What's the point of having a cease-fire when the cease-fire isn't to take effect for a couple of days, and the parties to the cease fire take advantage of those couple of days to continue to bomb the hell of of each other?
What's the point?
Re: What's the point?
agreed...and not only that, but the cease fire doesn't solve anything imo. i guess neither does bombing the hell out of each other, but basically Hezbollah is still there, and they're going to rearm, and we're going to replay this whole cenario over in the future. over the course of the next few weeks, it will be interesting to see how large and effective the multinational force is in south lebanon. -
Re: What's the point?
Originally posted by toastyWhat's the point of having a cease-fire when the cease-fire isn't to take effect for a couple of days, and the parties to the cease fire take advantage of those couple of days to continue to bomb the hell of of each other?Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake - Napoleon BonaparteComment
Re: What's the point?
Originally posted by superdaveMaybe their thinking is any stop in the fighting is better than fighting?Comment
Re: What's the point?
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