 Clothing (My Company) is almost live...

                    hmmmm suicide... yes it is dark and beautiful...

                    ... sicko


                    • anonin
                      Juvenile Delinquent
                      • Oct 2005
                      • 2347

                      Re: 75 Clothing (My Company) is almost live...

                      Originally posted by palmer

                      similar to what I think you are going for however much more refined and well executed .... exclusive. expensive. quality. .
                      it dosnt get any more exclusive (you have to be on a list to get anything from them) and expensive ($3000 for a hoody) than serum vs. venom, that company is truely taking fashion to the next level, and by next level i mean the level after the next level. I read an interview with the owner where he mentioned in this one peice they used an actual bullet from an ak47 that was used in africa to murder some villagers to illustrate a point (http://www.asilentflute.com/gensler/), or something like that, i was like

                      on the topic of 75, like jeffrey said, its just starting out, so its going to get more refined as time goes, but the graphics he has in store are truely dope, i remember him showing them to me and, theres some really sweet designs he has. I wish him best of luck with it and im sure it will do well.


                      • alexfish333
                        Gold Gabber
                        • Jul 2004
                        • 966

                        Re: 75 Clothing (My Company) is almost live...

                        Originally posted by KinKyJ
                        oops, didn't see that link in your first post. Ok, get a website going then

                        You're missing the point Jeff. I wasn't talking about the quality of the textile/stitching/dye. Hell, I've got a Hanes promoshirt of I Love Techo 2002 wich still looks brandnew after 4 years. The point is that you talk about exclusivity while you print your design on the most generic type of shirt available on the market. And with generic type, I mean the cut. I'm not saying you per se should invest in a production line to make your own shirts. What I'm saying is that your product would've looked MUCH sexier and classier if you had printed on for instance tank tops or sleeveless shirts.

                        Question btw: maybe I've missed it as well, but I hope you've got more colors in stock than black. Again this is a standard look which won't get you very much attention. I'm not saying fluo yellow is a better idea, but just look at De Puta Madre for instance. How did they conquered their market share? By doing nothing else than printing cocky/political incorrect slogans on shirts with colors which jump out (yellow, pink, purple, ...). Murielle launched an entire line of lingerie in flashy pink last season and it sold like crazy. Why? Because it was never done before in her industry. Simple as that.

                        Maybe you should try to answer that question anyhow instead of making a crappy remark about me having my mind made up by MTV It's the same question every potential customer will ask his/herself when they see your offer. So hell yeah you should try to make up my mind for me. Or to put it differently: why - according to you - should I spend $40 on your shirt instead of spending it on a competitor's shirt? That's called marketing and branding, two concepts which especially in the club scene you're targeting are fundamental.

                        Once again, even though there's a lot of criticism in my posts, I'm not attacking you personally. Fashion and design have been points of interest for years, so I'm just trying to give you some advice.

                        You're completely entitled to think I'm full of it and ignore all of the above. After all it's your investment, not mine...
                        Originally posted by Palmer
                        The brand is what is important and I feel like you really understand that but you need to follow through with some refinements in its execution. The exclusivity you are pushing is interesting however I don't feel that the design warrants any intrigue to people on the street or others that see it. Sure its inverted but still isn't quite interesting enough. I also feel like your price point is off given the variables... unkerned type... hanes tshirt.

                        Here are some links I think that would give you some good insight. Not trying to sound like a dick or anything just trying to help.

                        Google > David Gensler
                        marketing genius. read his interviews. this guy blows marc echo and other aforementioned "designers" out of the water.

                        news feed about fashion and marketing. probably a good idea to start getting into.

                        similar to what I think you are going for however much more refined and well executed .... exclusive. expensive. quality.

                        collection of brands similar to your current price point. fairly exclusive runs. big name designers. conceptual, quality design. quality shirts.

                        half the price of your shirts. great design. great designers. pretty standard shirt quality. super exclusive.

                        sorry if this has turned into a "critique my brand/business venture" but people seem to be participating...

                        I have to say I agree with the viewpoints expressed by these individuals.

                        A: My roommate is making t-shirts that he just locked a deal to have Urban Outfitters distribute in UK and America and he get's them done on American Apparel t-shirts which end up fitting quite well after a few washings. He is going to sell them for 25-30 and there is infinitely more design going on then just inverting things that people can't read and printing them on black t-shirts. tbh I don't really like black t-shirts I think they kinda suck

                        B: I think the problem here is that the gentleman who started this thread, has started it with a somewhat arrogant attitude of steadfastly defending something without even entertaining the simple fact that the audiofiles and scenesters on this forum are far more your target audience than anyone.

                        If you want to succeed, drop your cost so people will give it a shot, and expand outside of simply inverting things. You've had several positive comments on your avatar-I say work that and some whole new design ideas into more modestly priced shirts and test the designs on more people with wider backgrounds and the ability to be honest. It would appear some people, aside from Palmer, don't really feel like bursting your bubble that they aren't that interesting or "stylish"

                        Let me also throw out there, that I know what it's like for people to not like some stuff you pour your heart into, like music. Andy although we've had a pretty good run from a DJ perspective, producing and remixing original tracks has been a hard row to sow and without honest, and often less than positive comments on our stuff, we'd have never gotten any better and would continue to not grow in our chosen avenue of life.

                        Holosound@Vertigo in Costa Rica Streaming Video and Audio http://livestream.com/urbanettv/vide...8-c5911280cf91

                        Part of the weekend never dies...


                        • anonin
                          Juvenile Delinquent
                          • Oct 2005
                          • 2347

                          Re: 75 Clothing (My Company) is almost live...

                          Originally posted by alexfish333
                          American Apparel t-shirts
                          bingo. I forgot to mention, american apparel shirts are class, 75 designs on american apparel shirts would be really nice.


                          • DreamGirlie
                            Platinum Poster
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 2137

                            Re: 75 Clothing (My Company) is almost live...

                            damn asdf i love that shirt. i just bought the girls one!

                            just in case anyone wants to order anything from that site here is a $3 off coupon code STAY CLASSY
                            "Welcome to Hezbollah phone line, for terrorist supplies press 1."


                            • alexfish333
                              Gold Gabber
                              • Jul 2004
                              • 966

                              Re: 75 Clothing (My Company) is almost live...

                              thanks for the discount code-just picked up two new t-shirts


                              Holler that!
                              Holosound@Vertigo in Costa Rica Streaming Video and Audio http://livestream.com/urbanettv/vide...8-c5911280cf91

                              Part of the weekend never dies...


                              • KinKyJ
                                Platinum Poser
                                • Jun 2004
                                • 13438

                                Re: 75 Clothing (My Company) is almost live...

                                I agree fully with Alex' point on the avatar, Jeffrey. When I first saw your complete logo, I was like WTF? Dislexia? And then I just forgot about it. The inverted 75 on the other hand was something that stuck. Maybe you should focus on that. Several reasons:
                                • the KISS principle (Keep It Short & Simple): people won't take the effort to try to read a bunch of inverted characters, so a lot of your concept gets lost in translation so to say;
                                • it's a simple logo which has impact. At first glance people will recognize it as the number 75, but immediatly after that the "hey cool, it's inverted" reaction pops up;
                                • you can play around with the logo as much as you want: use it stand alone, add text to it, blend it into designs and graphics, ...
                                Just to illustrate my point, a little "design" made on the fly:

                                Yup, very simple shit, but it has two ideas behind it. The message to get ready for something new (assume the position to get inverted) wrapped in a cocky sexual package... But most important: it raises more questions than answers and that's what you want for your launch. When people start wondering what "that shit is all about", they will recognize your brand the next time they come across one of your new shirts.

                                Maybe you should postpone your launch a bit and work some more on the design and the concept. I'm sure you have what it takes to kick ass, but don't ruin your image by presenting your brand to the world saying that it's only the beginning. That sounds like an excuse to me tbh. It takes a lot of time and effort to build a name, but only five seconds to destroy it. Think about it...

